News from Gaza Part 2

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fatalites since 2000 from osrael-palestinian conflict


child fatalites since 2000 from osrael-palestinian conflict
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Let see,

From from November 2000, to Feburay 2005 there have been 406 Israeli Martyrs from Palestinian Suicide Bombings,

In 2006 another 20 Israels Martyrs, were killed in suicide bombings.


Stop the massacre.

Stop the wild savage Palestinans
and help the innocent people of Israel.

Stop shooting at the Israelis, and, Feed the Children, Build them Schools, Build them Hospitals, Build them factories so when they grow up, they can work and build a life, build the Children water treatment facilities so they can have fresh water, build, build, build, build............

maybe u should visite this page :

to make good understanding about the issue, from reliable source
Ziad, stop hiding behind some irrelevant statistics. Your "Palestinian" terrorists, HAMAS, are getting what's coming to them. Don't say they weren't warned.
Ziad, stop hiding behind some irrelevant statistics. Your "Palestinian" terrorists, HAMAS, are getting what's coming to them. Don't say they weren't warned.

um technically the palestinians aren't terrorists and the Israelis are. The palestinians aren't trying to instill fear and use said fear to coerce the israelis are.
Israel notes that the fear of its citizens of being targeted by Palestinian rockets, means that there is no political impetus (regarding upcoming elections) for punishing the population of Gaza (sorry, targeting "only Hamas", and any civilians who are anywhere near them at the time, which is most of the time), they're doing it because it's the Arabs who need to be living in fear, not the superior Jews with their holy claims to ownership of Gaza.

This is why they are compelled to be cynical, and turn themselves into murderous, indifferent assholes. They can protest their right to defend their 'existence' by denying existence to Arab populations, but the argument is sounding tired.
Their right to defend their colonisation of a populated region, fails on religious grounds, and fails on humanitarian grounds - they are "compassionate" to any extent the world might think the little they do is enough, i.e. "the Arabs should accept what help their dispossessors give them".

Israel invited retaliation the day it decided that Jewish determination and a 'right to exist', meant they had a pre-existing claim to land that their ancestors lost thousands of years ago.
Israel is a testament to hubris and racial superiority, which is otherwise called fascism. They are in a militarily superior position, but the Arabs aren't going anywhere.
Is the Zionist aspiration in fact to ethnically cleanse the entire Middle East, so it's 'safe' for people from Europe, for all those people who think they can take land and water off the inhabitants, and deport them from their homes?

Israel will either have to change its stance and accept that it will be populated eventually by a majority of non-Jewish, non-Euro ethnicities, so the all-white population will not be able to maintain its 'purity'.
This is already seen as a threat to the Zionist cause of pure Aryan bloodlines, that remain uncontaminated by the lower races. These supremacists will have nowhere to stay at some point in the future, this is an inevitable demographic
Israel's plans are up against far too much reality, those poor deluded, superior Jews.
Ziad, stop hiding behind some irrelevant statistics. Your "Palestinian" terrorists, HAMAS, are getting what's coming to them. Don't say they weren't warned.

what, irrelevant statistics !!!
i think that this irrelevant statistics show us the real criminal and real victims here ...without silly propaganda speeches
what, irrelevant statistics !!!
i think that this irrelevant statistics show us the real criminal and real victims here ...without silly propaganda speeches

I don't think your statistics show how Israel gave all of Gaza back and was punished for doing so with violence. I also don't think your statistics show Ottoman aggression that led to Israel's installation to begin with.

At present, Palestinians aren't the victims of Israel. They are the victims of Hamas.
maybe u should visite this page :

to make good understanding about the issue, from reliable source

Your site didn't come up,

This is the message that came up.

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Now as to your opinion of a reliable site is, and my assessment of what a Reliable site is, are going to be two different assessments.

But as to the reliability of my sources, they are from the U.N., History, and observation of the History, I have been aware of the Israeli, Arab/Palestinian, as a world problem since 1967.

I have spent many hours researching the history of the Conflict, predating, the 1967 War, to the 1948 War, the Palestinian Mandate, to the Balfore Agreement.

There is already a Palestinian State, it is the Country of the Transjordan/Jordan.

The Arabs, were the one to march on Israel in 1948, because they didn't like the U.N. voting process that created not only Israel, but Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

None of those state existed before the French Mandate, and the Palestinian Mandate.

Lebanon and Syria were formed out of the French Mandate, and Jordan and Israel were formed out of the Palestinian Mandate, they were Provence of the Ottoman Empire.

Israel was designated it's cultural lands west of the Jordan River, and the Rest of the Land of Palestinian Mandate was formed as Transjordan, and later Jordan.

The Arabs who received in all 95% of the Mandates weren't satisfied with the division, and went to war to Crush the Israelis and steal their land for the League of Arab States, the Pan Arab State, there was no plans for a separate Palestinian State, the Lands of Israel, and Palestine as granted in U.N. Resolution 181, would have been divided between Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, and have disappeared in to the mist of history.

