Luminiferous Aether Exists!

The question is, where would physics be today if it didn't go off the rails 100 years ago?
Electromagnetics changed the course of scientific history and ushered in mountains of data and evidence about nature. But what never changed throughout that history was this: no scientist will accept that nature must behave a certain way simply because you ordain it to be so. Even your attempts to blow up the train won't derail it, since, in your world, monsieur Nobel has not even yet invented dynamite. Besides, trains are running everywhere, principally on the laws of electromagnetics.

Electromagnetics replaced aether theory, which was useless and problematic. Calling that a derailment is just whining. You're bent out of shape because your schooling derailed sometime before they got around to explaining Maxwell's equations to you. Don't blame science for your personal shortcomings. Go take a class or something. Come back with the correct answer to what bends the heliosphere. Test it in a lab if you need to. But help yourself or get help, you are seriously behind the curve.
This is the aether.
And this
And this.
And this.
In physics, it's called the wave function $$\Psi$$. But wave-functions are just mathematical descriptions of the aether. But I add one caveat. The speed of light, permitivity and permeability are built into these aether waves as $$c^2 = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0\mu_0}$$. Aether waves are the carriers of the physics constants; without them, there is only the void.
We've both given a lot of thought and research to this. My conclusion is that the aether is the foundational medium that fills all space. It is not space but it has a "spongy" presence in space and its presence is characterized by a pressure. The pressure will cause it to expand if you increase the available space, and if you were to then reduce the space but maintain the same amount of aehter, the pressure would increase, not that there is any experiment where that could be demonstrated. The presence of the aether is undetectible and so no science deals with it directly.

The wave-function is not mechanics or natural law, or a depiction of wave action in a medium. I don't fully understand your statement about physics constrants and physics does not define anything about the aether. Waves that are described by physics may be waves that self propagate through empty space, or that have a field associated with them, and so if there is an aether I don't try to use current physics theory to fit with it; current physics is not made to fit an aether model. I decided to start from the bottom up and that process of step by step building of my views lead me to my current version of the aether.

My model does change and I am always working on the changes and so I listen to everyone who has given it a lot of thought and see if I think they have described anything that will help me. I have looked at your links and I like them, but I have not found any existing physics that I would say "works for me" in regard to the presence of the medium, the nature of waves that move pressure through the medium, or the nature of particles that I am viewing as patterns of pressure caused by standing waves. In my model the universe is composed of the medium and the pressure waves traversing it; pressure is conserved, :). I hope that helps differentiate our two positions.
We've both given a lot of thought and research to this. My conclusion is that the aether is the foundational medium that fills all space. It is not space but it has a "spongy" presence in space and its presence is characterized by a pressure. The pressure will cause it to expand if you increase the available space, and if you were to then reduce the space but maintain the same amount of aehter, the pressure would increase, not that there is any experiment where that could be demonstrated. The presence of the aether is undetectible and so no science deals with it directly.

The wave-function is not mechanics or natural law, or a depiction of wave action in a medium. I don't fully understand your statement about physics constrants and physics does not define anything about the aether. Waves that are described by physics may be waves that self propagate through empty space, or that have a field associated with them, and so if there is an aether I don't try to use current physics theory to fit with it; current physics is not made to fit an aether model. I decided to start from the bottom up and that process of step by step building of my views lead me to my current version of the aether.

My model does change and I am always working on the changes and so I listen to everyone who has given it a lot of thought and see if I think they have described anything that will help me. I have looked at your links and I like them, but I have not found any existing physics that I would say "works for me" in regard to the presence of the medium, the nature of waves that move pressure through the medium, or the nature of particles that I am viewing as patterns of pressure caused by standing waves. In my model the universe is composed of the medium and the pressure waves traversing it; pressure is conserved, :). I hope that helps differentiate our two positions.

I think you're going in the right direction. I'm going to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
53 pages of crap, Mazulu, quantum_wave and mpc7555 all at the same point I think this is the begining of the end - my god 12-21-12 might just be real,,,,
I think you're going in the right direction. I'm going to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If you slept on my last post, and if you can envision what I mean by a standing wave pattern composed of pressure waves traversing the medium, then you have a description of a particle whose presence is established in the medium. It can move but first let's talk about it at rest.

Saying that a particle is at rest relative to the inflowing and out flowing wave energy traversing the medium would be the same as saying that it is not moving through the medium. The particle at rest might be a proton ...

