Registered Member
Do you think it's sexier when a male has armpit hair or shaves it off? And if you do shave it do u think it makes you look gay? And if your opinion is trimmed how trimmed should it be? What do u guys think?
Do you think it's sexier when a male has armpit hair or shaves it off?
Originally posted by gendanken
Now how about a girl with curled baby afros sprouting from her pits? Wouldn't that just drive you wild?
I was speaking of this comment.
Originally posted by gendanken
Then you should have quoted Cmdcorrhorn, not I.
Originally posted by Flores
You would think that after so many generations of women shaving that our genes would figure out that there is no use to this hair and loose it gradually like the wisdom tooth, which I only have two of them at the age of 30, and some people stopped having them all together..
Originally posted by cmdcorranhorn
Do you think it's sexier when a male has armpit hair or shaves it off? And if you do shave it do u think it makes you look gay? And if your opinion is trimmed how trimmed should it be? What do u guys think?