James R: The S.A.M Issue

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Kids, I am having a long weekend and you can't decide the course of action without me???

Tiassa is full of crap.
For the reasons above, it is safe to say that SAM isn't here to learn, nor is she here for intellectual discourse.

Sir, you are my new hero. Very well stated, there is nothing to add.

As about Sam, don't let her post in Politics or in Religion, problem solved...If she doesn't behave, zero her postcount.
Tiassa is full of crap. It's always the same threads, the same person who makes them. SAM's threads are designed to express her undying hatred for America, Jews, the state of Israel, and white people in general. She has hatred in her heart and probably that hatred is based on a permanent inferiority complex that she (if we assume we're speaking to an actual woman) as a muslim has been plagued with for a long time. I assert that because it is commonly the success of the USA and the success of the Jews that she most seriously seethes at. The Jews made Israel a viable homeland. From sand dunes, they built Tel Aviv. The Israelis defeated the muslims militarily and culturally. The muslims in Palestine are failures. By extension, this makes SAM and indeed all muslims identify as failures too -- which they may well be. That is why it is always, always, ALWAYS the Israel/Palestine she talks about: it has become the front for the much larger cultural conflict that muslims see themselves losing. This little complex they have is worsened by the fact that their culture teaches them that they are the chosen ones who inevitably win, so to see the opposite happening enrages them. It enraged Norsefire too when he first came to this forum, if any of you recall. The events of today are flying directly against what they've been raised to believe, and they've become even more wretched than ever.

For the reasons above, it is safe to say that SAM isn't here to learn, nor is she here for intellectual discourse.
Rationalizing out excuses for individual topics in order to downplay their poignancy, as Tiassa has, while ignoring the much larger theme that belies them all (anti-white, pro muslim -- just try to find one of the opposite) makes no difference in the larger picture. She is clearly here to engage in mindless browbeating and to alleviate the symptoms of a much more serious psychological disease.

People like that are fucking toxic.

These days , I don´t post here very often .. but I have to say the above post reeks of negativity, hate and disrespect .......

Anyway, SAM´s posts are sometime hard to digest , but not always for the reasons mentioned by James R .........

SAM´s posts often contain large amounts of eloquent sarcasm/irony to a point , where people get offended - and jump to the conclusion, thinking that SAM´s posts are racist/hatefull/problematic ......

I sometime think , that the real problem is the narrowness of peoples minds here ........

Anyway, just my 2 cents ......... ;)
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Kill them all. God will recognise his own.

It is probably a little too late now, I'm thinking.
A little boy once, according to legend, stuck his finger in a dyke when he saw a leak. That same boy now is facing a deluge and hasn't the capability to stop it.

The legend of the brave Dutch boy - by others thought to be named Hans Brinker - who supposedly put his finger in the dyke to prevent a flood, was actually a literary invention by the American writer Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge (1831-1905), who was born in New York.(link)

Phht. Poorly worded, can't be bothered fixing it.
Bye bye.


garbage in garbage out

Yes, but your assessment of Sam has been complete codswallop as you alone acknowledge it. As intellectual as you may believe you are, you miss the mark entirely when it comes to this type of analysis. Perhaps, Sam is your sock puppet as that would make the only sense of your reasoning.

flailing in the wind as usual
i guess you do what you can


Tiassa is full of crap. It's always the same threads, the same person who makes them. SAM's threads are designed to express her undying hatred for America, Jews, the state of Israel, and white people in general. ................

an appeal to emotion
lacks substantiation

you are better suited for another board
we frown on that sort of thing here
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They've successfully trimmed their opposition down to the decidedly average, and will no doubt have a much easier time convincing themselves of their own righteousness as a result.
I mean, if you can't win a fight, simply make sure the opposition are incapable of giving you one.

sorry you got it backwards
this thread is an opportunity for james to provide substantiation for all his accusations of misconduct directed towards sam

it is he who has to convince me of his righteousness

a peer review of sorts
i expect the reasoning proffered to be rigorous as befitting a science board
currently all that has be put on the table are what appears to be empty slogans
i expect that to change to something more substantial
after all, this is sci, ja?
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a very good suggestion
a moment of your time

How many Americans in their hearts are on the side of the humble families of Pakistani citizens slaughtered in Predator drone airplane Hellfire missile attacks, and how many are on the side of the angelic, charming, Harvard Law School educated first black president of the United States, who, a few days after his inauguration, ordered these drone airplane Hellfire missile attacks in the name of 9/11? (Something he had said he would do if he were elected.)

give me an analysis
is this an appropriate question or is it as james says.... hatred and propaganda?
What I don't get is why she hasn't been banned yet. Other posters who have posted similar material have been banned.