(three quarks if you like since a quark is a fundamental particle in the standard particle model. Quarks combine according to the model to form protons, which are atomic particles. Please excuse the disrespectful sounding explanations I use to discuss my model; they simply are benchmarks of comparison between science and my model. I don't call the model science because we know that science is conducted using the scientific method, and my model stops short of trying to test my hypotheses; I don't even have a basement).

... so we know about protons from a scientific perspective, and we know that there are quarks and other "fundamental particles" in the standard model that have no internal composition. In my model the fundamental particles have internal composition; they are standing wave patterns in the foundational medium. That makes the foundational medium of my model a level of order below current physics of the standard particle model. I just live with that and don't try to pass it off as science, but you will notice push back from those who just can't stand for people to talk about things like this. I have learned who to engage and who to ignore, but my intention is to continue to improve my model.

I'm listening to you right now, so if you think there is any benefit in me doing that, how much of what I said are you OK with, and what have I said that is wrong so far, according to your firm convictions.
53 pages of crap, Mazulu, quantum_wave and mpc7555 all at the same point I think this is the begining of the end - my god 12-21-12 might just be real,,,,

The Three Aether Amigos. Together as aether believers but each with a different theory. Here to save science from 100 years of advancement.

This is the aether.
And this
And this.
And this.
In physics, it's called the wave function $$\Psi$$. But wave-functions are just mathematical descriptions of the aether. But I add one caveat. The speed of light, permitivity and permeability are built into these aether waves as $$c^2 = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0\mu_0}$$. Aether waves are the carriers of the physics constants; without them, there is only the void.

Aether waves are the carriers of particles. In a double slit experiment the aether wave exits both slits and creates interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory.
Electromagnetics changed the course of scientific history and ushered in mountains of data and evidence about nature. But what never changed throughout that history was this: no scientist will accept that nature must behave a certain way simply because you ordain it to be so. Even your attempts to blow up the train won't derail it, since, in your world, monsieur Nobel has not even yet invented dynamite. Besides, trains are running everywhere, principally on the laws of electromagnetics.

Electromagnetics replaced aether theory, which was useless and problematic. Calling that a derailment is just whining. You're bent out of shape because your schooling derailed sometime before they got around to explaining Maxwell's equations to you. Don't blame science for your personal shortcomings. Go take a class or something. Come back with the correct answer to what bends the heliosphere. Test it in a lab if you need to. But help yourself or get help, you are seriously behind the curve.

Q. What occurs physically in nature to cause gravity?
A. Displaced aether pushing back toward matter is gravity.

Q. What occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment?
A. The particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the aether passes through both.

Q. Why is 'dark matter' left behind when galaxy clusters collide?
A. The galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the aether.

Your turn.

Q. What occurs physically in nature to cause gravity?

Q. What occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment?

Q. Why is 'dark matter' left behind when galaxy clusters collide?
We've both given a lot of thought and research to this. My conclusion is that the aether is the foundational medium that fills all space. It is not space but it has a "spongy" presence in space and its presence is characterized by a pressure. The pressure will cause it to expand if you increase the available space, and if you were to then reduce the space but maintain the same amount of aehter, the pressure would increase, not that there is any experiment where that could be demonstrated. The presence of the aether is undetectible and so no science deals with it directly.

The wave-function is not mechanics or natural law, or a depiction of wave action in a medium. I don't fully understand your statement about physics constrants and physics does not define anything about the aether. Waves that are described by physics may be waves that self propagate through empty space, or that have a field associated with them, and so if there is an aether I don't try to use current physics theory to fit with it; current physics is not made to fit an aether model. I decided to start from the bottom up and that process of step by step building of my views lead me to my current version of the aether.

My model does change and I am always working on the changes and so I listen to everyone who has given it a lot of thought and see if I think they have described anything that will help me. I have looked at your links and I like them, but I have not found any existing physics that I would say "works for me" in regard to the presence of the medium, the nature of waves that move pressure through the medium, or the nature of particles that I am viewing as patterns of pressure caused by standing waves. In my model the universe is composed of the medium and the pressure waves traversing it; pressure is conserved, :). I hope that helps differentiate our two positions.

The pressure you refer to is gravity.

