Off-topic posts from the "Evidence that God is real" thread

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If the scientific model of whatever we are holding up for investigation isn't evidenced as closed, all susequent discussions of the what are necessarily outside of it are just speculations.
? Notable, that one.
The oA theist's characteristic refusal to make sense occasionally produces a kind of comedy - a kind of selfie Sokol Hoax.

(We are still waiting for something to "hold up for investigation", btw. Your evidence for the reality of your God is still missing. Did you forget, in all the excitement?)
? Notable, that one.
The oA theist's characteristic refusal to make sense occasionally produces a kind of comedy - a kind of selfie Sokol Hoax.

(We are still waiting for something to "hold up for investigation", btw. Your evidence for the reality of your God is still missing. Did you forget, in all the excitement?)
The only comedy here is your beat-up session with non-existant abrahamic theists.
And a bulb lights.
Dunno how I missed the obvious, .
Probably your resolute determination to consistently play identity politics over your past 200 or so posts had something to do with it.

That would threaten to pin you down. And accountability is not part of the agenda of the oA theists on these forums.
But alas! The resolute determination to traverse the same blazing sewer persists!
Probably your resolute determination to consistently play identity politics over your past 200 or so posts had something to do with it.
Gish Gallop - note the source of this kind of vocabulary: the oA theists are not writing their own propaganda. As is characteristic of the fundie Christians in the US, they co-opt and plagiarize for their creativity.
But alas! The resolute determination to traverse the same blazing sewer persists!
Trust me, you aren't blazing. That's not light.
Gish Gallop - note the source of this kind of vocabulary: the oA theists are not writing their own propaganda. As is characteristic of the fundie Christians in the US, they co-opt and plagiarize for their creativity.
Ok. Just when things were starting to look promising, back to ol faithful, the imaginary-abrahamic-theists-are-crawling-on-my-skin schtick.
Get back to us when you have anything to offer outside of identity politics.
Which will probably not be any time in the near future.
Delete such posts as trolling, and the overt Abrahamic theists would vanish from this forum.
It is, literally, all they are doing here.

The same would also work with abrahamic atheists and their incumbent identity politics.
I got an idea.
I will place you on ignore and see if it works.
That doesn't work. Your essays and thinking don't show up.

I’m okay with evidence as put forward by WLC.

That's a lie.
You have disparaged what you are "aware" of as that worldview repeatedly and routinely on this forum.

I’ve said nothing about science types, and what I have remarked about the psychology of atheists in this thread, has not been disparaging.

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You asserted that Bill Craig has evidence of God.
It is not on us to prove he doesn't; it's on you to prove he does.
Unless you do, that assertion is baseless.

I’ve asserted that I think Bill Craig’s account for the evidence as decent.

I don’t really care to try and prove it, anymore than you would care to try and disprove it.

There is no basis for the assertion that Bill Craig has evidence of God.

That’s not the assertion.
But you may think he doesn’t have evidence, and I may think differently.
The OP asks us to put forward what we think is good evidence that God is real. That’s exactly what I’ve done.

And thus, no evidence for it has come to light in this thread.

So you don’t think Bill Craig has evidence?
Fine. I expected that anyway. But why ask for evidence, when for you, in your current condition, there can never be?

You know, it's OK if you keep this up. Every deflection and non-answer is another nail in the coffin of your credibility (the coffin is pretty much all nail, now) and the theist stance. Theists will read this thread, see how poorly you've handled it, and hang their heads in shame.

That’s what it is about. It is about burying anything that could remind you of God.
Why don’t you just admit it, instead of carrying on with this charade?

That’s not the assertion.
But you may think he doesn’t have evidence, and I may think differently.
You have made that assertion. And it is baseless.

The OP asks us to put forward what we think is good evidence that God is real. That’s exactly what I’ve done.
No you have not. You have named-dropped. One name - an entire body of work. You argue in bad faith.

William Craig has asserted that the Earth is hollow.
So, you are perfectly comfortable with backing that assertion as evidence for God, are you?

Google WLC evidence for God.
You have not put forward that evidence. You have lied.
All or any of which arguments, Jan?

The ones laid out by Bill Craig.

No, I'm not going to do your homework for you. You say that all or any are good, so set one out.

Do your own home work mate.

I’ve set all of them as decent evidence, so take you pick.