Now as to the so called Palestinians, who in reality are Arabs, they have continued a war against Israel for 60 years, egged on by the Arabs, and now as pawns of the Iranians.

They have been offered 95% of everything they wanted in the Camp David Peace Accords, and they refused it.

Instead they have continued to attack Israel, and now they have their tail in a vice and they want sympathy?

What have the Arab/Palestinians done to improve their own lot?

What have they spent the moneys given them not only from Israel, but the rest of the world?

Build Infrastructure?, Schools?, Hospitals?, Industry?, Water Projects?, Sewer Treatment Plants? NO!!! they spend the money on weapons, rocket, explosives for suicide bombing, they continue to chose the path of war, they continue to poke Israel in the eye, and send rockets and suicide bombers in to Israel,............

And then Cry Poor Palestine!!!!! Woe is Us!!!!!!!! Israel is Kicking out Ass!!!

Feel Sorry for our Plight>


You put your selves in this position, you have failed to MAKE PEACE, You have done nothing to IMPROVE YOU OWN LOT!!!!!

You Have done nothing to improve the life of your Own People, so WHY SHOULD I NOW CARE ABOUT THE TROUBLE YOU HAVE BROUGHT ON YOUR OWN HEADS????

Make Peace, and then I will Care.
Your site didn't come up,

This is the message that came up.

Now as to your opinion of a reliable site is, and my assessment of what a Reliable site is, are going to be two different assessments.

But as to the reliability of my sources, they are from the U.N., History, and observation of the History, I have been aware of the Israeli, Arab/Palestinian, as a world problem since 1967.

I have spent many hours researching the history of the Conflict, predating, the 1967 War, to the 1948 War, the Palestinian Mandate, to the Balfore Agreement.

There is already a Palestinian State, it is the Country of the Transjordan/Jordan.

The Arabs, were the one to march on Israel in 1948, because they didn't like the U.N. voting process that created not only Israel, but Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

None of those state existed before the French Mandate, and the Palestinian Mandate.

Lebanon and Syria were formed out of the French Mandate, and Jordan and Israel were formed out of the Palestinian Mandate, they were Provence of the Ottoman Empire.

Israel was designated it's cultural lands west of the Jordan River, and the Rest of the Land of Palestinian Mandate was formed as Transjordan, and later Jordan.

The Arabs who received in all 95% of the Mandates weren't satisfied with the division, and went to war to Crush the Israelis and steal their land for the League of Arab States, the Pan Arab State, there was no plans for a separate Palestinian State, the Lands of Israel, and Palestine as granted in U.N. Resolution 181, would have been divided between Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, and have disappeared in to the mist of history.

Now as to the so called Palestinians, who in reality are Arabs, they have continued a war against Israel for 60 years, egged on by the Arabs, and now as pawns of the Iranians.

They have been offered 95% of everything they wanted in the Camp David Peace Accords, and they refused it.

Instead they have continued to attack Israel, and now they have their tail in a vice and they want sympathy?

What have the Arab/Palestinians done to improve their own lot?

What have they spent the moneys given them not only from Israel, but the rest of the world?

Build Infrastructure?, Schools?, Hospitals?, Industry?, Water Projects?, Sewer Treatment Plants? NO!!! they spend the money on weapons, rocket, explosives for suicide bombing, they continue to chose the path of war, they continue to poke Israel in the eye, and send rockets and suicide bombers in to Israel,............

And then Cry Poor Palestine!!!!! Woe is Us!!!!!!!! Israel is Kicking out Ass!!!

Feel Sorry for our Plight>


You put your selves in this position, you have failed to MAKE PEACE, You have done nothing to IMPROVE YOU OWN LOT!!!!!

You Have done nothing to improve the life of your Own People, so WHY SHOULD I NOW CARE ABOUT THE TROUBLE YOU HAVE BROUGHT ON YOUR OWN HEADS????

Make Peace, and then I will Care.

for someone who claims to have studied the history you have a remarkabley poor grasp of it. With such ahistorical statements as jordan is a palestinian country and the arab marched on israel in 48. All you know is the side you supports propaganda.


I'm sorry your laughing at the fact that I use a definition of the word terrorism that is some how related to the root terror.

and his site was a un site.

also you like everyone else who talks about how the opposed the orginal partian never mention why. it wasn't based on the population of the groups. Any reasonable and honest person can see anyone would be rightfully refuse an offer for you to get a percantage of land equal to around 2/3 of the the percantage you make of the population while someone else gets around 5 times the percantage of land as compared to their percentage of population.

and are you saying that if the palestinians gave up the fight for the land that is their due. Israel would ensure the creation of a palestinian state? because that bullshit. what would happen is the Israels would annex back all the shitty land they let them have.
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and to all the people who like to talk about the 1947-48 war you never seem to look at 47. probably because it disproves your ahistorical arabs marched on Israel to end bullshit. The initial escalation of the conflict was started by the jewish zionists in 47. with out that as a catalyst the arab forces would have never felt the need to get involved to prevent a refugee problem( as we can see that didn't work out as planned). The stuff that people both sides that people like to refer to to make their claim is mostly propaganda shit to keep morale high. With the ill equipped and poorly trained forces that was key.
I don't think your statistics show how Israel gave all of Gaza back and was punished for doing so with violence. I also don't think your statistics show Ottoman aggression that led to Israel's installation to begin with.

