Now reading (The Book Thread)

I will disagree where I think it is warranted ; now if I disagree where I disagree ; that is science ; exploring ideas .
Is it? This is science? :)
Tell me, how any uncredentialed no body lay person, that comes on a science forum claiming that time dilation and length contraction do not happen, or that the recent GW confirmation is false, or that SR/GR is rubbish, against all the evidence supporting it can ever be taken seriously?
No one is debating or questioning whether you or anyone else has the right to disagree or to claim something contrary to the evidence: The expectations of the nobodies and would be's if they could be's, that they be taken seriously is in question: We call that delusions of grandeur and/or inflated ego problems.....quite rife on forums such as this, as obviously its their only outlet to help maintain their own personal warm inner glow.
Is it? This is science? :)
Tell me, how any uncredentialed no body lay person, that comes on a science forum claiming that time dilation and length contraction do not happen, or that the recent GW confirmation is false, or that SR/GR is rubbish, against all the evidence supporting it can ever be taken seriously?
No one is debating or questioning whether you or anyone else has the right to disagree or to claim something contrary to the evidence: The expectations of the nobodies and would be's if they could be's, that they be taken seriously is in question: We call that delusions of grandeur and/or inflated ego problems.....quite rife on forums such as this, as obviously its their only outlet to help maintain their own personal warm inner glow.

I will disagree where I think it warranted .
I will disagree where I think it warranted .
No one is debating or questioning whether you or anyone else has the right to disagree or to claim something contrary to the evidence: The expectations of the nobodies and would be's if they could be's, that they be taken seriously is in question:
So? :) And who is taking notice?
No one is debating or questioning whether you or anyone else has the right to disagree or to claim something contrary to the evidence: The expectations of the nobodies and would be's if they could be's, that they be taken seriously is in question:
So? :) And who is taking notice?

I will disagree where I think it warranted .
:) Why do you disagree?
Because you have knowledge refuting what is generally accepted in science circles?
Because you like to flash proudly your "supposed ability to think for yourself" and wear like a badge of honour?
Because you like to be contrary?
Because science has logically dismissed your own general beliefs in ghosts, goblins, Alien origin UFO's and most things supernatural?
Which is it river?
:) Why do you disagree?
Because you have knowledge refuting what is generally accepted in science circles?
Because you like to flash proudly your "supposed ability to think for yourself" and wear like a badge of honour?
Because you like to be contrary?
Because science has logically dismissed your own general beliefs in ghosts, goblins, Alien origin UFO's and most things supernatural?
Which is it river?

Because I Think upon....
Because I Think upon....
So you have the knowledge and expertise to question such aspects of SR and GR that have been held and proven for over a hundred years.
"Your right to hold an opinion is not being contested. Your expectation that it be taken seriously is."
So you have the knowledge and expertise to question such aspects of SR and GR that have been held and proven for over a hundred years.
"Your right to hold an opinion is not being contested. Your expectation that it be taken seriously is."

I Think upon...
Give examples from A to D
I see the dishonesty (or selective memory) is coming into play. Again.
All of those were amply illustrated the last time (and the time before that - and the time before THAT) when we discussed T. T. Brown.
I see the dishonesty (or selective memory) is coming into play. Again.
All of those were amply illustrated the last time (and the time before that - and the time before THAT) when we discussed T. T. Brown.
Let me know (by PM) if you think some moderation is required. I generally leave this subforum alone because there is almost never anything to bother with. But I'm here if you need me.
Dywyddyr said:
I see the dishonesty (or selective memory) is coming into play. Again.
All of those were amply illustrated the last time (and the time before that - and the time before THAT) when we discussed T. T. Brown.

Let me know (by PM) if you think some moderation is required. I generally leave this subforum alone because there is almost never anything to bother with. But I'm here if you need me.

Now reading : DEATH ON MARS . ( BY John E. Brandendurg PH.D.)

Fascinating book .

About the evidence that Mars had an enviroment like Earth .

With proof from meterorites and soil samples , from the Viking lander .

Also the that xenon 219 isotopic abundance is unusally high .

John has extrodinary evidence and analysis ; by him and others .

Also analysis of the FACE of Cydonia .

The details of the surface of Mars and soil samples and atmosphere are all here .


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Now reading : DEATH ON MARS . ( BY John E. Brandendurg PH.D.)

Fascinating book .

About the evidence that Mars had an enviroment like Earth .

With proof from meterorites and soil samples , from the Viking lander .

Also the that xenon 219 isotopic abundance is unusally high .

John has extrodinary evidence and analysis ; by him and others .

Also analysis of the FACE of Cydonia .

The details of the surface of Mars and soil samples and atmosphere are all here .


While the climate/environment was certainly more Earth like [surface water] in the long distant past, the face of Cydonia is nothing more then a series of rocky outcrops, that just happened to look like a face when light shone on it and was reflected in a certain manner:Nothing any more sinister. Happens on Earth all the time! ;)

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image by its HiRISE camera of the "Face on Mars".
Viking Orbiter image inset in bottom right corner.
Since it was originally first imaged, the "face" has been accepted by scientists as an optical illusion, an example of the psychological phenomenon of pareidolia.[21][22][23] After analysis of the higher resolution Mars Global Surveyor data NASA stated that "a detailed analysis of multiple images of this feature reveals a natural looking Martian hill whose illusory face-like appearance depends on the viewing angle and angle of illumination".[24] Similar optical illusions can be found in the geology of Earth;[25] examples include the Old Man of the Mountain, the Sphinx, the Pedra da Gávea, the Old Man of Hoy,Stac Levenish and the Badlands Guardian.
While the climate/environment was certainly more Earth like [surface water] in the long distant past, the face of Cydonia is nothing more then a series of rocky outcrops, that just happened to look like a face when light shone on it and was reflected in a certain manner:Nothing any more sinister. Happens on Earth all the time! ;)

The Face on Mars is not about " sinister " but the fact that it does exist .