They aren't shooting at Israel with a water gun,
The term 'analogy' escapes you, doesn't it?
they are sending explosives carried by Children as suicide bombers, they are launching rocket carrying high explosive warheads, they are shelling Israeli towns with mortars rounds full of explosives, they kidnapp Israelis and Murder Them, they Murder their own just for talking to a Israeli.
And Israel has been encroaching on the little land they have left, building walls to keep them out of their own lands, refusing them the right to use roads, forcing them to go through checkpoints on a daily basis, taking their water and farms, invading them constantly, killing and shooting their children (even when they are playing or walking home from school). Tell me, if someone came and took all you owned, denied you the right to your basic human rights, killed members of your family, denied you the right to move freely, you'd nod and say "okay"? Ya right. Why do you think they shell Israeli towns Buffalo? Because they're bored? Or because they have been denied and refused their basic human rights and forced to live in refugee camps while the Israeli's exercise their right of return right onto Palestinian lands? Is it possibly because the Israeli's control the Palestinian borders, so much so that a family wanting to visit his family in the next town has to get Israeli permission and sit for hours on end at checkpoints, where soldiers continuously beat and harass civilians.
And you somehow think that the deaths of 4 Israeli's from those rockets somehow justifies the deaths of 390 people and 1900 injuries, many of whom are women and children? And you have the gall to call the victims of Israel's attacks, even the women and children, fools? You call a child killed by an Israeli soldier a fool? I wonder, if the 390 dead and the 1900 injured were Israeli's, whether you'd be calling them fools or victims. There are no words to even describe what I think of you at the moment.
They have been doing this for 60 years, in pursuit of a war that was lost in 1948.
How much better off would they be today if all the money they had spent on weapons would have been put into Infrastructure and Industry?
Are you kidding me?
How can they build infrastructure or industry when they are being constantly forced off their lands, where what little land they have left is being encroached upon by the Israeli's and taken from them? Not to mention the Israeli theft of their water and farm land. What Industry can people in refugee ghetto's have?
They pursued what you would have in their place. You always harp on about your right to arms to defend yourself against tyranny. Well guess what, Buffalo, the Palestinians are defending their right against tyranny and have been doing so for 60 years.
You carry on as if Israel has been innocent for the whole of the 60 years. Israel's actions for the past 60 years have been acts of war.
Time the War is ended, and the only way to do that is to force complete and utter defeat on the Palestinians.
That is the only way that Gaza and the Palestinians will ever be able to build a Peaceful State.
The lessons of WWII have been forgotten, War is ended when the other side accept defeat, willingly or by force, that is when Peace can take hold and the rebuilding can begin.
So to bring peace upon them is to kill them, kill the innocent women and children. Right? That's what you're saying, isn't it? So even as the Israeli's come and take more of their land, we need to expect them to simply lie down and take it.. move off gently and act peacefully. Right? You'd do that if it was done to you? Someone comes to your door and tells you that you have 30 minutes to pack your belongings and leave so that another family can take over your house and land, you'd hand over the keys, bend over and kiss their arse and simply let them have it.. peacefully? Right. Because that is what you expect the Palestinians to do.
The Palestinians will lose the war, not because they are wrong. But because they are outgunned by a State that has the full backing of the US. But here's the thing, the Palestinian civilians will win the moral war against the Israeli's and the hatred from the generations that are growing up will be even worse.