Registered Senior Member
Make of it, what you will.
Not much. Around number 2,000,002 on my list of books to readMake of it, what you will.
Which is?
"During the last few years, when I have found myself in the company of distinguished biologists, evolutionary theorists, paleoanthropologists and other experts, I have often asked them to tell me, please, exactly why Elaine Morgan must be wrong about the aquatic theory. I haven’t yet had a reply worth mentioning, aside from those who admit, with a twinkle in their eyes, that they have also wondered the same thing."
- Dan Dennett, "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" (1995)
I would put it as "EVIDENCE - ie - this is my idea and this is the evidence I put forward to claim this is knowledge"That their indoctrinated degrees leave them the only ones capable of adding new knowledge.
Ever dreamt of flying?
I would put it as "EVIDENCE - ie - this is my idea and this is the evidence I put forward to claim this is knowledge"
So what evidence has been put forward to boost this theory into knowledge territory?
What was (is) Darwin's Dangerous Idea please?
Darwin noted the storage of the nectar was so deep, 30cm, that it would appear to go against the possibility of it being able to reproduce
Darwin put forward the idea of a moth with a long proboscis as being the mechanism
No such moth was known at the time, 1862
1882 Darwin died
20 years later the Sphinx moth was found with a proboscis long enough to qualify
111 years after Darwin's death, 1993, photographic evidence proved the link between the moth and its ability to act as the reproductive force for the orchid
Well at least you didn't post that picture which seemingly implies women are evolutionary predisposed to having long hair and men short hair.
So we have Stephen Munro suggesting in the 1990s, that if the hominins had evolved for at least two million years in coastal tropical waters, then fossil specimens would show signs of life-long aquatic activity.
Thanks for the details about the ear. While I find the theory (evolution over 2 million years in coastal tropical waters - creating swimmer's ear still present today)
I think swimmer's ear to be a very weak hook to hang the theory on. My personal view (that the swimmer's ear) would not be a sufficiently strong enough survival feature.
Point me towards current humans having redundant webbed hands, feet or some other strong survival aquatic feature
Swimmer's ear - curious, compelling for evidence "hominins had evolved for at least two million years in coastal tropical waters" - for me NO
There are all these irrefutable observations that would suggest it, yet you keep on treating it as if it's akin to talking about Bigfoot.
Observations - irrefutable yes ✓
Suggest - yes ✓
Prove - no ✓
Other stuff mentioned have plausible explanations ✓
The conventional explanations for human origin are not more plausible, on the contrary, they are complete nonsense by comparison. The world doesn't become flat by keep repeating it like a mantra.
If you consider that to be the case ie conventional explanations vs aquatic ones may I suggest you construct a large chart
Have in the centre a diagram of the human body
Circle the area of focus. Have lines going out either side
In the vertical margins either side detail on one side aquatic explanations - other side - conventional explanations
Submit your project for evaluation to a suitable publication
Not impressedAll that's already been done, mate. Years ago.
Not impressed
What you have provided is a list of end results
What I require is
If you consider that to be the case ie conventional explanations vs aquatic ones may I suggest you construct a large chart
Have in the centre a diagram of the human body
Circle the area of focus. Have lines going out either side
In the vertical margins either side detail on one side aquatic explanations - other side -conventional explanations
With particular emphasis on explanations. How the focus area / structure evolved the way it did. Why it could NOT have happened the other way
What survival advantage did it provide?
So what about mammals such as otters, beavers, pigs, or elephants?All that's already been done, mate. Years ago.
So what about mammals such as otters, beavers, pigs, or elephants?