People created god?

Arent you the one 2D quoting everything from the Koran? Arent you the 2D by saying that god would never contact you through a fly? While it has been said numerous time that gods voice spoke from a bush. Satan talked through a snake. If we would consider this figurative in more of a metaphor sense, isnt the whole bible a metaphor then? ;)
If a person claims to talk to God (full blown conversation) someone praying does not count or a one way conversation and he can verify it by telling God to speak and everyone hears it, I think that is verified enough.

I agree. But the point is that that isnt what really happens, now, is it?

No you don't control anything, if he exists or does not. That is the end of that no need for nonsense.

Can u explain why of all hypotheisis about the universe, only the one about god is exempt? And how is this nonsense!

It is your job if you want to believe in God. Contrary of what you might have heard from others, God does not allow anyone single person to make anyone believe in God unless He allows it. So, it is your job if you want to believe if you don't hey good for you I could care less.

Ok, I agree that its my job, same as its my job to study plato or gravity. And god allowing belief makes for excellent circular reasoning, doesn't it? Funny u should mention "U want to believe" like in the X files, but I would prefer "I am ready to believe", meaning I am open to the possiblity but amn't baised towards it.

I respect your opinion of not wanting to be wrong. If you don't want to have faith don't. I am not here to convert lol.

Its not that I dont want to be wrong, it just that its improbable that I am wrong. If I am, however, I am ready to believe. I also dont think faith is a virtue insofar as it asks us to abandon the only thing that makes us different from all other species. I dont know ur own religious beiliefs, but of course u arent trying to convert. We are having a debate, and have merely taken up opposite sides for its sake; not to win, but for intellectual stimulation.

What I mean is you are 2D, as a matter of fact most people on here are 2D. You forget that there are things around you that don't sometimes don't always make sense, but you insist that the favor goes towards your cause instead of staying in the middle where it belongs for the time being. (I don't mean 2D literally it is a metaphor for the way you think.)

By 3d do u mean dynamic and creative, like a mind required to discover relativity? And even if something doesnt make sense, that doesnt give it a de facto 50% probablity. It belongs in the middle only if we have nothing whatsoever that can contribute to a model or theory to apply to the situation so as we can have a proper stand on the issue.
Arent you the one 2D quoting everything from the Koran? Arent you the 2D by saying that god would never contact you through a fly? While it has been said numerous time that gods voice spoke from a bush. Satan talked through a snake. If we would consider this figurative in more of a metaphor sense, isnt the whole bible a metaphor then? ;)

I quote from The Koran but do you only see me do that? I think I form my thoughts from reasons from my self and knowledge that we know and I try to keep it simple most of the time no need to make something more complicated than it has to be.

I don't know too much about The Bible, like I said before, but I do believe God can do all things.
I agree. But the point is that that isnt what really happens, now, is it?

It isn't. They act the fools, and some don't. That is why it is important to have discipline if you have belief. To me at least.

Can u explain why of all hypotheisis about the universe, only the one about god is exempt? And how is this nonsense!

I don't think the big bang theory is nonsense if that is what you mean. The part I have trouble with is, reaction with no action, that defies the most basic law in the universe.

Ok, I agree that its my job, same as its my job to study plato or gravity. And god allowing belief makes for excellent circular reasoning, doesn't it? Funny u should mention "U want to believe" like in the X files, but I would prefer "I am ready to believe", meaning I am open to the possiblity but amn't baised towards it.

It is everyone's job, I said that earlier to someone, instead of saying nonsense. I think it is logical when someone hears the same story 2 different ways, they will research it. That is not the case most of the time, sadly. If you are ready and not biased it can only help you what better way to start finding the truth. That is how I see it.

Its not that I dont want to be wrong, it just that its improbable that I am wrong. If I am, however, I am ready to believe.

LOL, lets face it no one wants to be wrong. Improbable, I don't know. It's sort of saying it is a half truth. We know there is no such thing except true or false no in between.

