The man was and is a Muslim. He is also a child molester. There are molesters that are Xian, atheist, Buddhist, and Muslim.
- What if he hadn't molested the girl? What if he only burned her alive for wearing lipstick - as he said he had done. Than what?
- What of the Saudi police men who prevented the girls form escaping? Are they Muslim?
- What about the people who murdered other people because they were mad someone pocked fun of Mohammad in a movie or in a cartoon. Were they Muslim?
- There's a lot of murder, death and violence in the name of your God and it's surrounding your religion DiamondHearts.
What of Mohammad's order to murder singing slave girl? Was that OK DiamondHearts? Was he a Muslim DiamondHearts? That's an ISLAMIC STORY DiamondHearts. Are we not allowed to discuss that?
What's you're argument going to be then? Something like this: "You are saying that this criminal (Mohammad) reflects on my and my religion? Seriously, what is wrong with you?":bugeye:
Have you ever stopped and think that the reason there is so much violence and murder and intolerance in the NAME of the belief - might have something to do with the beleif?
Suppose day in and day out we heard of Scientologists burning little girls in the name of Xenu, blowing themselves up in the name of Xneu, killing people in the name of Xenu, chopping the heads off fellow Scientologists because of slight alterations in religous dogma - do ya think maybe we'd start to think, Hmmmm maybe there's something amiss with this Scientology bullshit?
The man was and is a Muslim. He is also a child molester. There are molesters that are Xian, atheist, Buddhist, and Muslim.
- What if he hadn't molested the girl? What if he only burned her alive for wearing lipstick - as he said he had done. Than what?
- What of the Saudi police men who prevented the girls form escaping? Are they Muslim?
- What about the people who murdered other people because they were mad someone pocked fun of Mohammad in a movie or in a cartoon. Were they Muslim?
- There's a lot of murder, death and violence in the name of your God and it's surrounding your religion DiamondHearts.
What of Mohammad's order to murder singing slave girl? Was that OK DiamondHearts? Was he a Muslim DiamondHearts? That's an ISLAMIC STORY DiamondHearts. Are we not allowed to discuss that?
What's you're argument going to be then? Something like this: "You are saying that this criminal (Mohammad) reflects on my and my religion? Seriously, what is wrong with you?":bugeye:
Have you ever stopped and think that the reason there is so much violence and murder and intolerance in the NAME of the belief - might have something to do with the beleif?
Suppose day in and day out we heard of Scientologists burning little girls in the name of Xenu, blowing themselves up in the name of Xneu, killing people in the name of Xenu, chopping the heads off fellow Scientologists because of slight alterations in religous dogma - do ya think maybe we'd start to think, Hmmmm maybe there's something amiss with this Scientology bullshit?