People created god?

@arauca --

Aw, are you feeling defensive because you can't find fault with my implied argument? Or is it that you, like Rob, haven't grasped what my underlying argument is. Am I being too subtle for you too?
It is not a matter of being subtle to me Arioch, for I would love to set up this challenge that you initially proposed. I just get the feeling you are now trying to poke fun at me, and I am fully expecting a full blast of less than subtlety coming from you, rather than you seriously thinking of how stupid you will look when your milk bottle "God" does nothing for you. :)
@Rob --

You're still not getting it. Watch the video again and look at the conversation between you and Chimpkin again. See if you can figure out why I baited you and then posted the video.

I'll give you a hint, it's something I've already said in this thread.
@Rob --

You're still not getting it. Watch the video again and look at the conversation between you and Chimpkin again. See if you can figure out why I baited you and then posted the video.

I'll give you a hint, it's something I've already said in this thread.
I have seen the video and don't need to see it again. You and I need to battle it out with some sort of challenge. For I have seen you being so anti for too long. There might be some way we can sort this out. We don't have to start straight away but in the meantime we could open up the discussion and see if someone can suggest a reasonable test.:)
Will that be the same milk jug and the same milk for the whole year? If it is the bet is on. For I know by the end of the year, in fact long before the year is out, that milk is going to be so rotten you won't even want to go anywhere near it to pray to it.

I think he should surround it with flowers and candles; that would be tasteful...Perhaps he should offer the carton some cookies...

An offering to the Holy Juice of Moo.
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I think he should surround it with flowers and candles; that would be tasteful...Perhaps he should offer the carton some cookies...

An offering to the Holy Juice of Moo.

When you take your anti depression pills, You put your faith to which pharmaceutical company ?
Can you just dismiss a statement like that without reference to the actual trial proving it is a fallacy?:)

Pharmaceuticals are put through a fairly rigourous testing procedure.

Religion, while it should be, is not.
@Rob --

Still not getting it. It likens back to your exchange with Chimpkin, where she asked you why your magick works and hers doesn't. Of course, you could always go back and look, see what I said, and try to connect the two. You really should work this out on your own, I can't keep giving you hints.
@Rob --

Still not getting it. It likens back to your exchange with Chimpkin, where she asked you why your magick works and hers doesn't. Of course, you could always go back and look, see what I said, and try to connect the two. You really should work this out on your own, I can't keep giving you hints.

I keep getting flashbacks to all the remarkable things "My God" has done for me, so not that I feel confident that this can be put to the test by myself, but it certainly isn't the first time someone has done it, so why not again.:)
I know what you said earlier that you thought neither My God or his magic would work, and that was the reason I didn't tell him why his magic was useless.:)
When you take your anti depression pills, You put your faith to which pharmaceutical company ?

I take anti-depressants...if they don't work, I go get a different med-I've had several quit working and a couple that were Really Bad.

If Jesus stops working for you, what deity will you consider as you second option?;) (Hehe...maybe the Extended-Release Shiva...)
@chimpkin --

I like the taste of the Giant Space Duck combined with the Interdimensional Hyper Turkey and the Quantum Chicken. Ah, turducken divinity, it's a wonderful thing.
I take anti-depressants...if they don't work, I go get a different med-I've had several quit working and a couple that were Really Bad.

If Jesus stops working for you, what deity will you consider as you second option?;) (Hehe...maybe the Extended-Release Shiva...)
It is not like he works for me but in reality I work for him, Jesus is like my boss, so I have dedicated my body to his cause.
If you need feet Lord, use mine.
If you need hands Lord use mine.
If you need a tongue Lord use mine.
So that is what I said and then sat around for the work to come in.

Later "Go and do this .... Go and do that....". and work continues, it is ongoing.

Can anyone relate to this? :)
@chimpkin --

I like the taste of the Giant Space Duck combined with the Interdimensional Hyper Turkey and the Quantum Chicken. Ah, turducken divinity, it's a wonderful thing.

Wonder if they make a wheat protein version of that.
Probably not. Sounds kind of...

...Fattening, anyway...
Oh it's most definitely fattening, but that's why it tastes so damn good. Any cook will tell you that fat equals flavor.
Pharmaceuticals are put through a fairly rigourous testing procedure.

Religion, while it should be, is not.

Well you trust the brand name or generic drug , even bot are the same chemical.
I have changed several anti histamine before I settled on the present one
I pit my faith on all of the ( doctors prescription )