I've seen no evidence from you, read no argument from you, just the claim that you support the arguments of William Craig.

Then go, look, see.

What arguments are those, Jan?

The ones laid out by Bill Craig.

What is the evidence that he puts forth that you agree with?

All of them.

There is everything to discuss: namely why some people accept the example as evidence and why some people don't.

So tell us why you don’t.
I assume you don’t.

If you have no intention then wtf are you doing in this thread,

No intention of what?
Discussing why I think that Bill Craig’s arguments provide evidence that God is real?

I’m more interested in hearing what you have to say about it, and God in general. There’s no requests for theists to specifically discuss why they think God is real, while the atheists just sit back and reject and deny.
Plus that has been the formula her for years and years. Obviously you’re not getting any closer to comprehension.
I say let’s come away from that lame structure, and look at the subject a different way.
Is that so bad?

Perhaps matters of "why?" or "why not?" Jan.

It doesn’t work. It never had done, and it never will as long as we stick to this anal format.
I understand it is in your favour to keep this up, but we both know it leads nowhere.

However, what can be discussed or not is rather moot if nothing is put forth as the subject of discussion, if no examples are put forth.

WLC’s evidence for God has been put forward. Either look it up, or use Yazatas post.

I'm sure the boy thought so, too, as he left smiling with the turd on the floor.

Do you smile when you leave your turd on the floor? I ask because although it is entirely unrelated to anything in this thread, it seems a strange example to use.

William Craig, nor his arguments, are the boy, Jan. You are.

I think the whole scene is you.
Hope you’re better now. It’s one thing to keep poohing on the floor when you’re a boy, but it can be quite worthy of serious attention now you’re a man.

My vile what?

That you keep leaving on the floor.

"Supposed to do"? Wow, so you really do see people as there to do all your homework for you?

Do your own homework, I’ve already done mine.

This is a discussion forum, Jan. Try actually discussing sometime.

Will do as soon as someone wants to actually discuss. Unfortunately this thread seems to be populated with the usual defensive atheists, who do not know, or more importantly, want to know squat about God, or theism, only defending their worldview.

No, Jan. That's not how it works. You post what you consider to be evidence.

I have done, via a source Bill Craig.
I’m not going to start writing it out, and am waiting to see if there are any discussions worth having.

If he is your source, then be all means indicate that once you have detailed what you consider to be the evidence, but post what you think to be evidence.

Why? Just read anything he regards as evidence, then post or not, why you think it isn’t. If there is a discussion within what you say , we’ll discuss. If not, we won’t.

What do you consider to be evidence for God, Jan? Please detail a specific argument (or more than one) that you feel provides evidence.

I have to assume you’re not stupid, Sarkus.
I have given my consideration. So deal with it, or not. It’s now you’r call.

If you have no intention then please stop trolling the thread, please clean up your faeces, and leave.

Read above.

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You have made that assertion.

Prove it.

No you have not. You have named-dropped. One name - an entire body of work. You argue in bad faith.

You don’t know that, you’ve been too busy whining like a spoilt kid who has been told he can’t get what he wants

William Craig has asserted that the Earth is hollow.
So, you are perfectly comfortable with backing that assertion as evidence for God, are you?

Is that part of the evidence?
So wtf? :rolleyes:

You have not put forward that evidence. You have lied.

No I’ve put forward the source.
Let me know what you think.

You asserted that Bill Craig has evidence of God.
It is not on us to prove he doesn't; it's on you to prove he does.
Unless you do, that assertion is baseless.

Yes I did asset that. I was asked if could give some evidence that God is real. I did.
You can’t deny that (though you would love to I’m sure).

Nothing was said about giving proof of whether or not that evidence is supported. Plus due to my past experience with atheists, I’d sooner wait and see what they have to say on the matter.
The ball is in your court.

There is no basis for the assertion that Bill Craig has evidence of God.

So you’re the man who decides what has basis and what doesn’t? I don’t think so mate.

And thus, no evidence for it has come to light in this thread.

You know, it's OK if you keep this up. Every deflection and non-answer

It is not a deflection , and the request has been met.

is another nail in the coffin of your credibility
(the coffin is pretty much all nail, now) and the theist stance. Theists will read this thread, see how poorly you've handled it, and hang their heads in shame.


And here we have it boys!

“The Underlying Intention”

Didn’t take you long to crack.

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