At present, Palestinians aren't the victims of Israel. They are the victims of Hamas.

um the ottamons had nothing to do with Israel
some bigot said:
At present, Palestinians aren't the victims of Israel. They are the victims of Hamas.
What bullshit.
Palestinians have been the victims of Israel for 60 years, when did Israel stop oppressing them? 5 minutes ago?

Hamas is a direct result of aggressive Israeli policies, the Warsaw Jews did the same thing (not that it helped). Palestinians are victims of themselves the same way Jews in concentration camps were their own victims, and were responsible for being gassed by the Nazis according to your logic.
Israel has an alternative to the “high kill ratio” failed * policy it has employed for more than 50 years.

That defensive alternative can protect ALL Israelis by shooting down all the crude rockets launched from Gaza – using the same CIWS system Israel has used on its ships to protect them from much more difficult to hit rockets & cruise missiles. Israel does not need to let even one Israeli be killed by those crude rockets. They can be exploded high in the air with bullets that are much cheaper than the rockets. See that alternative at:
(A post made many years ago near start of the now locked original “News from Gaza” thread)

Mr Spock ignored the direct question: “Why not save ALL Israeli lives?” 17 times, but finally stated the CIWS would not work. I replied at:

I used not only the fact that it was the Close In Weapon System, that Israel used to protect its ships from even super-sonic guided cruise missile but also that in 2005 the CIWS was installed on flat bed trucks and used in Iraq to explode incoming mortar shells high in the sky.

Mortar shells are much smaller and faster falling than the crude Gaza Rockets. This use was first posted by Echo3Romeo, who is very knowledgeable about weapon systems. (I also worked in this area for the US Navy for more than a decade.) See Echo3Romeo’s post at:

IMHO, Israel CHOOSES to allow a few Israelis to be killed each year to justify its use of the high kill ratio policy.
This, along with periodic shut down of food and electric supplies (no functioning sewerage treatment plants or clean water is available when the power is shut off and this promotes disease) partially compensates for the higher birth rates of the Arabs. Also many Palestinians who can, chose to leave Palestine and then Isreali can more easily expand, as it does about every 10 years. The “security wall” is also helpful in this regard, especially as it has pushed up to 20Km into the West Bank where the Mountain aquifer waters can be secured for Israelis.

For more on the wall and the Mountain Aquifer, two maps, see CheskiChips post at:

*Certainly all can agree that the high kill ratio policy has “failed” as the Palestine Problem is just growing worse after 40 years of the high kill ratio policy.
The current conflict’s 300+ to 2 kill ratio is atypically high. Typically, Israel kills between 30 to 50 Palestinians for every Israeli killed.
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What bullshit.
Palestinians have been the victims of Israel for 60 years, when did Israel stop oppressing them? 5 minutes ago?

Hamas is a direct result of aggressive Israeli policies, the Warsaw Jews did the same thing (not that it helped). Palestinians are victims of themselves the same way Jews in concentration camps were their own victims, and were responsible for being gassed by the Nazis according to your logic.

moderators: can you check if this a SAM sock puppet? just in case.
thank you.
Israel has an alternative to the “high kill ratio...policy it has employed...

That defensive alternative can protect ALL Israelis by shooting down all the crude rockets launched from Gaza – using the same CIWS system Israel has used on its ships to protect them from much more difficult to hit rockets & cruise missiles.

What you would have is expensive missiles shooting down cheap missiles. This technology is simply too expensive to be used this way.
CIWS uses a fast firing multi barrel cannon i thought.

Oops. However, this doesn't really matter. The problem isn't how to protect the israelis against kaytushas that have already been launched, it's how to stop them from being launched in the first place.
Oops. However, this doesn't really matter. The problem isn't how to protect the israelis against kaytushas that have already been launched, it's how to stop them from being launched in the first place.

the answer to that is simple yet complex beyond imagining. break the cycle of hatred.
What you would have is expensive missiles shooting down cheap missiles. This technology is simply too expensive to be used this way.
No, you are ill informed. The CIWS shoots bullets, not missiles.

Normally, in ship defense use AGAINST A SUPER-SONIC CRUISE MISSLE attacking the ship, the CIWS fires very rapidly and its control radar tracks both the incoming threat and the outgoing bullets to converge the two. These Gaza rocket are very slow* (empty tubes before they reach peak altitude) that the fire rate could be reduced 100 fold and still be 100% sure of detonating the small warhead of the Gaza rocket high in the air. Since the first CIWS was installed there have been at least four more modern version installed on Israeli ships. Israel most likely has many of the earlier version sitting unused in some warehouses.

SUMMARY: The cost to fire a Gaza rocket is much higher than the cost of a couple hundred, at most, bullets to shoot it down.
* A baseball would fall faster than the mainly empty of fuel tube.
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