Luminiferous Aether Exists!

Makes you wonder if particles actually wave as they move in a line like they are described in pictures. From the two slit experiment that determines that they have wavelike properties doesn't even acknowledge this. The wavelike property comes from interactions between the particles that shouldn't be there. There was never a particle tracked down moving in a line that was moving back and forth from a wave. That explanation still wouldn't describe how particles interact with each other that are not even sent at the same time. I think the wavelike properties come from just traveling through some type of "superfluid" alone. There is no need for an interaction between the particle and some type of aether. The wavelike properties could then be just the particle traveling through the superfluid alone. It would allow interaction between past and present particles that have been sent at different times. Particle accelerators create images of particle track lines that are just smooth curves and not wavy lines. Then it wouldn't be necessary to describe particles as moving in a physical wave pattern along space. I think it really raises the question, "Do particles actually travel in physical waves?".

'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'

“When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles.”

“any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium”

The hidden medium of de Broglie wave mechanics is the aether. The “energetic contact” is the state of displacement of the aether.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

In a double slit experiment the particle travels a well defined path which takes it through one slit. The associated wave in the aether passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory. Detecting the particle strongly exiting a single slit turns the associated aether wave into chop. The aether waves exiting the slits interact with the detectors and become many short waves with irregular motion. The waves are disorganized. There is no wave interference. The particle pitches and rolls through the chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern.
The circus continues for 48 pages, how disturbing.

So, you can't explain why the 'dark matter' is being left behind when galaxy clusters collide.

'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

There is nothing to 'leave behind'. Non-baryonic dark matter was never anchored to the matter in the first place. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.
So, you can't explain why the 'dark matter' is being left behind when galaxy clusters collide.
It might help if someone actually knew what dark matter was. I already told ya my bs theory about dark matter. The newly formed galaxies would then have a different rotation. Then they would exibite different amounts of dark matter. For example, an object could be in a state of acceration around a gravitational body and still feel as though it was traveling in constant motion, basically I am saying that motion of the Earth is more Newtonian even though it is in a state of acceleration. Like you don't feel like your going to escape the Earths gravity just because you are traveling around the center of the Earths gravity with it's rotation at a speed close to the escape velocity. You would have to travel a speed close to the escape velocity on top of the speed you are already traveling with the Earths rotation.

'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

There is nothing to 'leave behind'. Non-baryonic dark matter was never anchored to the matter in the first place. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.
This doesn't explain it at all. If like you say, matter moves through and displaces the aether, then the aether would be anchored to matter. Their joint displacement would then combine, but that is not what is being reported as going on. The displacement of both galaxies in an aether wouldn't explain the problem mentioned in the article. The amount of dark matter isn't the combination or addition of the amount of dark matter in both galaxies. The amount of displacement of the aether should be the combination or addition of the amount of spacetime curvature. So then that couldn't possibly be the answer. A galaxy woulnd't leave behind its indention of spacetime.
It might help if someone actually knew what dark matter was.

I know what dark matter is. Aether has mass.

I already told ya my bs theory about dark matter. The newly formed galaxies would then have a different rotation. Then they would exibite different amounts of dark matter. For example, an object could be in a state of acceration around a gravitational body and still feel as though it was traveling in constant motion, basically I am saying that motion of the Earth is more Newtonian even though it is in a state of acceleration. Like you don't feel like your going to escape the Earths gravity just because you are traveling around the center of the Earths gravity with it's rotation at a speed close to the escape velocity. You would have to travel a speed close to the escape velocity on top of the speed you are already traveling with the Earths rotation.

This doesn't explain it at all. If like you say, matter moves through and displaces the aether, then the aether would be anchored to matter.

As a ship sails across the ocean is the water anchored to the ship or does the ship sail through and displace the water?
I know what dark matter is. Aether has mass.
Aether does not have mass, spacetime does not have mass. Mass is felt when you are trying to travel a straight line in the fifth dimension. It is only curved towards mass, as though matter is the quickest route through the fifth dimension. So then gravity is like a fictitous force, like the centripital force. There is really no centripital force, bodies of matter only try to travel in a straight line. It is our own intertia that creates the gravitational force.

As a ship sails across the ocean is the water anchored to the ship or does the ship sail through and displace the water?
If two ships sailing across the ocean and collide is there a indention left behind in the ocean where the ships use to be? I don't think so. There will only be one newly formed indention in the water where the wreck took place. Your theory fails to explain the acticle in the same way it mentions theories of dark matter fails to explain what they have found.
Aether does not have mass, spacetime does not have mass. Mass is felt when you are trying to travel a straight line in the fifth dimension. It is only curved towards mass, as though matter is the quickest route through the fifth dimension. So then gravity is like a fictitous force, like the centripital force. There is really no centripital force, bodies of matter only try to travel in a straight line. It is our own intertia that creates the gravitational force.

