Nation of Slaves


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
If you wanted to have an entire nation of slaves, what would be the best way to do that?

First, definining slaves. Do they need to be in chains? Do they need to be forced to work? What would consist this "force"? Does it need to be physical force? Can it be psychological? Maybe this "force" is simply power?

My answer is simple. Slaves don't need chains to be slaves. They only need to be stuck in a situation in which they need to work to barely survive. And the best way to keep them from rebelling is by tricking them into believing that they are free.

And that's when america comes to mind. The "American Dream" is nothing but that- an illusion to keep slaves from rebelling. In this case, slaves of consumerism. The consumer debt is over $9 trillion right now. Don't people realize that they are living to pay their debts? To satisfy powerful corporations? Or rather the big owners of such corporations.

A slave is someone that is subject to someone else's power. There's no need for physical chains. There are plenty of psychological chains....
The church already provides perhaps the best model of how to enslave entire societies.

Condition them from early childhood to fear your deity and his wrath...which extends not only throughout life, but even beyond death!
Surgical implantation of electronics to stimulate pleasure and pain centers via remote control. Automatic stimulation of pain center if subject goes outside authorized area or approaches overlord without authorization.

Just wait until I get you into my laboratory. :eek:

Yes, but, voluntary slavery isn't slavery at all. People are free (i.e., change their lifestyle). I agree they are slaves but not to an outside force. They are slaves to their own (stupid) impulses. America is actually a fool's paradise. Be mindless. Consume. Stay sedated. I find it all fits very neatly into a buddhist diagnosis of whats wrong with the human condition.
One can also enslave by appealing to the male ego.

Woman are very good at this when they want something done around the house, and so are politicians who want you to die for them.

And how many have died with egoic male fantasies of 'serving their country' or 'defending our freedoms'...when they were really just pawns of imperial greed.

Theres a saying from the inscrutable east that "a great man is moved neither by praise or blame".
...Woman are very good at this when they want something done around the house, ....

PFFT :rolleyes:
Just tell a man he can't do something and he will prove ya wrong every time.
"Oh Honey no. You're not strong enough to clean the gutters. I'll do it" "No honey, those landscaping bricks are too heavy for you. I'll move them"
If you want slaves, start when they are young. My kids clean the house and don't give it a second thought. Why? Because they have been doing it since they were 2-3.
Americans are barely surviving? Huh? Barely surviving is Ethiopia. Get real. We've got running water, sewerage systems, vast quantities and varieties of foods, excellent education, health care, cars, t.v.s, video games, pools, vacation homes, pets, children, sporting events, 1000 satelite channels, ipods, iphones, resorts, gambling, drugs, vices galore, good weather, nice beaches, airplanes, blimps even . . . . If you think Americans are barely surviving, you are out of your mind.
The American dream is not an illusion. It is not to keep slaves from rebelling. Why on Earth would you educate Americans, if you wanted them to be slaves? Your comments are absolutely preposterous. Do you have a better system?
Why on Earth would you educate Americans, if you wanted them to be slaves?

First, all but minuscule % of "elite", get PROFESSIONAL TRAINING of various depth and quality not education in the traditional sense of the word. You can't run (semi) industrial society with stone age people. Thus, olygarchies are interested in having immense pull of docile, somewhat trained but not educated people, diligently working and reproducing the system. All the "educational" efforts from kindergarden to graduate school are directed towards this goal - content, "trained", docile slaves reproducers, not rocking the boat.

"Education" can be used to enslave with the same success as a whip. Just visit the nearest friendly campus, sniff aroma of isolation, very limited knowledge of the surrounding world, I-ll-do everything-to-get-good-job, I-don't-need-crap-which-brings-no-money-or-would-cause-trouble. And that's YOUTH, the most noncomforminst portion of society, behaving like 80 years old retired masters of office games.
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

John Lennon
(Killed by a disfunctional robot to whom he wouldn't have given the time of day)
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John Lennon had no practical world view that would feed six billion people. Utter nonsense. He even admits he might be a dreamer. Well, duh?
True, the educational system does produce employees. But, parents aren't going to send their kids to a school that produces rebels. There's nothing wrong with being a rebel. I just hope you can feed yourself.
If you want slaves, start when they are young. My kids clean the house and don't give it a second thought. Why? Because they have been doing it since they were 2-3.
I don't know how you managed to convince your 2 year old to clean the house.....!?!?:eek:
Americans are barely surviving? Huh? Barely surviving is Ethiopia. Get real. We've got running water, sewerage systems, vast quantities and varieties of foods, excellent education, health care, cars, t.v.s, video games, pools, vacation homes, pets, children, sporting events, 1000 satelite channels, ipods, iphones, resorts, gambling, drugs, vices galore, good weather, nice beaches, airplanes, blimps even . . . . If you think Americans are barely surviving, you are out of your mind.
In your terms, you are. You always want more- and thats' what make you slaves of the corporations that give you all that stuff. :rolleyes: