I can't make any sense of what you're trying to say here.
I can not blame you for that. In their combined orbital, rotational velocities, Jupiter and Saturn closely resemble a cycloid, so let me use the illustration of a cycloid or train wheel as an analogy. On any vehicles on our planet, any pendulum (like good luck charms on the mirror), would point to the center of the earth, so let us call that position to be similar to the Sun. with the Earth surface, road bed fixed to it.
The wheel touches the rail or roadbed with
zero velocity, because the rotation backward equals the movement forward. From the roadbed, observers would see the front of the wheel, together with the axle , advance at say 100 km/h. but at the moment of contact the speed is zero, then an observer a few feet on would again see that same point on the rim at heights of the axle move at 100 km/h. Now
Looking down in an overhead view, and looking at a race car with better sight on the tires, The front of the tire would travel with the same speed forward as the vehicle, but at the very top, the tread moves at twice the speed over the road, a surface that is fixed with respect to the center. so: using (planetary terms) here,
from the viewpoint of the road or overhead, fixed to the Sun. a mark on the highest points on the tire, (the equator), would go from 200 km/h on top (at midnight) to 100 on the leading (or morning) side, and then continue to
decelerate to zero at contact with the road (noon and perihelion.) Similarly from that moment of contact the mark would then
accelerate to 100 at axel level (or sundown), and reach 200 gain at the top, corresponding to (aphelion and midnight.) aphelion= farthest from the sun in rotation position here.
In a railway wheel, a point on the flange actually moves
backward at the bottom, making a loop at the "noon" position. This is the case of the
moon Europa. like a plane making a loop at an air show, spending more
time, exposure in front of the crowd.
Orbital Velocity versus Equatorial Velocity is pretty much all over the map.
Thank you for the graph, Venus for example should be to the left of zero with only
minus - .0016 km/sec retrograde rotation, but
all planets have their zero velocity meeting with the "road" at interesting places as seen on previous posts. (V_o : V_r) x R