Gravity is a real force. Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

If two ships sailing across the ocean and collide is there a indention left behind in the ocean where the ships use to be? I don't think so. There will only be one newly formed indention in the water where the wreck took place. Your theory fails to explain the acticle in the same way it mentions theories of dark matter fails to explain what they have found.

A ship is in the harbor. The ship is displacing the water. Water molecules press against the ship. The ship sails across the ocean and arrives at its destination. Are the same water molecules still pressing against the side of the ship or are there now different water molecules pressing against the ship? There are different water molecules pressing against the ship. The water molecules are not anchored to the ship. The ship passes through and displaces the water.

Can we at least agree as a ship sails across the ocean the water is not anchored to the ship?

A galaxy cluster 'collision' is when galaxy clusters pass by each other closely. If two ships pass by each other closely their bow waves will interact and 'slosh' back and forth. As the ships sail on the bow waves will 'slosh' behind them. This is what is mistaken to be dark matter being left behind after galaxy clusters 'collide'. When galaxy clusters 'collide' their aether displacement waves interact and 'slosh' back and forth. This is what is being detected.
Gravity is a real force. Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.
The lines of force depicted in General Relatity tend to focus onto matter or the source of gravity. But, I have also read that these lines of force can be seen as being curvature into a higher spatial dimension. If gravity is caused by spacetime curvature, then the lines of force pushing us towards something that is gravity can be caused by us trying to travel in a straight line in another higher dimension. So then there is no aether that has a mass, no more than a ball on a string is feeling an actual force as it is forced to change direction. When you cut that string, or the obect is allowed to travel in a straight line, then it continous outwards in a straight line from where the string was cut. So then if there was no matter in the way, or a body to collide into then you would just continue to travel onwards in a straight line in the fifth dimension.

A ship is in the harbor. The ship is displacing the water. Water molecules press against the ship. The ship sails across the ocean and arrives at its destination. Are the same water molecules still pressing against the side of the ship or are there now different water molecules pressing against the ship? There are different water molecules pressing against the ship. The water molecules are not anchored to the ship. The ship passes through and displaces the water.

Can we at least agree as a ship sails across the ocean the water is not anchored to the ship?
I don't think so, I don't think I could really know such information at this time. Maybe I would have to give it more thought, or wait until some time something came up where I think I could know for certian of something of this type of nature. Either way, it doesn't matter as pertaining to the problem suggested in the article. The indentions of spacetime should not leave the locations of the gravitational bodies. If dark matter was aether or indentions of spacetime then matter wouldn't leave behind these indentions. That is the problem, the combined indentions of spacetime as thay travel along with matter do not add up or stay consistant.

It is not because the galaxies leave behind some type of massive aether or curvature where the galaxies used to be. It could be as simple as all the planets that where traveling around stars in each galaxy was slingshot out of both galaxies and they are to dark and small for us to simply see them.
The lines of force depicted in General Relatity tend to focus onto matter or the source of gravity. But, I have also read that these lines of force can be seen as being curvature into a higher spatial dimension. If gravity is caused by spacetime curvature, then the lines of force pushing us towards something that is gravity can be caused by us trying to travel in a straight line in another higher dimension. So then there is no aether that has a mass, no more than a ball on a string is feeling an actual force as it is forced to change direction. When you cut that string, or the obect is allowed to travel in a straight line, then it continous outwards in a straight line from where the string was cut. So then if there was no matter in the way, or a body to collide into then you would just continue to travel onwards in a straight line in the fifth dimension.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable"

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.

I don't think so, I don't think I could really know such information at this time.

If you can't understand a ship moves through and displaces the water and it is different water the ship continually displaces then this 'conversation' is pointless.

Maybe I would have to give it more thought, or wait until some time something came up where I think I could know for certian of something of this type of nature. Either way, it doesn't matter as pertaining to the problem suggested in the article.

It has everything to do with what is being discussed in the article. It's the whole point.

The indentions of spacetime should not leave the locations of the gravitational bodies. If dark matter was aether or indentions of spacetime then matter wouldn't leave behind these indentions. That is the problem, the combined indentions of spacetime as thay travel along with matter do not add up or stay consistant.

It is not because the galaxies leave behind some type of massive aether or curvature where the galaxies used to be. It could be as simple as all the planets that where traveling around stars in each galaxy was slingshot out of both galaxies and they are to dark and small for us to simply see them.