If aether fills space as it does then it is displaced by obects moving through it. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the aether passes through both.
Yup! He's on my ignore list.
I don't know how long it will be before you and I bore each other, but at least we have in common some people on our ignore list. I like the software because it lets you peek at the post and then if you refresh the screen, the post disappears again. You don't have to look at it again and again.
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The Universe, or our local Universe, is a larger version of one of these.


Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.
My conclusion is that the aether is the foundational medium that fills all space.
If space were full, it wouldn't be space, would it? I move my couch to the right because there's more space over there, not because that space is full. Doesn't space mean "empty"?

It is not space but it has a "spongy" presence in space
"Spongy presence" sounds like absence. It sounds like being half certain that nothingness is even locally possible.

and its presence is characterized by a pressure.
Pressure is sensible. Where is aether sensed?

The wave-function is not mechanics or natural law
How so? If you mean the impulse-like wavelets (that look like sin(x)/x) I can think of examples in both mechanics and natural phenomena. The wavelets that paint the strata in geophysical sounding are comparable, and certainly photons are the ultimate in observation.

I decided to start from the bottom up and that process of step by step building of my views lead me to my current version of the aether.
There has to be some observation to motivate the beliefs, or it tends toward fantasy.

I have not found any existing physics that I would say "works for me" in regard to the presence of the medium
In physics that would be space.

the nature of waves that move pressure through the medium
It's not pressure--at least you should avoid the term since it leads us back to mechanics. And there is no medium in space, nor is it required. The intrinsic nature of the field is that it interacts at a distance without any help.
or the nature of particles that I am viewing as patterns of pressure caused by standing waves
If you set up a standing wave on the bench, and probe it from A to B, you will measure amplitude that varies sinusoidally with the distance from A. If that were the "nature of a particles" then they would blink in mass, or radius, or whatever you think is the root property linked to pressure. That's a far cry from actual observation.

It seems to me you should go back to the question of what observation you are wanting to explain.

In my model the universe is composed of the medium and the pressure waves traversing it
That sounds like a fish tank. How is that a model? You seem to want to replace electromagnetics with mechanics. I think that unpins an awful lot of settled laws of science.

pressure is conserved
That's an odd concept, since we know that pressure is not conserved in, say, thermodynamics. I can't think of any reason to require nature to conserve pressure.
Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.

So for Mazulu to construct a gravity (or anti-gravity) beam he is going to have to something like a big squirt gun filled with aether. (reference your picture of aether jet squirting). Since matter displaces the aether, pressing the plunger should squirt the aether into a stream aimed at some object to which he wants to apply the force. Or would the aether just leak out through the space between atoms of the gun? I guess what I am asking is can your version of aether make a gravity beam. If not then is seems inferior to Mazulu's theory which has practical FTL drive applications.
If space were full, it wouldn't be space, would it? I move my couch to the right because there's more space over there, not because that space is full. Doesn't space mean "empty"?

You're like a fish who can't understand it exists in water.

Pressure is sensible. Where is aether sensed?

Ever hear of gravity? Ever hear of the magnetic field where Voyager is piling-up because of the pressure exerted inward toward the solar system? Ever hear of the wave out ahead of our solar system? Ever hear of the ripples created when galaxy clusters collide?

Ever hear of a double slit experiment? It is the aether which waves. It is the aether which waves because the particle is moving through and displacing the aether. The particle exerts pressure toward the aether as it moves through and displaces it. The aether returns to the object the same amount of energy as the aether 'displaces back'.
So for Mazulu to construct a gravity (or anti-gravity) beam he is going to have to something like a big squirt gun filled with aether. (reference your picture of aether jet squirting). Since matter displaces the aether, pressing the plunger should squirt the aether into a stream aimed at some object to which he wants to apply the force. Or would the aether just leak out through the space between atoms of the gun? I guess what I am asking is can your version of aether make a gravity beam. If not then is seems inferior to Mazulu's theory which has practical FTL drive applications.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet. Dark energy emitted into the Universal jet is 'anti-gravity' as it is displacing the objects which exist in the Universe. The aether emitted into the Universal jet is what causes the objects in the Universe to be moving away from one another. I know of no way to control this type of process at the human scale.
Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet. Dark energy emitted into the Universal jet is 'anti-gravity' as it is displacing the objects which exist in the Universe. The aether emitted into the Universal jet is what causes the objects in the Universe to be moving away from one another. I know of no way to control this type of process at the human scale.

But you said that mass displaces aether. We can manipulate mass at the human scale. So doesn't that imply we can control aether rather easily?