News from Gaza Part 2

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Yes, I have read much of your posts, and you are one bigoted MoFo, my friend, and like most bigots, you see it in everybody else, but fail to look to your self.
You seem to be confused you think bigotry is refusing to accept bullshit. Its not. Its being intolerant.
So again back your slander of Spock with Quotes, which you cannot do, so you are just running your mouth trying to look intelligent, but that is something you won't accomplish until you fire that teacher.

I proved it just because he and you alike him are to lazy or dishonest to look into the context the posts surrounding it and the implications doesn't make me wrong.
Originally Posted by Ziad S Homsi
"let me remember ....
since this wild attack, israel woman have been killed by palestinain's rocket
and 300 palestinians have been killed by Israel aircraft !!! "

Inshallah bro. Allah doesn't want the Palestinians to be competent at launching rockets, while He guides the bombs of the Israelis like they are His own furious vengeance.

Can we stop with the rhetoric now?

How is him pointing out that 300 Palestinians were killed in response to one Israeli killed "rhetoric"?
Also, if you mock his religion, can I mock yours?
(something along the lines of how "God", or even your glorious military, could have perhaps guided those planes differently?)
for those of you with the memory of the common house fly


Be honest, if someone cited a news article from Al Jazeera, with three authors with Arabic names, would you claim journalistic bias?
seems to me thats mean you should like them considering your love affair to the lehi. I haven't forgotten you comment that the reason the lehi weren't terrorist was because they had a theme song.

So I'm reading the thread, and I wonder, who is this "lehi"?

Wow you learn something new every day! They even tried to make a deal with the Nazis!

What? A false flag operation called "Operation Susannah" carried out by Israeli military intelligence? No! That sounds absurd, like some anti-Semitic conspiracy theory those "whackos" on the internet would talk about! Lets rename it the "Unfortunate Affair" and hope nobody reads any history.

According to wikipedia:
"The tactics of the operation led to deep-seated suspicion of Israeli intelligence methods, such as agents provocateurs and false flag operations."
"Lehi was described as a terrorist organization[4] by the British authorities and United Nations mediator Ralph Bunche.[5]"

Can I coin a new phrase; "Lehi denier"?

"January 12, 1947, Lehi members drove a truckload of explosives into a British police station in Haifa killing four and injuring 140."


The conflict between Lehi and mainstream Jewish and subsequently Israeli organizations came to an end when Lehi was formally dissolved and integrated into the Israeli Defense Forces on May 31, 1948, its leaders getting amnesty from prosecution or reprisals as part of the integration."

Wait, you don't think wikipedia is anti-Semitic do you?
You seem to be confused you think bigotry is refusing to accept bullshit. Its not. Its being intolerant.

Exactly and you are far and away the least tollerant individual I have ever known.

I proved it just because he and you alike him are to lazy or dishonest to look into the context the posts surrounding it and the implications doesn't make me wrong.

It doesn't make you right either, and as to being lazy, your the one who fails in context, due to being to lazy to prove what ever your supposed point's are.

Running your jaws isn't proving your points, Historical Fact that is how you back up your points, and I have cited historical fact and incident from the U.N. and Historical Reference, what have you done, run your mouth and then claim victory.

You still haven't posted Quote as to Mr. Spock.

And you have admitted to the accuracy of my citations, so you have by your own lazy inaction, and admission, lost.

1. No Quotes on Mr. Spock

2. Admission that my sources are correct.
Exactly and you are far and away the least tollerant individual I have ever known.
Haven't looked in a mirror have you. and if you think I'm intolerant it only goes to show you follow your own prejudices and not the facts of my beliefs.

It doesn't make you right either, and as to being lazy, your the one who fails in context, due to being to lazy to prove what ever your supposed point's are.
No being in line with history is what makes me right.

Running your jaws isn't proving your points, Historical Fact that is how you back up your points, and I have cited historical fact and incident from the U.N. and Historical Reference, what have you done, run your mouth and then claim victory.
and I thank for those sources they were most helpfull in refuting your argument.

You still haven't posted Quote as to Mr. Spock.
yes I have. I had done so before you even got up to speed claiming I haven't.