A galaxy cluster 'collision' is when galaxy clusters pass by each other closely. If two ships pass by each other closely their bow waves will interact and 'slosh' back and forth. As the ships sail on the bow waves will 'slosh' behind them. This is what is mistaken to be dark matter being left behind after galaxy clusters 'collide'. When galaxy clusters 'collide' their aether displacement waves interact and 'slosh' back and forth. This is what is being detected.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable"

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
Okay, so then if dark matter as detected by gravitational lensing is determined to by spacetime curvature or this aether, then the displacement should follow the matter. You shouldn't end up having two galaxies combine and then have less dark matter or less curvature. But, the Nasa article said that there is less dark matter when galaxies collide. So then there would have to be less matter in order to create the curvature that is seen to be dark matter. That is why I said it could be as simple as the less massive orbiting bodies escaping their orbits, due to the changes in the stars motions. They would be less massive, so then they could acheive escape velocity. Or like I said earlier, if the rotation of a body was responsible for dark matter then the rotations would change, then there would also be a change in the amount of dark matter. The bodies wouldn't have to acheive escape velocity, but an escape velocity that is added to the speed of rotation.

If you can't understand a ship moves through and displaces the water and it is different water the ship continually displaces then this 'conversation' is pointless.
You might be on to something here. I think a lot of other people see it as being pointless, because they also do not see how anyone including yourself could have access to this type of information. I am reluctant to agree with you here mostly because you got me on relative rotation, and how accelerating on a gravitational body can be seen as constant motion (Newton developed his laws of motion while on an accelerating body). It would seem as though I am on the same patch of aether as the surface of the Earth. If I was accelerating on the same patch of aether as the surface of the Earth, then I could accelerate along that patch and remain thinking that I was only traveling at a constant velocity. It would seem as though the same aether connected to the surface of the Earth was also connected to me in some way or the aether is also rotating along at the same rate as the planet Earth. How could Newton have accurately developed his laws if aether wasn't traveling along at the same rate he was? So then I think any workable or accurate aether theory would have to say that the aether is moving along with the Earth, also it was said to be proven that aether wasn't at rest relative to the Earth in the Michelson & Morley Experiment. So then how could aether not be physically attached to the Earth? It would have to travel at the same exact rate as the Earth, or it would be disproven by the M&M experiment and Newton!

A galaxy cluster 'collision' is when galaxy clusters pass by each other closely. If two ships pass by each other closely their bow waves will interact and 'slosh' back and forth. As the ships sail on the bow waves will 'slosh' behind them. This is what is mistaken to be dark matter being left behind after galaxy clusters 'collide'. When galaxy clusters 'collide' their aether displacement waves interact and 'slosh' back and forth. This is what is being detected.
Your forgeting that there are no gravitational waves! They failed to keep the speed of light constant in their derivation, so then they are impossible because they predict that the speed of light is not constant. The speed of light being constant is the first law of relativity. If it wasn't, then we would have to use something other than Einsteins Relativity. It would basicly prove the first premis of relativity as being invalid. Galaxy collision has been run in computer similation and has created images of other similar galaxies, without these type of gravitational waves ripping through them!
Okay, so then if dark matter as detected by gravitational lensing is determined to by spacetime curvature or this aether, then the displacement should follow the matter. You shouldn't end up having two galaxies combine and then have less dark matter or less curvature. But, the Nasa article said that there is less dark matter when galaxies collide. So then there would have to be less matter in order to create the curvature that is seen to be dark matter. That is why I said it could be as simple as the less massive orbiting bodies escaping their orbits, due to the changes in the stars motions. They would be less massive, so then they could acheive escape velocity. Or like I said earlier, if the rotation of a body was responsible for dark matter then the rotations would change, then there would also be a change in the amount of dark matter. The bodies wouldn't have to acheive escape velocity, but an escape velocity that is added to the speed of rotation.

You might be on to something here. I think a lot of other people see it as being pointless, because they also do not see how anyone including yourself could have access to this type of information. I am reluctant to agree with you here mostly because you got me on relative rotation, and how accelerating on a gravitational body can be seen as constant motion (Newton developed his laws of motion while on an accelerating body). It would seem as though I am on the same patch of aether as the surface of the Earth. If I was accelerating on the same patch of aether as the surface of the Earth, then I could accelerate along that patch and remain thinking that I was only traveling at a constant velocity. It would seem as though the same aether connected to the surface of the Earth was also connected to me in some way or the aether is also rotating along at the same rate as the planet Earth. How could Newton have accurately developed his laws if aether wasn't traveling along at the same rate he was? So then I think any workable or accurate aether theory would have to say that the aether is moving along with the Earth, also it was said to be proven that aether wasn't at rest relative to the Earth in the Michelson & Morley Experiment. So then how could aether not be physically attached to the Earth? It would have to travel at the same exact rate as the Earth, or it would be disproven by the M&M experiment and Newton!

