More Liberal-Controlled Media BS

Hillary is a Right, Authoritarian, corporate and business oriented politician. She always has been. Her health care plan (for example) carefully tended to insurance company profits and powers, and drug company needs for market protection and guaranteed profits - it set up privatized, not socialized, government-paid health care.

The fact that Barack is a bit further economically Right than Hillary, even, may partly explain his surprisingly solid support in the business and media corporate world.

Oh, she isn't a liberal?

She doesn't believe in the expansion of the federal government?

She doesn't believe in the belief that if you throw enough money at it that you can solve any problem?

She doesn't believe in the liberal forgien policy of spreading democracy, nation building and other aspects of the white man's burden?
angry said:
Oh, she isn't a liberal?
"Liberal" is meaningless, as of about five years ago.

Hillary is politically authoritarian, economically right of center, and corporate oriented. Her stint on the board of Wal Mart was not out of character in the slightest, for a lawyer with good connections in the business world around Arkansas. She fit right in.

In the past it's been said more than once that the first woman (or black) to make a serious Presidential candidate would be Republican. Since that observation, the Republican Party has abandoned its former character, and the Dems have moved into the gap. Bill Clinton has been called the best Republican president since WW1 (and the first black President), with more than a grain of truth (both of those). Hillary would be in that category (not black, though).

So given the fact that you feel conservatives are in a victim position because of the liberal controlled media
1) how are conservatives going to stop whining about this and become winners?
2) why did you let yourselves get in this victim position?
So given the fact that you feel conservatives are in a victim position because of the liberal controlled media
1) how are conservatives going to stop whining about this and become winners?
2) why did you let yourselves get in this victim position?

I don't feel we are victims. Not of anything. Not ever. We don't know the meaning of the word "victim". We have no victim mentality. That's for liberal losers. :bawl:

We don't whine about the liberal-controlled media. We just think they're pathetic.:bawl:

The liberals just took over. Like they always do. Of so many things. Then they get trashed and we have to fix them. We came up with our own choice of network to view: the fair and balanced FOX news. You can have the rest of the biased liberal drive-by media. They don't even try to hide their pathetic slant anymore. :(
Conservatives do control the radio talk show industry. I think the demy's tried to make their own radio talk shows but no one tuned in so they all failed.
The liberals just took over. Like they always do.
How did they manage that. I mean in America. The land of the free. Was it because the conservatives were not very smart or they were weak. It cannot be because they were naive about liberals since they have been complaining about them for, well, a long time. How did you conservatives get in this underdog condition? How can we trust you to run society if you cannot even find a way to have your views presented in the media. You mention Fox News. But conservatives still complain all the time about the liberal media bias. They do not say, "thank god it is fair now because of Fox News." In fact they go on complaining about the bias.

I can't say I could possibly support conservatives since they seem so weak. They are outmanouvered by liberals.

Perhaps your ideas are good, but you don't have leadership skills, clearly since the liberals manage to gain control of the media.
How did they manage that...

They breed like rats. They welcome criminal aliens who also breed like rats. They don't obey laws, commit most of the crime, and fill/take over the jails. They infest nice neighborhoods and ruin them. They fill the schools with their vile teachings ruining the children. They pollute college kids' minds. They are lazy and collect/support welfare/foodstamps/entitlements. They band together and "protest" our immigration laws and war on terror. They kill babies--1.5 million/year. They support/makeup loser unions. They slander our government/President. They are vile. I wish they would all move to France. Or Iran.:rolleyes:
That's a very nice racist rant there, sandy. If Republicans didn't make life here so shitty, perhaps people would be less likely to abort. The only ones to blame for a Democratic takeover in government is George W. Bush and his Neo-Con friends. Have you seen their approval ratings? America is not happy with him and the corruption among the Republicans.
That's a very nice racist rant there, sandy. If Republicans didn't make life here so shitty, perhaps people would be less likely to abort. The only ones to blame for a Democratic takeover in government is George W. Bush and his Neo-Con friends. Have you seen their approval ratings? America is not happy with him and the corruption among the Republicans.

I said nothing about race so please don't twist my words/meaning. Liberalism is not a race. I think it's a sickness. Repubs don't make anyone's life "sh!tty". People do that/choose that for themselves by their thoughts/actions/ decisions. How about not have a baby you can't afford? How about taking some personal responsibility? Is that too hard a concept for liberals to swallow? Yeah, I thought so. Let the government run your life, give you healthcare/welfare/foodstamps/social security etc... Entitlement mentality creates losers. Look at New Orleans. :(

The morons who voted for the democratic takeover fell for their empty promises. The lib-controlled CONgress has done NOTHING they promised except give raises to criminal aliens. :(

We don't care about approval ratings. We're not trying to impress the world. We're trying to keep Americans alive and safe from evil muslim terrorists who want us converted/dead. The Republicans' "corruption" pales to the liberals.:rolleyes:
You implied illegal immigrants breed like rats.

I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. We live in a society. Republicans always legislate in favor of corporate interests over the needs of the people. Before Social Security, in 1934, over half of the elderly didn't have enough money to support themselves. Personal responsibility is a fine value, but it doesn't fix the real problems we face as a society. It's just a fantasy that weak-minded people employ to justify policies that are basically fascist.

The Democratic congress has been OBSTRUCTED by the Republicans. Your characterization of the endless and in some cases, treasonous Republican scandals reveals the level of fantasy that you live in. You admitted you live separate from the rest of society, so you have no idea what the real world for most Americans is like.
They breed like rats. They welcome criminal aliens who also breed like rats. They don't obey laws, commit most of the crime, and fill/take over the jails. They infest nice neighborhoods and ruin them. They fill the schools with their vile teachings ruining the children. They pollute college kids' minds. They are lazy and collect/support welfare/foodstamps/entitlements. They band together and "protest" our immigration laws and war on terror. They kill babies--1.5 million/year. They support/makeup loser unions. They slander our government/President. They are vile. I wish they would all move to France. Or Iran.:rolleyes:

You conservatives must be very weak or incompetent to have let this happen.
They breed like rats. They welcome criminal aliens who also breed like rats. They don't obey laws, commit most of the crime, and fill/take over the jails. They infest nice neighborhoods and ruin them. They fill the schools with their vile teachings ruining the children. They pollute college kids' minds. They are lazy and collect/support welfare/foodstamps/entitlements. They band together and "protest" our immigration laws and war on terror. They kill babies--1.5 million/year. They support/makeup loser unions. They slander our government/President. They are vile. I wish they would all move to France. Or Iran.:rolleyes:

A bunch of the whiny liars made a promise in 2004, and they refused to back it up.
You implied illegal immigrants breed like rats.
I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. We live in a society. Republicans always legislate in favor of corporate interests over the needs of the people... Personal responsibility is a fine value, but it doesn't fix the real problems we face as a society. It's just a fantasy that weak-minded people employ to justify policies that are basically fascist.
The Democratic congress has been OBSTRUCTED by the Republicans. Your characterization of the endless and in some cases, treasonous Republican scandals reveals the level of fantasy that you live in. You admitted you live separate from the rest of society, so you have no idea what the real world for most Americans is like.

"Illegal immigrant" is not a race, not a protected class. It is a description of the criminal aliens who break our laws and come here ILLEGALLY.

Personal responsibility is no fantasy. It's the way things ARE for most Republicans. Why are you sticking up for the losers? If everyone took personal responsibility we would have very FEW societal problems.:(

The democrat-controlled CONgress has done nothing it promised. They have NO excuse. They just lied to get in.
I know exactly what the real world is. My job is keeping people alive. Even the liberals.:(