News from Gaza Part 2

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How do you think the west is so good? How the hell do you think the US is a superpower. You guys can get 2 or 3 nukes. But at the end of the day, theyre worthless. The US has 200+ missiles in the silos, and more for the bombers and submarines. One ohio class sub could nuke an entire nation. And there are 10 in operation.

Is that all you ever talk about? Is that all you think about?

You are a one-dimensional stupid yankee bastard.

Please fuck off.
heh 7% of assets, assets in what? That's nothing. You see here's the funny part. They cant, if they try and cut off oil supply to the US, they lose their number one money maker, their economy will colapse far before the US's will. The gross domestic product of the United States of America is 14.3 trillion, i repeat TRILLION. dollars. Afghanistan's is 930 billion dollars, India, 2.6 trillion, Pakistan, 430 billion dollars, Iran 816 billion.

Heh, your middle eastern countries can't even add up to a fraction of the US's GDP.


Afghanistan: $22.022 billion (2008 est.)
Pakistan: $504.3 billion (PPP) (2008)
Iran: $817 billion (2008)

America would be hit hardest if its economy were to go down the tubes, they are not built to withstand those sort of blows, economic activity means fuck all. America would quickly break up into different states with some looking like 3rd World countries.
The Muslim faith sprang out of nowhere and took the World by storm, this was when Europe was just one big massive shithole. Now Muslims are in trouble, we have weak spineless leaders and a lot of mistrust between nations.
Ghangus Khan sprang out of nowhere and took the World by storm, this was when Islamic countries were just one big massive shithole, kind of like now. Now Mongolians are in trouble, we have weak spineless leaders and a lot of mistrust between goat herdsmen....

but just you wait, you'll see, you'll all see. I know a lot of Mongolians and once China get's going, well, you'll see, you and you're little dog too!

There's no place like home, There's no place like home
*clicks shoes*

BR, but, most university professors are agnostic at best. At least in the sciences. If they have faith in a God or Gods, then it's a god that has no interference in the lives of humans.
Europe was just one big massive shithole.

You are a one-dimensional stupid yankee bastard.

Please fuck off.


Some of the smartest people I've met are Muslims...They have so much to offer the rest of the World.

Are you in their league of intelligence? Are your qualifiers examples of those offerings?
Ghangus Khan sprang out of nowhere and took the World by storm, this was when Islamic countries were just one big massive shithole, kind of like now. Now Mongolians are in trouble, we have weak spineless leaders and a lot of mistrust between goat herdsmen....

but just you wait, you'll see, you'll all see. I know a lot of Mongolians and once China get's going, well, you'll see, you and you're little dog too!

There's no place like home, There's no place like home
*clicks shoes*

BR, but, most university professors are agnostic at best. At least in the sciences. If they have faith in a God or Gods, then it's a god that has no interference in the lives of humans.

What the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) achieved in 23 years is unparalleled in history, from the beginning of time till now, no one comes close. And the story of the Muslims is far from over, just when people think the Muslims are done and dusted, they rise up again. The hardship and suffering that Muslims are under will force those with the right qualities to take charge, the hardship will purify the confused.

Muslims are being taught lessons. What is happening in Palestine now, the indifference of Muslim leaders, not one shot has been fired from fellow Muslims in their defence. The indifference to the suffering of the Iraqis, Afghanis. The response of the West to crimes committed against Muslims (the slaughter of innocent Palestinians), the issue surround the Danish cartoons, Islamophobia etc. Muslims are being taught that they must take matters into their own hands and not trust others, they must stand up for themselves and they must not be ashamed of their religion. A lot of Muslims are opening their eyes to what is going on, I can see things changing.

The silent majority is awakening.

Are you in their league of intelligence? Are your qualifiers examples of those offerings?

Some of the smartest people I know are Muslims (a lot of them girls), scientists, mathematicians, professors, business mateys, artists, designers etc. The talent and skill is there, I know it.
So You and Bells are the ones who don't want to get it, you cherry pick parts of the Geneva Convention, to support your biased opinions, and ignore the rest of the Chapters and Protocol Addition to the Convention.

