Male Armpit Hair? Sexy or non?

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Do you think it's sexier when a male has armpit hair or shaves it off? And if you do shave it do u think it makes you look gay? And if your opinion is trimmed how trimmed should it be? What do u guys think?
SOME armpit hair is kinda sexy........none is weird and too much is gross. I'm not sure how much is too mucht tho!
hair isn't particularly sexy but it's natural and belongs there. but i, like the other members of my nature hating species, do not entirely object to hair removal. actually, soft light hair on a woman is much better looking and feeling than the coarse black hair covering the bodies of men. so let the men shave and we woman will spare ourselves the pain and razor burn.
Do you think it's sexier when a male has armpit hair or shaves it off?

Males with pit hair. I guess it ties back to our simian days and its just pheremone thing. And yes, pit shaving men are most definetily gay.

Now how about a girl with curled baby afros sprouting from her pits? Wouldn't that just drive you wild?
I don't think it goes back that far. Most men* find womens armpit hair unattractive, and women who shave themselves find this hair unattractive as well, don't they? Why else would they shave it, then to appeal to some aesthetic sense? I don't think our "simian ancestors" have shaving apparatus. Women shaving is a learned behavior, and so is men not shaving, it's a lifestyle choice, not an instinct.

*comment refering to most men, means most men in the US
Goddamn man, I was talking about personal preferences. Gendanken goes ga ga over a man who smells like he's been working. Don't like it? Bite me.

And yes I most certainly find men who shave incredibly, mindblowingly gay. Want bald pits? For that matter, a bald body? Try cancer.
You would think that after so many generations of women shaving that our genes would figure out that there is no use to this hair and loose it gradually like the wisdom tooth, which I only have two of them at the age of 30, and some people stopped having them all together..
Well mother nature and our genes realize that women shaving products bring in a lot of business and give a lot of people jobs. Beards seem useless too but again our genes take our economy into account.
Originally posted by gendanken
Now how about a girl with curled baby afros sprouting from her pits? Wouldn't that just drive you wild?

I was speaking of this comment.
Originally posted by gendanken
Then you should have quoted Cmdcorrhorn, not I.

Since your the one with the post, then why should I quote someone else? They spoke nothing of womens shaving habits.
i cant say the shaving thing is gay. as i have yet to see a gay man shave his pits.

i find woman with a bit of pit hair sexy. but too much, like if it hangs dow farther that 4 inches or so is unatractive. fartehr than 6 inches just duisgusting.

no i dont shave my pits. thatd be creepy...
Wisdom teeth

Originally posted by Flores
You would think that after so many generations of women shaving that our genes would figure out that there is no use to this hair and loose it gradually like the wisdom tooth, which I only have two of them at the age of 30, and some people stopped having them all together..

Hey, Flores, I had only 3!
Originally posted by cmdcorranhorn
Do you think it's sexier when a male has armpit hair or shaves it off? And if you do shave it do u think it makes you look gay? And if your opinion is trimmed how trimmed should it be? What do u guys think?

I'm guessing this is a male asking females about their thoughts on male armpithair?

I'm male, and usually shave my armpits (not a gay thing) just find it a lot more hygenic, and i also shave downbelow (which girls seem to appreciate)
However, i havent shaved my armpits for nearly a year, because I fancied a change and forgotten what it was like to have armpit hair.
I too am curious as to what females think of men's armpit hair, i think some do find it erotic, but again its down to the individual.
I have jetblack thick armpit hair, and it kinda looks ok, since I dotn have any chest hair, it's like a nice contrast.
a bit hair = ok, none looks weird and 2 much is gross,,,,

I have just a bit hair under my armpits and none on the chest and relatively hairless on my legs (for a guy) but I definately have developed another armpit related problem lately.

Due to intensive workouts my lats have been growing and flaring out to a point that my V-taper starts to clog my armpits when i let my arms hang down, making them more sweaty.

I guess it comes with the territory :mad: :p
Urban armpit Myth

You may have noticed that your clothes develop yellowish stains at the armpit region. Do not think it is because your armpits sweat so much.

It is your deodarant!!!
It's my deodrant (causing everyone else's stains??) Sorry people! :(

Since when has hair growth been a science cmdcorranhorn??
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