planets orbit like their stars vibrate ?

Here is an interesting connection between the "wave" model and current research:

University of Colorado at Boulder. "How the solar system got its 'Great Divide,' and why it matters for life on Earth." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 January 2020. <>.

"--That's because such a ring would create alternating bands of high- and low-pressure gas and dust. Those bands, in turn, might pull the solar ---"
"--Mojzsis noted that the Great Divide, a term that he and Brasser coined, does not look like much today. It is a relatively empty stretch of space that sits near Jupiter, just beyond what astronomers call the asteroid belt.--"
The article compares the great divide to a mountain range, the present theory of 1997 likens it to a standing wave instead.
The most prominent feature is at 4 AU, the present Hilda group, or 12 of the 300 light seconds (solar 5 minute pulsations) above Mercury. calculation: Hilda: 4000 light second orbit diameter-~ 400 light seconds for Mercury ~ 3600:300= 12.
The Hilda orbit is the major node of many orbit resonances, and coincides with the location of the "great divide" pin pointed by the paper cited above.

Your site is not found nebel , unfortunately .
Go to Science Daily magazine, > tech, >astronomy, >previous headlines, >13 January: there is the rticle.

Above Mercury nebel ? Literality ?

In work I did in 1997, It appeared that the Bode sequence could be construed to be a geometric series that started at
Mercury as 0, Venus as 3 with many empty divisions,such as .75, 1.5 below**, Earth 6, Mars 12 Astr. 24, Jupiter 48, Saturn 96----
** no planets closer than 5 light minutes the Solar pulsation or . 3 AU orbit diameter separation., Mercury to Venus to Earth and
no bigger than 9.6 AU ( Saturn Uranus to Neptune to Pluto) a few octaves below.

In that scheme, the Hildas at ~ 4 AUs above Mercury had the most resonance "nodes" , and kind of melding with the Trojans in their Lagrangian spacings.
On a Chladni plate a major circular node, perhaps marking the boundary between gas giants and rocks.
Nothing about star vibrations here, but explaining that quick formation of Earth, happened because of accumulation of small particles, which are imho more easy influenced by outside forces, pulsations for example, than larger bodies colliding in:
University of Copenhagen. "Earth formed much faster than previously thought, new study shows." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 February 2020. <
"---Instead, the new results support a more recent, alternative theory about the formation of planets through the accretion of cosmic dust. -- we start from dust, essentially. Millimetre-sized objects, all coming together, raining down on the growing--"
A more accurate picture is that the Sun's mass bends spacetime into a kind of "well". The planets are sort of like balls that roll around on the "wall" of that well, not falling into the sun because of their orbital speeds. The planets comes with their own, smaller, "wells", so the overall picture of spacetime is something like a big well with smaller indentations that orbit around the Sun with the planets.

If we would picture it that way, we could see, that the solar system is dynamic with these "wells", moving in a resonant pattern, in distance, as asserted in the OP, but showing it in unexpected ways possibly in timing too. Example :
There is an obvious c0incident of the repetition of the solar sunspot cycle and the movement of the Sun around the Jupiter/Sun barycentre, having both a near 11 Earth year frequency, one of the longest "star vibrations" observed
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University of Sydney. "New type of pulsating star discovered: Astronomers find one-sided pulsator with citizen scientists providing crucial clue." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 March 2020. <>.
The article says "-Stars that pulsate have been known in astronomy for a long time. Our own Sun dances to its own rhythms. These rhythmic pulsations of the stellar surface occur in young and in old stars, and can have long or short periods, a wide range of strengths and different causes.-"
It just so happens that the solar pulsation in their wave length co - inside with the planet orbital spacings.
the described biary is a different story altogether. pulsations only on one side, aligned with the large companion.
I did not know how a pebble could make ripples in a pond until nebel showed me.
Clearly he has a grasp of cosmology beyond my ken.
Here is a stab, at a "new"or Alternative Theory how standing waves of a star could lead at some point to standing waves that corral matter into harmonic patterns, like our planetary orbits:
"-Both fast and slow magnetoacoustic waves have been recently discovered in the solar corona-" from
Magnetosonic waves will reflect off the heliopause inwardly and such traversing waves, like in a pond we discussed, will create standing wave patterns.
ponder that.
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Here is a stab, at a "new"or Alternative Theory how standing waves of a star could lead at some point to standing waves that corral matter into harmonic patterns, like our planetary orbits:
"-Both fast and slow magnetoacoustic waves have been recently discovered in the solar corona-" from
Magnetosonic waves will reflect off the heliopause inwardly and such traversing waves, like in a pond we discussed, will create standing wave patterns.
ponder that.
Sounds great.

Now ponder my idea that the universe was created by a flick of the Great Cosmic Unicorn's tail.

Ideas are a dime-a-dozen if you don't need theory and data to back them up.
Now ponder my idea that the universe was created by a flick of the Great Cosmic Unicorn's tail.