I also dont think faith is a virtue insofar as it asks us to abandon the only thing that makes us different from all other species.

What is that the power to think?

I dont know ur own religious beiliefs, but of course u arent trying to convert. We are having a debate, and have merely taken up opposite sides for its sake; not to win, but for intellectual stimulation.

That is exactly how I feel and see it. At the end of all this I'll be smiling or laughing because I am really getting some intellectual stimulation.

By 3d do u mean dynamic and creative, like a mind required to discover relativity? And even if something doesnt make sense, that doesnt give it a de facto 50% probablity. It belongs in the middle only if we have nothing whatsoever that can contribute to a model or theory to apply to the situation so as we can have a proper stand on the issue.

Yeah, 3D getting outside yourself for some time, I don't mean change your self completely just explore the "crazier" ideas. Closed mind = bad mind.

Is there such thing as a 99% theory?
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Originally Posted by chimpkin
What's the difference between a prayer and a magickal working?
If you pray and it happens, how is that different from seeming to cause something via a spell?

One works and the other doesn't.:)

So, your Magick works and mine doesn't?
What is your proof on that?
(Waits for circular reasoning)
I mean, honestly, the only genuine difference between prayer and witchcraft is stylistic.
When someone prays to a deity for results...they are working witchcraft according to the school of thought I adhere to on these matters.
The Christians have one deity they invoke in order to work their craft, I have a number of them that I might ask for assistance.
This is why it annoys me no end when someone says "I'll pray for you." Meaning they want me to switch religions and start to believe in theirs. I found Christianity unpleasant.

BTW, thank you for playing.
So, your Magick works and mine doesn't?
What is your proof on that?
(Waits for circular reasoning)
I mean, honestly, the only genuine difference between prayer and witchcraft is stylistic.
When someone prays to a deity for results...they are working witchcraft according to the school of thought I adhere to on these matters.
The Christians have one deity they invoke in order to work their craft, I have a number of them that I might ask for assistance.
This is why it annoys me no end when someone says "I'll pray for you." Meaning they want me to switch religions and start to believe in theirs. I found Christianity unpleasant.

BTW, thank you for playing.
I'm not playing! In fact I'll pray for you!
I don't like that either even though I'm a Christian, albeit a radical one.
I have been directing people to read a thread on the Wooden Boats forum where you can get to see God in Action and prayer being answered.

Re: Spiritual Guidance assists in Scott Watson 's Pardon????

You are invited to read it.:)
In fact I'll pray for you!
I see...I really wish you wouldn't.
I'll pray for you.

Also you didn't answer my question: How is it your magick works and mine doesn't?
@Chimpkin --

Now you know damn well he can't answer that, for the same reason why you can't say how your magic works.
I see...I really wish you wouldn't.
I'll pray for you.

Also you didn't answer my question: How is it your magick works and mine doesn't?
Maybe you're not a good magician!:)
Did you look at that thread? I know there is so much to do in a day and there is always far more to read than one can find time. But in that thread you get to see how the things seen in a series of dreams seem to give me the answers to what happened in New Zealand's biggest murder investigation. A person was convicted but my dreams said he was innocent, and I was shown how to prove it wasn't him. It has taken 11 years of research and he will be released from prison any day now! We hope!
If you call that magic, I don't know how it works but it does for me from time to time.
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I'm not playing! In fact I'll pray for you!
I don't like that either even though I'm a Christian, albeit a radical one.
I have been directing people to read a thread on the Wooden Boats forum where you can get to see God in Action and prayer being answered.

Re: Spiritual Guidance assists in Scott Watson 's Pardon????

You are invited to read it.:)

Let's be a bit more honest here. You watched a program about a man who was already being described as innocent, but blamed for a murder. So innocent was a major factor of this program. You then dreamed that he was innocent. It then turned out that he was innocent.

