Those "traditional lifestyles" is implemented by the males, EF. Not the other way around.
Ok then, so women are weak and devoid of agency, that is what you are saying, you are literally saying men have the power to dictate social terms, and women do not, and that they just happen to dictate terms such that women are protected for, cared for while the men slave and fight to the death for the women. Ok once again, why did the patriarchy not choose to put women in the coals mines, tell women it was their duty as women to fight and die for country, go, I stay with the kids?
Look I don't want the traditional lifestyles anymore then you, I want you to make your own money and be responsible for yourself, but something tells me on average women want both independence AND a human slave, and if they had to choose, like in the past before birth control, before modern jobs, they would choose human slave over independence.
So here is my counter to patriarchy theory: women are not weak, they do have agency, and throughout human history they told men "you will do things for me, you will die for me if need be or I will not love you or have sex with you" and the men said "Ok fine, anything for love and sex, but I get to be boss though" and the women said "as long you protect me and care for me you can be boss, frankly the stronger and tougher you are the more I'm turned on". Now that was the average men and average women, the people outside the norm, the women that wanted to be independent and did not want no man, ended up witchs burned on stake or as spinster shunned by society, and the man that did not want to slave for women, well they were perpetually single or were lynched as a faggots. And so it was until modern technology allowed for a more egalitarian world, none the less the average woman prefers a man to slave for her, and the average man prefers to slave for a woman, this is a product of evolution (since people outside the norm did not breed well) hence why we see fewer women in leadership position, more men mining coal, now they are not forced into those position anymore, sure there is still some bigots and some harassment, but that is not systematic anymore, there is no longer a moral emphasis on being the norm, gays can marry now, women can get a job, men can jerk off on anime figurines... well ok sure there are still some people that look down upon those sort of things, they are tradcons, and we are trying to keep them from having political power, and failing at it because of people like you.
Today a woman can marry a house husband while she works >60 hours a week, it is just ON AVERAGE, without moral emphasis, she is going to prefer the opposite arrangement, that is just evolution (which is amoral by the way), and any man that prefers that arrangement, well he better get use to anime figurines, because there are not very many women that will take that deal.
Yeah and? Why do you think that is?
The fault lies with their fellow men, who will often mock or demean those who seek help, because of the whole 'real men', 'tough men', 'real men don't cry', 'showing emotion makes you like a woman' types of stigmas.
yeah ok so you think a man that cries, that says "I got chronic depression I can't work" do you think women go for that? Do you think throughout all of human history, women said "I will take any man really, even a man that is weak, effeminate and cries alot, in fact I prefer that, I totally don't want a strong stoic man that will protect me, god dam if it only was not for all these men killing off the effeminate, weak, useless ones, I totally would go for that"?
Do you think women that preferred such men bred well? Lets look at it another way, lets look are more distinct tournament species, do you think the peahen says to her self "I could go for any peacock really, he does not need long elaborate plumage" now there is no moral reasons the peacock needs the plumage, he just won't get laid if he does not have it.
You should read
"Yanomamo: The Fierce People" in it when it comes time for this near prehistoric tribe in the amazon rain forest to go make tribal warefare, it is not the men that are yelling at men to "be a man and go kill them!"
Women being locked out of careers are not doing so by their own choice, but by the hiring practices of the men who run those organisations, EF. You do get that, right? Yes?
No, no I don't, I mean yeah sure some men do that, but to say women don't, that women were not speaking in the ears of their husbands "you better not be working with no husband stealing slut" but to say women had no say in any of this... wait I get it now, you not only think women are weak, devoid of agency but are also not human but rather angelic beings devoid of evil selfish thoughts and schemes?
here is my theory: women are people, and people are talking apes filled with desires and impulses, on averaged dictated by evolution, but individuals vary, sometimes alot.
Wow, tell me you did not just jump into the sexist trope when suggesting that women should be choosing to stay home with the kids instead of going into combat...
I did not just jump into that sexist trope, that is your strawman. I do not believe it is morally righteous for women to stay home with the kids instead of going into combat, it is just women
on average would choose to stay home with the kids instead of going into combat. Once again I'm not saying it is moral that the peahen chooses peacocks with elerebrate plumage, she just does.
EF, did it escape your notice that allowing women into combat only became law in the last year or so in America, that prior to that, women were literally barred from active combat roles in the US military?
There are have been many societies throughout human history that allowed women into combat roles, they just did not breed well, societies with more fixed gender roles where men did all the fighting and dying tended to breed better, heck to this day backwards societies, opposed to modern egalitarianism, breed really well while modern egalitarian societies don't bred well, because women can choose birthcontrol over babies. Now is this moral? Well in today world where 2.6 babies are born ever second and there are 7.5 billion of us, ever growing, ever testing the carriage capacity of this planet: yes I applaud women choosing their freedom over being rodents, now will women on average choose to have babies because, biology, "that clock is ticking", yes, but they will have far few babies and that is a very good thing,
Your suggesting that women were given a better deal speaks to the issue itself. Women were never allowed in those roles and were denied based solely on the matter of their sex.
How many men were allowed to watch the children? Do you honestly believe men had a choice, How many men do you think turned around and said "yeah honey I was thinking about it, how about you come out here and protect the family while I stay in there with the kids" do you think she said "Oh yes your the man I'm just a girl, hehe" or do you think she said "Be a man, your no man unless you get out there!"
Now there are animals where the female basically said (or grunted) that she would be independent, she would do all the hard work and she would choose a mate weaker then her. As a result in Hyenas the female are bigger than the male, the females are all higher in social order than the males, the females even have a penis size clitoris for which she anally rapes the male to show her dominance. Human females on the other hand are, on average, smaller; on average choose to manipulate males into working for her rather then doing it her self, on average do not have giant clitorsis for which to mount males into submission. Now is it moral, no, this just is, it is amoral, can our state of being be changed, yes, it already is and hopefully someday after the technological singularity we can do away with these disgusting talking ape bodies and these genitals all together, it will be glorious!
You saying 'well, they got the better deal', kind of says it all. Do you want to know why? Because you are just another man, dictating what women should and should not be doing and dictating what is better for women.
I mean surely you cannot be this thick?
Well I'm not that thick, because you strawman me: I'm not saying women should or should not do anything nor I dictate what is better for women, I believe in freedom, freedom is better for everyone.