News from Gaza Part 2

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
- Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday rebuffed a call by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to allow humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip through crossings Israel has largely sealed in two weeks of violence.

Asked by Israeli Army Radio about Ban's appeal and whether Israel intends to reopen the passages, Barak said: "No. There needs to be calm in order for the crossings to be opened."

Ban telephoned outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday and "strongly urged (him) to facilitate the freer movement of urgently needed humanitarian supplies" and U.N. aid workers into the Gaza Strip, the U.N. press office said.

In addition to running out of food for 750,000 Palestinians, about half of Gaza's population, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said it would be forced after Thursday to suspend cash assistance to 98,000 poor Gazans because of a shortage of currency in the territory.

Barak acknowledged in the radio interview that the violence was touched off by the Israeli raid,
which the army said destroyed a tunnel at the frontier that Gaza militants dug and could have been used to try to seize Israeli soldiers.

More than a dozen Palestinian fighters have been killed in in the past two weeks. Several Israelis have been slightly wounded by dozens of rockets.

Yeah its pretty clear who needs protection from whom.

"People in Gaza are waiting in lines for almost everything, and that's if they're lucky enough to find something to wait for," says Bassam Nasser, 39.

An aid worker in Gaza City, he, like so many others there, including the UN relief agency, says living conditions are the worst he has ever seen in the strip.

"People queue for two or three hours for bread, but sometimes there's no cooking gas or flour, so no bread.

"People wait in line for UN food handouts, but sometimes there aren't any. The suffering is reaching every aspect of life."

As well as working for an American development agency, Mr Nasser is a Gazan, and a father.

"I've got three young children. It's difficult to explain to them that it's not my fault we don't have electricity and that it's not in my control."

Dark days in Gaza: Residents worried about winter

The poor Israelis, so misunderstood, if only people would realise how difficult their living conditions are. :(
Hi pjdude1219,

Do you have a special connection to the arab-israeli conflict? For example, are you jewish or muslim? Is your family from the middle east? Why are you so interested in this particular conflict?
Does one have to have a relation or shared descent with a fellow human being to empathise with their suffering ?

The never ending cycle continues.

I think that there will be an increasing cynicism and fatalism, combined with passive resignation, that will stagnate the palestinians will, and eventually allow complete submission.
Either that or escalated violence will only harden the hawks.
typical. not one word after 8 days of non stop bombing and 8 years of total blindness. now after HAMAS so boldly fired on Israeli citizens, they want a cease fire. you cant say it wasnt coming for them.
Hi pjdude1219,

Do you have a special connection to the arab-israeli conflict? For example, are you jewish or muslim? Is your family from the middle east? Why are you so interested in this particular conflict?

I have no connection to it. Its just in my opinion the dumbest conflict going on and the one where the people arguing have the least unbiased knowledge of the events and history of the conflict. Yet both sides act as if they have all the knowledge. and if I can do something to get one person working toward a realistic fair and just end I can put me mind at ease.

also the only connection I need toward either side is they bleed the same red I do.
GAZA slaughteing

stop the crime
stop the massacre
stop the wild savage Israeli
and help the innocent people of gaza
present result until now ...
more than 300 martyrs
more than 800 wounded
destroy all security office
frightening all gaza citizen

what next ?
It is interesting to me. When Hamas, I presume, were firing mortars and rockets into Israel there wasn't a word said to stop them from doing that. But as soon as Israel fights back with its own rocket attack the world all of a sudden is notified of how bad those Israelis are and how they should stop the shelling and killing. Perhaps I am missing something but when one country provokes another everyone knows there will be retaliation, so why provoke others unless you are willing to pay the consequences.
let me remember ....
since this wild attack, israel woman have been killed by palestinain's rocket
and 300 palestinians have been killed by Israel aircraft !!!
Perhaps I am missing something but when one country provokes another everyone knows there will be retaliation.

Yes, I agree. When a country annexes the land of its neighbour, builds barriers across their neighbour’s territory to prevent their free movement, herds them into third-world gettos, builds illegal settlements on their land, blocks aid and essential services, and deliberately targets police personnel in massively inappropriate military responses, then everyone knows that this provocation will evoke retaliation.
Perhaps I am missing something but when one country provokes another everyone knows there will be retaliation, so why provoke others unless you are willing to pay the consequences.

what do u expect from ur pet if u famish him for 1 or 2 week...i will not say 18 months !!
or speak about the inhumanity life in gaza !!
so u know what acting and reacting mean at the end !!!!!!
And here is a thread showing how we moralistic types are ready to accept that a particular ethnicity has a superior claim.

Why did we stop Hitler? Was it because he invaded and oppressed the wrong people? If he had conquered more places outside Europe, would the West have been as concerned?

See how I'm comparing the Zionist cause with the Nazi cause? This is because the only difference is Israel's refusal to wear Aryan style uniforms and swastikas. They speak much the same way, with the same air of indifference to suffering, the same conviction that their cause is just. Who can point out why comparing Israel to Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa doesn't match up? There are glaring differences somewhere?
Well, to be fair, Hamas decided unilaterally to cancel the ceasefire it had with Israel, to resume firing rockets into Israel.
stop the crime
stop the massacre

Only Hamas can do that by not shooting rockets into Israel. If they persist, they may no longer have that option.

stop the wild savage Israeli

Savages don't generally say they'll stop attacking if they're not attacked.

and help the innocent people of gaza

As long as Hamas is running the show, that won't happen.

present result until now ...
more than 300 martyrs
more than 800 wounded
destroy all security office

Means absolutely nothing.

frightening all gaza citizen

Thanks to Hamas.

what next ?

People lack the ability to see the future.
stop the crime
stop the massacre
stop the wild savage Israeli
and help the innocent people of gaza
present result until now ...
more than 300 martyrs
more than 800 wounded
destroy all security office
frightening all gaza citizen

what next ?

Let see,

From from November 2000, to Feburay 2005 there have been 406 Israeli Martyrs from Palestinian Suicide Bombings,

In 2006 another 20 Israels Martyrs, were killed in suicide bombings.


Stop the massacre.

Stop the wild savage Palestinans
and help the innocent people of Israel.

Stop shooting at the Israelis, and, Feed the Children, Build them Schools, Build them Hospitals, Build them factories so when they grow up, they can work and build a life, build the Children water treatment facilities so they can have fresh water, build, build, build, build............
We should all thank Nasrallah for forcing IDF, all the security organizations and the government to go to the gym. What Hizballah faced in 2006 was an overweight couch potato. What HAMAS is facing now is an Olympic athlete.
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Israel has always depended - more than other nations - on claims of morally based legitimacy.

Now that it can no longer make any such claims, it will be interesting to see how long it can survive, at least in a form recognizable as being the "same" State. The role of legitimacy, of a foundation of morals and agreed principles and the consent of the governed, is a deep one - loss of it manifests in various ways.
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

So who is the victim and who is the criminal here !!!!!
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