I didn't say you thought that way. I said that your type of thinking - "they're not discriminated against, they have rights!" - has been going on for decades. Even when, by law, blacks could not marry whites or attend the same schools as whites.
Again, I am not saying that you claim that blacks should not be able to marry whites. I am saying that your approach is the same as theirs - any problems they have are their own perceptions and not reality.
That's because that group were victims.
Yes. But having police be mean to them is a little different than being bought and sold, and having their children sold away at a tidy profit - don't you think?
That's pretty accurate, yes. That, IMO, is a great goal. Odd that you think that is so strange.
In some places, yes, it does.
No - but you can work towards ending racism, just as you can work towards ending war, and violence, and disease, and poverty. You will never end those things 100%. But the best of humanity has tried to end those things - and we are all better off for it.
I am quite content that both the facts and history are on my side. I am fine with you disagreeing with that.
Of course, we are all against war, poverty and violence. Those are great goals. We don't stop all other progress until those things are zero however.
Put it this way, almost every statistic regarding black/white categories were better before "liberal" progress and no that's not saying we should go back before the legislation of the 60's and 70's. Talking about equality in outcomes is flawed. It's never happened anywhere.
It's saying that since them, the approach hasn't worked. There were more black fathers in homes, more marriages, more black entrepreneurs, much less violence before all this "progress".
People didn't talk about "acting white", poo poo education, not value proper speaking, prison culture, etc. That only came about after "we" focused on "helping" those who presumably couldn't help themselves.
What has Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Black Lives Matter done that was positive to make the inner city problems better. They are much worse now. Those organizations have just made a business out of it. Of course now, there will be the U.S. national anthem and a black national anthem before all NFL games come this fall. That's the kind of "progress" that this silliness leads to.
Has Black Lives Matter ever shown up to help improve education in inner city schools or do they only show up to fan the flames if they hear that a cop has killed a black person? They show up before there has even been an investigation.
Are they helping to produce more local black entrepreneurs in the inner cities? Preaching that self-responsibility will result in greater changes than looking for perceived slights?
These aren't organizations that have ever produced any positive results. After 50 years why continue going down that path and to not want to continue to go down that path...you are a racist. It's stupid.
By the way, there have been 9 unarmed black people this year killed by the police and 20 unarmed white people killed by the police. There are more white people in the population of course but 52 percent of all homicides were committed by black people (why is that)?
Yet, we have probably seen video of all 9 black people that were killed and there were probably 9 riots as well. Do you know anything about the 20 unarmed white people that were killed? Any riots. No claim that the police were racist toward white people? Why not? Doesn't seem like a very balanced concern over loss of life.