Your forgeting that there are no gravitational waves! They failed to keep the speed of light constant in their derivation, so then they are impossible because they predict that the speed of light is not constant. The speed of light being constant is the first law of relativity. If it wasn't, then we would have to use something other than Einsteins Relativity. It would basicly prove the first premis of relativity as being invalid. Galaxy collision has been run in computer similation and has created images of other similar galaxies, without these type of gravitational waves ripping through them!

Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see a visual representation of the state of the aether. What is referred to as a twist in spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether. What is referred to as frame-dragging is the state of displacement of the aether.

The analogy is putting a mesh bag full of marbles into a supersolid and spinning the bag of marbles. If you were unable to determine if the superfluid consists of particles or not you would still be able to detect the state of displacement of the supersolid.

The supersolid connected to and neighboring the mesh bag of marbles is in the same state throughout the rotation of the bag in the supersolid.

The aether connected to and neighboring the Earth is in the same state, or almost the same state, throughout the Earth's rotation about its axis and orbit of the Sun.

The state of which as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
I know what dark matter is. Aether has mass.

You do not know what dark matter is. You don't even know what mass is!

As a ship sails across the ocean is the water anchored to the ship or does the ship sail through and displace the water?

The only thing worse than your analogies is your logic, and your knowledge of physics, and your knowledge of math, and well your knowledge in general. Almost everything you have stated in this and your other sock puppet threads is demonstrably wrong - at least you are consistent!
A boat has a bow wave. A boat has a bow wave because the boat displaces the water as the boat moves through the water.

I really don't know how to continue this 'conversation' if you are unable to understand a boat moving through the water displaces the water.
I don't have any connections with aliens or spirits that I can trust to give me this kind of information, so that I would know that it is surely a fact. If I was to develop a dark matter theory that was non-baryonic, then I would have to say that the aether was anchored to matter. I would then anchor it with the fact that an object can travel as though it is in constant motion when traveling on the surface of a gravitational body. Basically, Newtons laws of constant motion work on the surface of the Earth. The forces of acceleration then would not act on an object traveling at a constant speed relative to the surface of the sphere. It would have to be as though the surface of the sphere was in constant motion with itself or other places on that sphere. For instance, you wouldn't be pushed over by traveling to the North Pole, because you slowed down thousands of miles an hour traveling there. If the aether traveled at any other velocity than the Earth, then you would feel forces of acceleration acting on you because of it. But if the aether was traveling at the same velocity of the Earth, then you would not feel any forces because of it. An accelerating patch of aether would allow you to travel as though you where in constant motion even though the aether was accelerating. This would have to be directly associated with the speed of rotation of the body.
You do not know what dark matter is. You don't even know what mass is!

The only thing worse than your analogies is your logic, and your knowledge of physics, and your knowledge of math, and well your knowledge in general. Almost everything you have stated in this and your other sock puppet threads is demonstrably wrong - at least you are consistent!

So, you can't explain why the 'dark matter' is being left behind when galaxy clusters collide.

'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

There is nothing to 'leave behind'. Non-baryonic dark matter was never anchored to the matter in the first place. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.
I don't have any connections with aliens or spirits that I can trust to give me this kind of information, so that I would know that it is surely a fact. If I was to develop a dark matter theory that was non-baryonic, then I would have to say that the aether was anchored to matter. I would then anchor it with the fact that an object can travel as though it is in constant motion when traveling on the surface of a gravitational body. Basically, Newtons laws of constant motion work on the surface of the Earth. The forces of acceleration then would not act on an object traveling at a constant speed relative to the surface of the sphere. It would have to be as though the surface of the sphere was in constant motion with itself or other places on that sphere. For instance, you wouldn't be pushed over by traveling to the North Pole, because you slowed down thousands of miles an hour traveling there. If the aether traveled at any other velocity than the Earth, then you would feel forces of acceleration acting on you because of it. But if the aether was traveling at the same velocity of the Earth, then you would not feel any forces because of it. An accelerating patch of aether would allow you to travel as though you where in constant motion even though the aether was accelerating. This would have to be directly associated with the speed of rotation of the body.

Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see a visual representation of the state of the aether. What is referred to as a twist in spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether. What is referred to as frame-dragging is the state of displacement of the aether.

The analogy is putting a mesh bag full of marbles into a supersolid and spinning the bag of marbles. If you were unable to determine if the superfluid consists of particles or not you would still be able to detect the state of displacement of the supersolid.