And you have admitted to the accuracy of my citations, so you have by your own lazy inaction, and admission, lost.
??? the more you try and show your an adult whose knowledgable and knows how to debate the more you show the reverse. Yes I admitted your sources were correct and that they supported my argument. You left out that little detail.Which isn't surprising considering your dishonesty. You seem to think that refuting sources is the only way to refute an argument. Your wrong. You can offer other conclusions or disprove one of the chains in the logic of it. Refuting a source is the easy way out to refuting an argument.

1. No Quotes on Mr. Spock
A slanderous lie against me

2. Admission that my sources are correct.
Still missing the point. Of course I am going to admit your sources are correct when they strengthen my own argument.
I believe I'll agree with that, and call Buffalo Roam a bigot, at least as much of a bigot as Spokk, if not a bigger one.

Because I just love being an asshole.
Haven't looked in a mirror have you. and if you think I'm intolerant it only goes to show you follow your own prejudices and not the facts of my beliefs.

No being in line with history is what makes me right.

and I thank for those sources they were most helpfull in refuting your argument.

yes I have. I had done so before you even got up to speed claiming I haven't.

??? the more you try and show your an adult whose knowledgable and knows how to debate the more you show the reverse. Yes I admitted your sources were correct and that they supported my argument. You left out that little detail.Which isn't surprising considering your dishonesty. You seem to think that refuting sources is the only way to refute an argument. Your wrong. You can offer other conclusions or disprove one of the chains in the logic of it. Refuting a source is the easy way out to refuting an argument.

A slanderous lie against me

Still missing the point. Of course I am going to admit your sources are correct when they strengthen my own argument.

pjdude, the only points you have made are only understandable to your self, as you firmly believe that your are a Legend in Your Own Mind, you have never refuted a source other than by running your mouth.

So again provide citation of Mr.Spokes bigotry by posting quote.

Prove my sources wrong with historical citation, and verifiable site reference.

Your Mouth isn't certified as fact or truth.
you're right. never noticed that one before. never felt any reason to delete anything. :)

you however have quite the criminal mind.

Since when do criminals delete redundant posts ?

Back on topic. We're still debating history when lives are being taken now..
Stop the bloodshed. If the Israeli's are firm in their belief that they are right, they should employ better strategies that don't make them look like the cold blooded murderers that many rightfully percieve them to be.
Hi pjdude1219,

Hi pjdude1219,

Do you have a special connection to the arab-israeli conflict?

I have no connection to it……if I can do something to get one person working toward a realistic…end I can put me mind at ease…

Strange. Your posts seem rather angry to me for someone who has no connection to this conflict. I would like to work towards a "realistic" understanding of the origin of all your…uhm….“passion” in order to "put my mind at ease". To that end, which of a two state or a single binational state solution do you believe is more realistic?
you're a liar. for 8 days during the holiday Hanuka HAMAS fired 100 rockets a day without any response from Israel. not only did they fired, but they were proud of it that they thought they are stronger.

another attempt by the Palestinian apologists to rewrite history.

wow, u seems like a man from ur name abut u hassle like a little girl...
maybe u stricken by Alzheimer without u don't know, so let me remind you of this notes,
since the unjust calming 'ceasefire', the cancer which named Israel, prevented the basic life components, prevented the fuel, electricity, clean water, medicine, Closed the crossings .....

So, That was Hamas response

*by the way learn how to respect ur self then how to respect other 'dude'
Inshallah bro. Allah
u r not my bro, and of course u don't know any thing about Allah except his name.....

. Allah doesn't want the Palestinians to be competent at launching rockets, while He guides the bombs of the Israelis like they are His own furious vengeance.

Can we stop with the rhetoric now?

i have another trustworthy novel, allah don't want to crush Israel right now, so he doesn't guides our rockets, but the Devil' Israel's god' hate good and virtuous "i'm speaking about Muslims' so he taking the responsibility of guiding the bombs of his follower ...
You probably meant to say "hamdulillah" ... "allah makes it so".

Allah also doesn't think the "Palestinians" deserve any sort of state while they're committing apostasy of suicide bombing and baby killing with sniper rifles.

so you thinking instead of the god.....maybe u r the god him self without i know ....!!!!

irony !!
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