Basically, you dreamed the documentary conclusion.
Let's be a bit more honest here. You watched a program about a man who was already being described as innocent, but blamed for a murder. So innocent was a major factor of this program. You then dreamed that he was innocent. It then turned out that he was innocent.

Basically, you dreamed the documentary conclusion.
No No No,
everything I say in the thread is as it happened to me.
I tell you the honest truth here.
Note: the Government have not yet decided if he is innocent yet, for it gets political to let a convicted murderer lose. The election is over so that pressure is reduced.:)
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@Chimpkin --

Now you know damn well he can't answer that, for the same reason why you can't say how your magic works.

Of course!

That's why I said "Thanks for playing." I posted the original question when feeling crotchety, and was surprised anyone bit that bait.

If you call that magic, I don't know how it works but it does for me from time to time.
It appears to do so for me as well. From time to time.
Note I use the word "appears."
Weird things have occurred.
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Of course!

That's why I said "Thanks for playing." I posted the original question when feeling crotchety, and was surprised anyone bit that bait.

It appears to do so for me as well. From time to time.
Note I use the word "appears."
Weird things have occurred.
"We live in a strange strange world Master Jack ....":)
@chimpkin --

I posted the original question when feeling crotchety, and was surprised anyone bit that bait.

That is the nice thing about this site, at least for someone like me who might be slightly sadistic, you never run out of fools to take the bait.

@Rob --

I have an idea for an experiment. You pray to your god every day for a year and I'll do the same to a jug of milk, let's see who answers more prayers.
@chimpkin --

That is the nice thing about this site, at least for someone like me who might be slightly sadistic, you never run out of fools to take the bait.

@Rob --

I have an idea for an experiment. You pray to your god every day for a year and I'll do the same to a jug of milk, let's see who answers more prayers.
Will that be the same milk jug and the same milk for the whole year? If it is the bet is on. For I know by the end of the year, in fact long before the year is out, that milk is going to be so rotten you won't even want to go anywhere near it to pray to it.
And hence I will win by default.:)
@Rob --

Yes, it will be the same jug of milk(I don't want you accusing me of waffling between jugs and not having faith in mine), but I don't need to go near it to pray to it(and apparently you've never heard of an airtight seal). I think that a good, thick wax casing will be more than enough to keep the milk from smelling up the place.

Now remember, you've got to pray every day and record the answered prayers, and I'll do the same. In fact, this video sets up the basic rules quite nicely.
@Rob --

Yes, it will be the same jug of milk(I don't want you accusing me of waffling between jugs and not having faith in mine), but I don't need to go near it to pray to it(and apparently you've never heard of an airtight seal). I think that a good, thick wax casing will be more than enough to keep the milk from smelling up the place.

Now remember, you've got to pray every day and record the answered prayers, and I'll do the same. In fact, this video sets up the basic rules quite nicely.
That video gave the results of experiments run by others but this test is between you and me. So we will design our own test, in fact I will even let you have a fresh jug of milk every day.
But we must follow the experiment for a year, so it is going to be a tedious experiment, with prayer every day, something I have never done. I don't know how often you pray to milk bottles?
I heard that statement that God answers prayer Yes No Wait , but that is not what I expect at all, but how to verify if you say your milk bottle answered your prayer how do I know you are being truthful?

So how can we do this?:)
@Rob --

Yes, it will be the same jug of milk(I don't want you accusing me of waffling between jugs and not having faith in mine), but I don't need to go near it to pray to it(and apparently you've never heard of an airtight seal). I think that a good, thick wax casing will be more than enough to keep the milk from smelling up the place.

Now remember, you've got to pray every day and record the answered prayers, and I'll do the same. In fact, this video sets up the basic rules quite nicely.

Your video is very stupid , It tells me your mentality to post this . I feel sorry for you.
@arauca --

Aw, are you feeling defensive because you can't find fault with my implied argument? Or is it that you, like Rob, haven't grasped what my underlying argument is. Am I being too subtle for you too?