The supersolid connected to and neighboring the mesh bag of marbles is in the same state throughout the rotation of the bag in the supersolid.

The aether connected to and neighboring the Earth is in the same state, or almost the same state, throughout the Earth's rotation about its axis and orbit of the Sun.

The state of which as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see a visual representation of the state of the aether. What is referred to as a twist in spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether. What is referred to as frame-dragging is the state of displacement of the aether.
I have already seen this video, and you have already linked it in a previous post. I don't think this representation is accurate. If it was everything would only naturally spin below the Earth under the South Pole at a rate that is much less than the spin of the Earth.
The analogy is putting a mesh bag full of marbles into a supersolid and spinning the bag of marbles. If you were unable to determine if the superfluid consists of particles or not you would still be able to detect the state of displacement of the supersolid.
Do you have an anology for this analogy? I don't think there is a superfluid that consist of particles, why would you even think this? Why do you think there is displacement of a supersolid? I think I heard of analogy similiar to this one in boot camp in the military, but I don't think I care to mention it here.
The supersolid connected to and neighboring the mesh bag of marbles is in the same state throughout the rotation of the bag in the supersolid.
How is the supersolid in the same state if it has been displaced?
The aether connected to and neighboring the Earth is in the same state, or almost the same state, throughout the Earth's rotation about its axis and orbit of the Sun.
How is that if it is not anchored to it?
The state of which as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
So then you agree that the aether is anchored to the Earth?
I have already seen this video, and you have already linked it in a previous post. I don't think this representation is accurate. If it was everything would only naturally spin below the Earth under the South Pole at a rate that is much less than the spin of the Earth.
Do you have an anology for this analogy? I don't think there is a superfluid that consist of particles, why would you even think this? Why do you think there is displacement of a supersolid? I think I heard of analogy similiar to this one in boot camp in the military, but I don't think I care to mention it here.
How is the supersolid in the same state if it has been displaced?
How is that if it is not anchored to it?
So then you agree that the aether is anchored to the Earth?

Can you just answer the following two question?

Do you understand a boat moving through the water has a bow wave?

Do you understand as a boat moves through the water the boat displaces the water?
Can you just answer the following two question?

Do you understand a boat moving through the water has a bow wave?

Do you understand as a boat moves through the water the boat displaces the water?
Of coarse I do, I have actually been water skiing before. I just don't think you understand that particles to not exibit something like a bow wave. If they did we would have found out about it a long time ago. You have to give some of the scientist that developed quantum theory some kind of credit. I am sure they would have looked for something like that, and I have never read anything from a reliable source that claims that they have. I am sure they would have looked for something like that. I think your theory really would break down if you consider only one particle traveling through the two slit, and never sending another particle past present or future through the slits. There would be no sign of wave interference then.
Of coarse I do, I have actually been water skiing before. I just don't think you understand that particles to not exibit something like a bow wave. If they did we would have found out about it a long time ago. You have to give some of the scientist that developed quantum theory some kind of credit. I am sure they would have looked for something like that, and I have never read anything from a reliable source that claims that they have. I am sure they would have looked for something like that. I think your theory really would break down if you consider only one particle traveling through the two slit, and never sending another particle past present or future through the slits. There would be no sign of wave interference then.

Quantum mechanics rule 'bent' in classic experiment

'For his part, Professor Steinberg believes that the result reduces a limitation not on quantum physics but on physicists themselves. "I feel like we're starting to pull back a veil on what nature really is," he said. "The trouble with quantum mechanics is that while we've learned to calculate the outcomes of all sorts of experiments, we've lost much of our ability to describe what is really happening in any natural language. I think that this has really hampered our ability to make progress, to come up with new ideas and see intuitively how new systems ought to behave."'

New 'Double Slit' Experiment Skirts Uncertainty Principle

"Intriguingly, the trajectories closely match those predicted by an unconventional interpretation of quantum mechanics known as pilot-wave theory, in which each particle has a well-defined trajectory that takes it through one slit while the associated wave passes through both slits."

A particle physically displaces the aether. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory. Strongly detecting the particle turns the associated aether wave into chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and continues on the path it is traveling.

What waves in a double slit experiment is the aether.
I think your theory really would break down if you consider only one particle traveling through the two slit, and never sending another particle past present or future through the slits. There would be no sign of wave interference then.
The interference pattern is statistical. You need at least a dozen or so particles to really make out the wave interference pattern. Whatever causes this interference pattern is very subtle; in fact it's too subtle to even be proved to exist. Therefore, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that some things in nature are too subtle to be proven to exist. Such subtle things can be called "aetherial".