Male Virgin Problems

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Come on Orleander.. just admit it, we won't be angry :p

She doesn't need to admit anything. It couldn't be more obvious she called out Draqon to make an ass out of him. Regardless if she started the thread for other reasons, that is what she decided to do halfway through it. Maybe Draqon should start calling her the "Resident Whore" ??
yeah, I wasn't targeting him with the thread. The question on the other hand is obviously for draqon. I lost my temper when someone PMd me a quip of his in the Surgery After Sex thread.
Isn't there a saying "If you can't take it, don't dish it out"

Anyways, I wonder how this will affect the Abstinence campaign being taught in some schools.
No what I am saying is you called him an insulting way calling him that.
Provoking him to come in a thread talking about dysfunctional sex issues. Almost like you are implying something.
I was. I also implied the same thing about myself in post #5.

So, do you have an opinion on the study or are you here just to be angry?
No what I am saying is you called him an insulting way calling him that.
Provoking him to come in a thread talking about dysfunctional sex issues. Almost like you are implying something.

At least that's how Draqon perceives it. Orleander shouldn't have done it, but to be fair Draqon hasn't been much of a nice guy to her either.
In all honesty though, I don't know who originally started it.

Just kiss and make up people.. :bawl:

First of all, I think 21-23 is a bit young to automatically mean you have sex issues. If you did, I'd feel you'd lose your virginity much later. Early twenties is a perfectly fine age to lose your virginity, much healthier I think than in your teens which I find to be a bit young. But really it doesn't matter what age you choose to, as it is your choice alone and can be due to many factors. One of them may be sexual issues, yes, but also upbringing, religious background, not finding a person you care enough about to be intimate with, etc. Even if a person were to wait until their 30s or 40s I don't think that necessarily means they have sexual dysfunctions and that's what caused the lateness. And as for them having sexual dysfunctions as a result of late virginity loss rather than the cause, I can understand how you might have problems due to nervousness in the beginning but I'd think that in most cases it would eventually go away and does not mean you'd have an actual physical dysfunction forever that you wouldn't have otherwise had.

Orleander, as to the abstinence teaching thing, I don't think because of this study schools would suddenly stop promoting abstinence. Although they should stop for other reasons since it's never really been shown to actually affect anyone's sexual choices. If teens want to have sex, they're going to anyway, and birth control should be made more available. I also think masturbation should be seriously discussed to them as an option. Now that I think about it...didn't a female surgeon general or someone get fired for suggesting that...? :bugeye:
There is nothing wrong or to be afraid by being male virgin at
age above 20, especially when a guy has a principal that he
wants to keep it just for the right person.

Virginity is an issue of mind over matter. If you dont mind, it doesnt
matter. In the sense that it dont have to be seen as a burden, just as
a set of priority. The right thing will come at right time.
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I hate pseudosciences like psychology! where do they get such utter crap from? Its such bull I lost my virginity when I was about 16/17 my friend who was the same age as me lost his virginity at the age of 21 after he got married. He is 26 now and already has 3 kids and a 4th one is on the way.

Basically he has more sex then me, Orlender is right its more to do with intimacy issues I just can't connect with some women, they are too huggy feely. I like rough sex don't care who's dominating as long as its rough.
....Orlender is right its more to do with intimacy issues I just can't connect with some women, they are too huggy feely. I like rough sex don't care who's dominating as long as its rough.

My husband is very huggy kissy. It took me a looooong time to get used to. I felt trapped. After 13 yrs I'm still trying to let him touch my face.
yeah...rough sex. Is that kind of sex 'making love'?
My husband is very huggy kissy. It took me a looooong time to get used to. I felt trapped. After 13 yrs I'm still trying to let him touch my face.
yeah...rough sex. Is that kind of sex 'making love'?

Funnily enough, my wife is so huggy feely I can't deal with it sometimes. Its like she always has to hugg me, when we go to sleep she has to have her arms around me, its damn uncomfortable. I like sleeping on my stomach I can't even turn my back to her as she gets all moody and I can't get sex in the morning. Yeah I like the rough sex I want to do it faster and harder and she says it 'hurts' and then am doing it how she likes it, she starts talking its not even sexy talking its make me lose a hard'on talking. I just wish things change, am a newly wed. I don't want to push her away from me, but the sex is not really amazing. I don't see the point being with a women even a women you love if the sex isn't that good. And you should be at least having sex twice a day.
Of course you should. If you're young and healthy! Once at night and once when you wake up... Is that too much to ask?

How sad for your wife. :( That is gonna get old and BORING fast. No wonder its not amazing. It became as predictable as washing dishes. I don't think you're having sex, you're masturbating using her body.
I like to have fun with girls and I have much more girlfriends than male friends, but I've never been interested in having sex with any of them, or had any reasonable motivation to do that, I love unconditionally.

Besides the topic is kinda moot after directly meeting with the Goddess in Summer of 2005.
It may well be that my abstinence has some physiological consequences, but I don't care in the slightest, the same way I don't care about sex.
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