"Many scholars"? Well, trot them out then. Who are these "many scholars"? Are they living in hiding in Oman? If so, then I would speculate that their liturgical position on "only" killing apostates if they dare blasphemize isn't particularly weighty. And why in hell should a man die for insulting your ridiculous 'prophet' in public? I'll insult him all I like. And your position is I should die for this? Well sod you, and him.
Just because you have limited knowledge on the subject and have not heard of these scholars doesn’t equate that they are hading or do not exist. There is Harun Yahya, Dr. Zakir, the owner of answering Christianity to mention a few. These are well established and respected Islamic scholars. Also, I don’t know how you can come to the rationale that someone shouldn’t be killed for blasphemy if that is the law. Back then you could get killed for insulting the king today in England if you slander the queen you can be prosecuted. If you slander the Pope in Vatican you can be locked up. If you blasphemous against Christianity in the Philippines it’s a death penalty. Anyway under Sharia law the death penalty if passed often but carried out very seldomley, I mean when was the last time you saw a public handing or a beheading for blasphemy in an Islamic country. Also I would just like to mention something I am trying to have a civilised debate here with you, so I request that you show some civility when talking about historical figures (Mohammed) Islam also not to use ad hominems when addressing these issues.
Again, tiny, tiny brain - blasphemy isn't "treason", except to the addle-minded.
We were talking about, does the death penalty apply to Muslims for committing crimes and yes it does. Such as for murder, so I don’t know why you’re trying to make it out as if the death penalty is only applied to apostates. It’s applied to anyone living under Sharia law. Just like if you went to Spain then you’re bound by the countries laws, you can’t expect to go to Spain and murder someone and then not expect the ramifications of that. These laws are to protect the law abiding citizens. In Saudi Arabia, the penalty for thieving chopping off of the hands, and works in Arabia you can leave a pot of gold in a busy street and you can bet your life it will still be there when you come back.
minded. But your position is EXACTLY my point: islamic nations regard blasphemy and apostacy as treason
No that is not true which Islamic nation regards it as treason? Sure if this apostate commits blasphemy then the death penalty should be applied. Majority of the apostates do exactly that they commit blasphemy after they leave Islam. Why should the law be any different for them? Even if a Muslim committed blasphemy then the same law would apply to him. The law is the same for everyone, there is not special treatment for any person. It’s a consistent law.
Q 2: 256 "There is no compulsion in islam, FOR the right hand is henceforth distinct from error”.
You have misconstrued, that verse to suit your own agenda and taken it totally out of context the actual verse says this:
“2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.”
"Muslim", who lives in a Western nation, has had the civilizing influence of free and open education, and still believes in putting apostates to death? Will you oppose him, or tacitly support him in your silence? (I know what DH would have done.)
I can’t believe this I am against the killing of apostates; you’re the one that is in favour of it. If I was in favour of it I wouldn’t be debating against it. I am actually glad you said that, now everyone will realize that you make false statements about people. I am the one debating against the killing of apostates and you’re trying you’re hard to prove that Islam says “apostates should be killed” which is far from the truth, so its ironic that you’re claming I am the one who supports “putting apostates to death” I don’t know whether or not I can take your seriously anyone.
Wrong - you yourself admitted precisely how it occurs, and how you think it ought to.
Prove it.
Well, are muslims going to fight against this person? Because frankly that seems to be what happens. Should those who leave other religions for islam similarly be put to death?
I asked you a question, you didn’t answer that and have come back with your own question, and you did not even bother to address my point. So now you’re advocating that people who leave other religions should also be “put to death” you already know my position I have throughout this debate maintained that apostates should not be killed period for leaving their religion However they should not be exempt from local laws such as if there is a death penalty for murder then the law should be applied to that person to the full effect. My position is law should be the same for everyone, for non Muslims and Muslims alike there should not be special treatment for anyone.
Prove it where I said that. Its clear that you don’t know what to say other then using ad homenim attacks.
No its not that was a factual statement I made about you, were lying and are still lying. Anyone can read through the posts and see, it’s a public forum people are not stupid.
Please do - but allow me to qualify so you might possibly understand. There is no justification for killing an apostate - but islam demands it anyway, and exercises this 'right'. This would imply then that islam is an evil practice. Do you understand a little better now?
Why isn’t there? Is an apostate exempt from laws which govern the country? And then you say that “Islam demands it” duh yeah that’s because Islam is a just religion so it demands “
justification” before the death penalty is applied for anyone regardless it being for an apposite or a Muslim. You’re saying in your world there wouldn’t be a justification for it, you’d just kill someone regardless I am glad you’re not a judge or a dictator. You’d be the modern day Starling.
No - I'm saying in your world you can kill someone without justification
Wow do you even know what you’re taking about? You yourself said there should be no justification and you said and let me quote:
“There is no justification for killing an apostate - but islam demands it anyway “ and now you’re Islam saying you can kill someone without justification. You know what mate? Have you thought about suing your brain for non-support?
Leaving islam and even preaching against it is not "treason" as a civilized person would understand the concept. That was undoubtedly the second most pathetic argument-turn-around attempt I've ever heard.
Sure it’s not treason, but if you commit murder and the death penalty applies what are you saying that the apostate should be exempt from all laws? And it’s pretty ironic you’re calling my points pathetic when you’re struggling to even stay on topic. I think I may have to end this debate here as you can not intellectually defend yourself.