You misspelled comic, it has no "s".
standing waves can be shown to exist, Stars and their planets do influence each other. All this in the realm of possibilities. At some point the Sun had a lot more clout than the planets. Alma has shown that Stars have ring-like, wave -like structures around them before they have planets only.
The heliopause does reflect magnetosonic waves.
You misspelled comic, it has no "s".
standing waves can be shown to exist, Stars and their planets do influence each other. All this in the realm of possibilities. At some point the Sun had a lot more clout than the planets. Alma has shown that Stars have ring-like, wave -like structures around them before they have planets only.
The heliopause does reflect magnetosonic waves.

Yes. Horses have been shown to exist. As have tusks. I can throw them all at the wall and call whatever sticks a "theory" - as long as I don't need any data to back it up.
call whatever sticks a "theory" - as long as I don't need any data to back it up
well you could splice the Narwhale genes into a pony. post it under biology. on the other hand,
On Stellar vibrations, or periods and --planetary orbit sizes and times. correlations are evident.
The minimum and maximum Mercury Venus Earth spacings of .3AU ~ 300 light seconds or 5 minutes solar pulse. The 160 light minutes ~ 9,6 AU spacings of Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto's orbit diameters. and
The mechanisms possible to generate standing waves that sort out materoals: multiple resonant sources, as we have on the Sun and/or reflection of waves of a barrier, such as the heliopause.
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well you could splice the Narwhale genes into a pony. post it under biology. on the other hand,
On Stellar vibrations, or periods and --planetary orbit sizes and times. correlations are evident.
The minimum and maximum Mercury Venus Earth spacings of .3AU ~ 300 light seconds or 5 minutes solar pulse. The 160 light minutes ~ 9,6 AU spacings of Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto's orbit diameters. and
The mechanisms possible to generate standing waves that sort out materoals: multiple resonant sources, as we have on the Sun and/or reflection of waves of a barrier, such as the heliopause.

Heliopause , nebel ?

Explain .
Heliopause , nebel ?[/QUOTE
by what I have read, the heliopause, where the influence of the Sun inits various forms meets the interstellar medium, is "harder" than anticipated as seen by the voyager craft that have gone that far.
I have been to;d that the heliopause reflects magneto sonic waves.
Explain .

I showed an interesting demonstration of waves reflecting from a "hard" perimeter to my daughter today. Out barrel of rainwater was quiet after a lull among the showers, but when every minute or so, a drop would hit the center of the surface, a set of circular waves would spread out loose height before hitting the rim. then rebound and regain their energy coming together in center the again. The collision seem to shut the pattern down soon.
A pulsing drip drip drip would create standing waves, strongest in the inner regions.
just an alternative theory, why/how the orbits of our planets here have a pattern that reflects the wavelength of pulses, that might have been stronger, - and still exist in our Sun.
Heliopause , nebel ?
Explain .
Perhaps gravitational influences of the Solar system might and had been thought of to extend to infinity, but the heliopause does not. it is a conflict area with a surprisingly well defined 'border'. so:
like my rain barrel, and with spring showers on and off , dripping at different rates, a clear pattern of standing waves, but voids in the center like the hiatus of planet orbits below ,4 AU and between .4 AU and .7 AU in the inner Solar System.
Huh. I did not know how a pebble could make ripples in a pond

Here is an artist rendition of what this article's development would look like, remarkably looking like the ripples created by the periodic dripping in my rain barrel.
KU Leuven. "Astronomers capture rare images of planet-forming disks around stars." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 30 April 2020. <>
alternative theory, pulsations combined with size-determined resonance, produces material accumulation in nodes in regular patterns, sometimes as seen in the "Bode sequence"
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You know that was sarcasm, right?

yes, we discuss with that understanding, when we looked at the similar 'standing wave' situation page #2, posts 36-37.
nature has a way of using the same patterns over and over agin, and for that reason you might not need a super computer to model an alternative proposition. here:
standing waves, resonances at the origin of planetary orbits, timings.
Here is an interesting description of star pulsations, with possible gravitational consequences for their accretion disks. :

"Pulsations in the well-behaved Delta Scuti group fall into two major categories, both caused by energy being stored and released in the star. Some occur as the whole star expands and contracts symmetrically. Others occur as opposite hemispheres alternatively expand and contract. "

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. "Breakthrough study of perplexing stellar pulsations." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 May 2020. <>.
Here is an interesting description of star pulsations, with possible gravitational consequences for their accretion disks. :

"Pulsations in the well-behaved Delta Scuti group fall into two major categories, both caused by energy being stored and released in the star. Some occur as the whole star expands and contracts symmetrically. Others occur as opposite hemispheres alternatively expand and contract. "

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. "Breakthrough study of perplexing stellar pulsations." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 May 2020. <>.

Good stuff !!!!!