Male Virgin Problems

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:bugeye: you masturbate with a condom on??
LOL. Of course not. No one is concerned with orgasming too fast during masturbation. He's talking about during actual sex.

That whole "death grip" thing sounds like BS to me, too. A vagina feels way better than your hand, no matter how tight your grip.
LOL. Of course not. No one is concerned with orgasming too fast during masturbation. He's talking about during actual sex.

That whole "death grip" thing sounds like BS to me, too. A vagina feels way better than your hand, no matter how tight your grip.

It's a surprisingly common problem. Read Dan Savage if you don't believe me. It's not a matter of how good a vagina feels. If you are used to an unlubricated hand, you risk not being able to achieve orgasm from intercourse.
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reply to the unlubricated hand

just a reply to the one before this about the unlubricated hand, thats what your foreskins designed for masterbating, mines like a winsock after the beating its took over the years, maybe i,m being naive (probably) but sexual health problems for men, surley a couple of viagra and some bedroom olympics, yer laughing, hey and if you havent got a women theres really hot ones out there that will do it for a few quid, wheres the stress
Why are you calling him out? Do you think something is wrong with him because he hasn't had sex yet?

ditto what killjoy said. He also drinks baby formula. There are issues.
Its not so much that he hasn't, its that he refuses due to all the requirements he has placed on it.

So, I don't think a person has sex issues because they waited too long. I think they waited so long because they have sex issues.
because I KNOW not all women masturbate. I think all guys do. I think they would notice they couldn't have an erection or an orgasm. It's not as easy for women. How would a woman who doesn't masturbate know she was dysfunctional if she didn't have sex?

Well, how would a man ?
Of course there are women that never masturbated but they must be few, men that never masturbated must be even fewer in number I guess. You cannot say that all men masturbate, you don't know..
Well, there is the "death grip" problem. If masturbation isn't done properly, the penis can be desensitized to where it is nearly impossible to have an orgasm from intercourse. Use lube guys.

LOL deathgrip ? Jeez :D
ditto what killjoy said. He also drinks baby formula. There are issues.
Its not so much that he hasn't, its that he refuses due to all the requirements he has placed on it.

So, I don't think a person has sex issues because they waited too long. I think they waited so long because they have sex issues.

Huh? That's what I said in post 2 :bugeye:
this whole thread is aimed at me by Orleander to make me look like an imbecile dysfunctional man. I state once more that Orleander has got it against me. for claims that virgin men have sex problems, it is not true. She fucked a lot of men, just for sex and than backed up saying that it wasn't right love...and now she cant take that sin on herself, rather she make someone like me who hasn't done it an evildoer. Well I see through her, the dusty cracked mirror in bathroom, and her self pretentious holiness.
this whole thread is aimed at me by Orleander to make me look like an imbecile dysfunctional man. I state once more that Orleander has got it against me. for claims that virgin men have sex problems, it is not true. She fucked a lot of men, just for sex and than backed up saying that it wasn't right love...and now she cant take that sin on herself, rather she make someone like me who hasn't done it an evildoer. Well I see through her, the dusty cracked mirror in bathroom, and her self pretentious holiness.

Draqon, sex issues aren't necessarily bad. It's just that, for you, sex is an issue. You make an issue of it not to do it yet.. big deal (not) ;)
Draqon, sex issues aren't necessarily bad. It's just that, for you, sex is an issue. You make an issue of it not to do it yet.. big deal (not) ;)

Sex isn't an issue for me. I have no sex, I have no sex issues. Masturbation 3/day keeps me happy...and keeps the bugs away.
So nothing.
I was just saying, since you denied having issues about it.

no...but using the word "issues" with the word "sex" is like saying I got dysfunctional body and I cant go erect or ejaculate...which is not true.
I can do all that. I got issues with morality of sex...not sex itself.
no...but using the word "issues" with the word "sex" is like saying I got dysfunctional body and I cant go erect or ejaculate...which is not true.
I can do all that. I got issues with morality of sex...not sex itself.

That's what I meant. I was just trying to be nice... :bawl:
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