Israel get the bennifit of those parts of the Geneva Convention that protect it's rights to defend its self from agression.

And as some oen stated before Hamas had control to stop the fighting and dying----Just stop sending the rocket into Israel.

Irony. You are relying on only one part of the Convention and you assume that the rest automatically becomes null and void. That's not how it works. Israel is still a party to the Convention and therefore, must abide by the whole, not just take one and completely ignore the rest. I am not cherry picking. I am applying the Convention as a whole instead of ignoring the whole and relying on only one part of one Article.

Israel does get the benefit of the sub-sections that deal with self defense, but in doing so, it does still need to abide by the rest of the Convention. Just because it can rely on Article 57(7) does not mean that it then has the right to completely ignore the rest.. the rest is not voided because of that one sub-section, Buffalo. Israel still has an obligation to abide by the Convention as a whole. It has failed to do so.

Why do you think there is talk of war crimes by the UN, Red Cross and other organisations in Gaza? Stop for a moment and think about it... It's not that hard to put together.:rolleyes:
What the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) achieved in 23 years is unparalleled in history, from the beginning of time till now, no one comes close.
Mohammad united a few small Arab tribes. Then died. Sometime later he was venerated as a Prophet and some other people wrote a book (actually copy the Xian myths and blended with Arab myths) and called it the Qur'an.

WoW - unparalleled in all of history. Yup, truly amazing.
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As for Gaza, this fight was going on before Islam was invented. Way back when Egypt fought over it. It'll be fought over long after Islam has ceased to exist.
I recall reading that the manufacturing capacity of Finland is greater than all Persian gulf nations combined.

Nevertheless, Muslim countries are VERY good at making babies...who grow up and bring their backward culture to the west through the miracle of immigration.
Yup Arabs are clearly at fault. I guess a few thousands universities, 500 newspapers per 1000 later, with the ability to diffuse knowledge more efficiently Palestinians will be ready to soar in the air, to grow a hunchback for water storage and to get nourishments by transforming sunlight directly in glucose under their skin.

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I recall reading that the manufacturing capacity of Finland is greater than all Persian gulf nations combined.

Nevertheless, Muslim countries are VERY good at making babies...who grow up and bring their backward culture to the west through the miracle of immigration.

As far as natural way of things is concerned, backward culture is the dead culture. All manufacturing capacity in the world is pointless if Finns and Italians, for example, are bad at making babies and depend on the miracle of immigration to keep all that magnificence from imploding. Second, person could be quite happy and content without manufacturing capacity of Finland. It takes just a few hundreds years for the most "backward' culture, Finns for example, to abandon their "savage" ways and develop manufacturing capacity shortly before going extinct. It's a blip in the geological time frame.

However, most satisfaction in life does come from feeling superior to other people. What would your poor soul do without Muslims and the rest of "backwards". Clinical depression, suicide?
I agree that BOTH Jews and Muslims are at fault. But Dixon, that map suggests that this land was (1) inhabited - most of it was probably desolate and (2) a country where Jews could not legally go to live.

Now, I know a LOT of Muslims who have migrated to Canada, USA, Australia. They seem to think it's fine. They don't seem to have any problem at all with Muslims coming to live on land acquired by the British. So, why is it wrong for the British to allow Jews to migrate to Palestine? After all, what's the f*cking difference?

That doesn't mean any of it is right. I think it's all wrong. BUT, the problem was there BEFORE there even were any Jews! We are talking about 6000 years of fighting over something the size of the Florida pan-handle!

