More Liberal-Controlled Media BS

Nope, it's conservative code for Mexicans.

Don't be an ass. We have plenty of Asian and European illegals in this country too, and they're just as important as the South American ones to the illegal immigration debate. Mexicans are carrying the brunt of the issue in the public because of people like sandy, but they're certainly not all that illegal immigration refers to.

I have to admit though that I find it hard to take you seriously on this topic considering you once said "no one cares about illegal immigration."
I know the illegal immigration issue involves other nations, but when the Republicans talk about it, they are really only talking about Mexicans. When was the last time you heard them complain about Scandinavians taking our jobs? The Republican party is the party of racists, sexists, and homophobes.
I know the illegal immigration issue involves other nations, but when the Republicans talk about it, they are really only talking about Mexicans. When was the last time you heard them complain about Scandinavians taking our jobs? The Republican party is the party of racists, sexists, and homophobes.

I'm a Republican. :(
Just ignore liberals, they never have a clue as to what they are talking about, and promote laws that are specifically designed to promote inequality.

It is also funny when they try to pretend that the vast majority of the 12+million illegals in the USA aren't invaders from the south, or boat people from Asia. They think that we should crack down on vias violators and never do a thing about the southern border or our ports.
If this country hadn't dumped its private unions, opened its borders to unregulated corporate investment crossing, subsidized its corporate exports (especially agricultural) so heavily, and spent the past fifty years beating up on its civil service, the illegal immigration problem would never have approached its current size, and would be much easier to handle.

But of course since the media is dominated by left-leaning ideology and concern, we are all tired of the many hours spent watching the pundits beat their gums over the various influences of "right to work" movements in the border states, union organizing in the maquiladoras, capital flow in outflung manufacturing investment and subsidized agriculture compared with labor flow, the effects of dropping return to labor on such investment as education and family coherence, etc etc etc - man, they've just beat the lefty viewpoint into the ground.

Don't you think its time somebody paid a little bit of attention to the stock market? It is a factor here, folks.
VAWA was reauthorized by Congress in 2000, and again in October 2005, when it passed the Senate unanimously. The bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 5, 2006. [1] The latest version for the first time also recognizes male victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.[2] [wikipedia]
Funny how it didn't grant men protections from domestic violence and sexual assult until Bush was in office...
How does it feel to be a member of a party that systematically oppresses minorites?

Well considering neither of the two parties are really willing to do anything about the War on Drugs, aside from a few select individuals, I think I feel the same way I would if I were a Democrat.