Muslim man sets 11yr old girl on fire

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....Thankfully our goverment doesnt leave people to stave because of the drought, even so the unemployment rate is rising as workers are layed off from buiness which surport farming

But wasn't your country British controlled? Why aren't you starving?

I was talking about AMERICAN farmers, which is ASGUARD AND I were talking about.

I know INDIAN FARMERS don't have a pot to piss in because their government hasn't built the infrastructure that AMERICA has. And I know you think its ALL AMERICA AND BRITIAN's fault.

I was responding to what you said:

America tries to take care of its people with Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamps, etc. Its not a perfect system, but its better than having our poor sell their children.

And considering I come from farm country, I never met a farmer or rancher who didn't have a second source of income. Farming is too defendant on the weather to be without a second job.

Perhaps you should actually research the effects of the First World trade policies before comparing the Third World to OJ Simpson.
probably because we had acess to ALOT of gold. The victorian gold rush is PROBABLY what caused britan to put the energy into running us as a proper country, rather than a source of slave labor. Then there is the fact that australia was invaded POST the US civil war.
But wasn't your country British controlled? Why aren't you starving?

Because they replaced the natives. How different is the condition of the Abos to that of people in the Third World?


do structural adjustment policies apply from US/G8 aid to Australia? Or do they make a special case of it only for developing countries?
I was responding to what you said:

Perhaps you should actually research the effects of the First World trade policies before comparing the Third World to OJ Simpson.

I should research the effects of the World trade policies before comparing the Third World to OJ Simpson. LMAO

I wasn't comparing the third world to OJ. I was comparing what you said to what OJ may say.
Because they replaced the natives. How different is the condition of the Abos to that of people in the Third World?


do structural adjustment policies apply from US/G8 aid to Australia? Or do they make a special case of it only for developing countries?

Are the Abos selling their children into prostitution while people of teh nation say "ah well, its better than starving". Do the Abos kill their unborn daughters because they are daughters? Do the Abos set their children on fire?

Well, then yes. I guess you are right.
I should research the effects of the World trade policies before comparing the Third World to OJ Simpson. LMAO

I wasn't comparing the third world to OJ. I was comparing what you said to what OJ may say.

Because I am addressing the greater social issue [poverty and ignorance] rather than the crime? The crime is too common. And oohs and aahs won't save the next victim. I would rather remove the cause and save future victims.
Because I am addressing the greater social issue [poverty and ignorance] rather than the crime? The crime is too common. And oohs and aahs won't save the next victim. I would rather remove the cause and save future victims.

Agreed. Its why I donate to Heifer International. I'm just not so used to children being set on fire that I can say "ah well, its how it is in that region".
Good for you, I put all my spare cash into organisations educating girls in these places.
How does it help to educate the girls if the men are setting them on fire?
(not that I think they shouldn't be educated)
From my perspective, a mother with options is better than a mother without one. My grandmother and mother both faced extreme poverty to begin with and yet all of our generation are graduates.
Shouldnt matter to someone who despises Westerners.

I think a lot of Non-Westerners have reasons to despise Westerners. Lest you forget, colonialism only ended in many nations 50 years ago. Many of which suffered genocide and oppression for over 200 years.

Westerners, of all people, should be more understanding and humble in regards tot he crimes which they wrought on this earth for so many years. The consequences of which have cost the lives of billions of human beings.
But wasn't your country British controlled? Why aren't you starving?
So was HongKong, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada and the USA if you think about it.

That said, I know many Fijians who blame everything on the Indian's in Fiji stealing their wealth and keeping them down while promoting Indians.

Maybe there is some truth to it,
I think a lot of Non-Westerners have reasons to despise Westerners. Lest you forget, colonialism only ended in many nations 50 years ago. Many of which suffered genocide and oppression for over 200 years.

Westerners, of all people, should be more understanding and humble in regards tot he crimes which they wrought on this earth for so many years. The consequences of which have cost the lives of billions of human beings.

Yap. And we can say the same (and MUCH worse) about almost any region of the earth. Difference is we should leave it where it belongs- in the past.
Yap. And we can say the same (and MUCH worse) about almost any region of the earth. Difference is we should leave it where it belongs- in the past.

Can we really compare Colonialism in the 20th by European powers to any other incident in mankind in terms of oppression of one race on multiple others? The death, slavery, oppression, subjugation, and poverty resulting from this time is having repercussions to this day. What can we really say to about the extermination of a whole race of human beings, for example? Or the transformation of African and South Indian farmland into slave farms to feed Europe at the expense of its own people?
on your question of structural ajustments im not sure

I DO know that both australian goverments (as well as the farmers federation) have been pissed off at the dohar trade talks but im not sure if this is what your refering to.

basically we have removed tarifs and we still have to deal with the fact that subsidies are handed out to the US farmers and tarifs still exist in eroup.

On a side note i dont concider the drought (EC) assistance to be the same as the farm subsides because all it is doing is making sure that people dont LOSE there farms (and can still aford food) while the drought contines. As soon as it rains enough those goverment payments end where as those in the US continue either way

On the issue of aborigionals i 100% agree with you, the 17 year life expectancy gap, the rampent achole abuse ect are all symptoms of disenfranchisment. I dont disagree at all with comparing it to a third world existance
video of girl

Here's what appears to have happened. The Muslim man was a child molester who handed out sweets to children. He raped the girl and when she tried to get away he poured kerosene over her head and set her body alight. The neighbors caught him and helped her. Then he taught of a story that might be acceptable and might get him off the hook. So he told everyone he was a good Muslims and the girl was wearing lip stick and a skirt. He was hoping that the conservative Muslims would deem this justification enough for burning her alive. Maybe some would? But, they now know he's a lieing child molester.
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