AND NOW, we're stuck with these same people's ancestors haven written their hatred right into their superstitions! The Muslims even went so far as to desecrate the Jewish myth by building Temple on it! Geesh, it's obvious until their superstitions go away - there can be no solution.
As far as natural way of things is concerned, backward culture is the dead culture. All manufacturing capacity in the world is pointless if Finns and Italians, for example, are bad at making babies and depend on the miracle of immigration to keep all that magnificence from imploding. Second, person could be quite happy and content without manufacturing capacity of Finland. It takes just a few hundreds years for the most "backward' culture, Finns for example, to abandon their "savage" ways and develop manufacturing capacity shortly before going extinct. It's a blip in the geological time frame.

Most people miss these points. Its why they constitute the blips in history.
pj every thing I have pointed out is part and parcel of the Geneva Convention, I have given citation and site source, from International Treaty and Law, from the whole body of that law, parts that you may not agree with, but parts that are legal and enforceable, and in force.
And you ignore it when it is Israel that in violation. I agree with the geneva conventions in their entire breath.

So You and Bells are the ones who don't want to get it, you cherry pick parts of the Geneva Convention, to support your biased opinions, and ignore the rest of the Chapters and Protocol Addition to the Convention.
Its not cherry picking to list the parts of it that Israel is in violation of. The only biased opinion here is yours. I'm not going to list the parts that aren't relevant to the point being made.

Israel get the bennifit of those parts of the Geneva Convention that protect it's rights to defend its self from agression.
hey Einstien there is a part that says just because one side fails to adhere to them you still have to adhere to them. You can say it all you want but the fact of the matter is Israel still has to comply with them. Which their not.
Irony. You are relying on only one part of the Convention and you assume that the rest automatically becomes null and void. That's not how it works. Israel is still a party to the Convention and therefore, must abide by the whole, not just take one and completely ignore the rest. I am not cherry picking. I am applying the Convention as a whole instead of ignoring the whole and relying on only one part of one Article.

Israel does get the benefit of the sub-sections that deal with self defense, but in doing so, it does still need to abide by the rest of the Convention. Just because it can rely on Article 57(7) does not mean that it then has the right to completely ignore the rest.. the rest is not voided because of that one sub-section, Buffalo. Israel still has an obligation to abide by the Convention as a whole. It has failed to do so.

Why do you think there is talk of war crimes by the UN, Red Cross and other organisations in Gaza? Stop for a moment and think about it... It's not that hard to put together.:rolleyes:

you gotta love the fact he is saying we are cherry picking when we are doing the same thing that he is and his is a "good" argument.
you gotta love the fact he is saying we are cherry picking when we are doing the same thing that he is and his is a "good" argument.

No I am pointing out the sections you fail to understand, again, the whole Treaty.

The Israelis are in compliance with the treaty and the additional protocols, and there isn't a dammed thing you can do about it.

Legally, they are in their rights to do what they did.

Your the ones who whish to ignore the parts of the Geneva Convention, and the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and you want to narrow the focus to just the points that you think prove Israel to be in the wrong.

You ignore the Chapter, Verse, section, subsection, and lines that approve of Israeli actions and give the right for Israel to defend it's self even if Hamas is hiding behind civilians and children.

Article 57.-Precautions in attack​

Give the Israelis the right to defend their people lives even at the expense of Palestinian lives.

Try and parch it any way you want but you can't get past:

2. With respect to attacks, the following precautions shall be taken:

(a) Those who plan or decide upon an attack shall:

(i) Do everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects and are not subject to special protection but are military objectives within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Article 52 and that it is not prohibited by the provisions of this Protocol to attack them;

(ii) Take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects;

(iii) Refrain from deciding to launch any attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated;

(b) An attack shall be cancelled or suspended if it becomes apparent that the objective is not a military one or is subject to special protection or that the attack may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated;
(c) Effective advance warning shall be given of attacks which may affect the civilian population, unless circumstances do not permit.

3. When a choice is possible between several military objectives for obtaining a similar military advantage, the objective to be selected shall be that the attack on which may be expected to cause the least danger to civilian lives and to civilian objects.

These subsections and sentences clear Israelis actions, and it is incumbent to you to prove that Israel failed to comply with said sections and and exceptions.

Israel is not required by any section or subsection in treaty or international law to allow adversaries to take free shots at their people, and murder their citizens, with weapons of war.

Hamas isn't attacking the Israeli military, it is not launching on the military formations they are launching on civilians.

So Hamas bought every thing it deserved, and paid for it in the blood of their own people, they could have stopped this even before it started, by honoring the cease fire in the First Place, in all aspects, stop the arms smuggling, stop the rocket attacks, stop trying to kidnap Israeli Military personnel, and kept their word, and do it long enough to prove the ill intentions of the Israelis.

They did nothing to prove the Israelis wrong starting with the first rocket they smuggled across the boarder from Egypt, and the failure to return, Gilad Shalit.

IDF soldier Gilad Shalit has remained in captivity since being kidnapped by Gaza militants in 2006. In July 2008, Israel handed over five Lebanese prisoners in return for the bodies of two IDF reservists snatched by Hezbollah two years earlier.

Ok if you don't like the accusation of Cherry Picking, then lets put it another way:

You ignore all of the sections that don't agree with your obtuse interpretations of the Geneva Convention, and Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and in your puerile, dogmatic, imbecilic assessment of what is happening and has happened.
Irony. You are relying on only one part of the Convention and you assume that the rest automatically becomes null and void. That's not how it works. Israel is still a party to the Convention and therefore, must abide by the whole, not just take one and completely ignore the rest. I am not cherry picking. I am applying the Convention as a whole instead of ignoring the whole and relying on only one part of one Article.

Israel does get the benefit of the sub-sections that deal with self defense, but in doing so, it does still need to abide by the rest of the Convention. Just because it can rely on Article 57(7) does not mean that it then has the right to completely ignore the rest.. the rest is not voided because of that one sub-section, Buffalo. Israel still has an obligation to abide by the Convention as a whole. It has failed to do so.

Why do you think there is talk of war crimes by the UN, Red Cross and other organisations in Gaza? Stop for a moment and think about it... It's not that hard to put together.:rolleyes:

Bells it is the part that you ignore, that blows your assesment out of the water, if it wasn't there, you would be correct in your interpretation, but it is there:

Article 57.-Precautions in attack

Give the Israelis the right to defend their people lives even at the expense of Palestinian lives.

Try and parch it any way you want but you can't get past:

2. With respect to attacks, the following precautions shall be taken:

(a) Those who plan or decide upon an attack shall:

(i) Do everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects and are not subject to special protection but are military objectives within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Article 52 and that it is not prohibited by the provisions of this Protocol to attack them;

(ii) Take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects;

(iii) Refrain from deciding to launch any attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated;

(b) An attack shall be cancelled or suspended if it becomes apparent that the objective is not a military one or is subject to special protection or that the attack may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated;
(c) Effective advance warning shall be given of attacks which may affect the civilian population, unless circumstances do not permit.

3. When a choice is possible between several military objectives for obtaining a similar military advantage, the objective to be selected shall be that the attack on which may be expected to cause the least danger to civilian lives and to civilian objects.​

And this it is in Israels favor, and law according tho the Geneva Convention and Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949.

Now a question, has the:,

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,

been recinded?

Has any part of the

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949

been recinded?

Then if all parts to the:

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949

Are still in effect, you are dead in the water.
News from Gaza

Is that there is no such thing as Civilian deaths in the western media anymore .....

All i hear is that 1000 Palesitnians have been killed and out of that 350 women and children for example.......

Ok so arent the Male shop keepers, doctors, businessmen, etc etc civilains?? I guess they are all terrorists, now i wonder who this distortion would benefit.................. how is it fair that all males in gaza are classififed as combatants or terrorists as the israeli war and propaganda machine is protraying!!

They talk about several 1000 being wounded but, whos counted them, or is just people on hopsital they are counted........

I would go so far as to say there are probably 1.5million wounded cos i reckon the vast majority of Gazans if not all of them are suffering from Shock!!
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