I haven't spent much time here lately either. I find that when I do log on and look at the threads, it is like I never left. It is the same old thing day after day after day. It seems like the majority of the threads being made in the past little while is just the same propaganda. I can't even be bothered to comment in them because when I do I am called a racist among other things.

Considering the amount of posts made by SAM (it's like she lives here) it seems the board has been taken over by the same old arguments and threads.

It seems like since she lost her modship she has become worse. What are you waiting for? Maybe she needs a vacation from this place like you have given to other members here when they keep talking the same bullshit.

Didn't Baron get banned a few times for spewing nothing any worse then SAM? and he doesn't post nearly as much as she does. :shrug:
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How many Americans in their hearts are on the side of the humble families of Pakistani citizens slaughtered in Predator drone airplane Hellfire missile attacks, and how many are on the side of the angelic, charming, Harvard Law School educated first black president of the United States, who, a few days after his inauguration, ordered these drone airplane Hellfire missile attacks in the name of 9/11? (Something he had said he would do if he were elected.)

decent question with easy answers
as such i shall refrain from stating the obvious
instead....some symbolism.......

ironic ja?

TEMPE, ARIZONA - During the Bush era, peace protests were presupposed. If the President of the United States showed up anywhere, so did the protesters. Now that Barack Obama has taken over the helm, though, peace activists are debating and rehashing protest strategies and often not protesting at all. (link)

we shall give it our best shot, sam. party politics is a bitch tho. most have vested an illogical amount of trust in the president to do the right thing while my protestations to the contrary have been brushed aside with bullshit platitudes.

"we are on it"

that is of course when there is a lull in the high fives and congratulatory pats on the back

What I don't get is why she hasn't been banned yet. Other posters who have posted similar material have been banned.

another mindless whine
banned for goddamn what? what similar material?
put some frikkin effort into it if you want to be accorded even a touch of credibility

Gustav, in one form or another I have probably been here for longer than you have. What I did was correctly define what SAM has been doing. Trying to substantiate claims of my unsubstantiation with statements that I am appealing to emotion does nothing to change that. The evidence is located in the threads that James R linked. It's also located in this thread, where SAM condemns every individual Jew living in Israel simply for living there.

If I were Jewish, I might be offended by idiots like SAM. She provides no actual intellectual contributions. She has shown no interest in learning from others. She has closed herself to reason by choice, and she now remains here to carry out a very single-minded agenda, and intellectualism is not a part of that racist agenda. Sad but true, so it needs to stop. She exists here to create thread upon thread defaming a single ethnic group, or to convert other innocent threads into discussions with the same purpose -- and that is almost all she does anymore. That's messed up, and we tolerate it because (1) SAM is not white like most of us and because (2) white people are usually so far above and beyond the inferiority complexes that plague most other racial groups and the people belonging to them (like SAM) that we simply aren't fazed as badly.

However, it's still ignorant. And racist. And it shouldn't be going on.
I sometime think , that the real problem is the narrowness of peoples minds here ........

Let me see, a Muslim trolling on a science forum about atheism. Yes, we are narrowminded....
Gustav, in one form or another I have probably been here for longer than you have. What I did was correctly define what SAM has been doing. Trying to substantiate claims of my unsubstantiation with statements that I am appealing to emotion does nothing to change that. The evidence is located in the threads that James R linked. It's also located in this thread, where SAM condemns every individual Jew living in Israel simply for living there.

well congratulations
it appears that you have learned nothing in your stay here
provide the link(s) to the post(s) you take umbrage with
that is a 250 post thread that was shut down for being offtopic
you expect me to wade thru all that crap?

you have evidence?
lay it on the table
provide a starting point for your premise and build up to the conclusion

jesus christ
why do i have to browbeat you guys for what is supposed to be the sop of sci

note: i did wade and....... the ball is still in your court, oh tenured one
1. Are we to believe that the posters on Sci are not adult or mature enough to find their own equilibrium regarding which threads they choose to post or respond in? We need intervention against perceived "rogue" posters?
2. Notwithstanding the negative comments regarding SAM preceding, the fact remains, that she expresses factual and rational comment, albeit at times interlaced with emotionality. Is it OK to be human?
3. I think this is a mountain out of a molehill issue.
4. Forums come and go. SAM, and spirited posters like her, is an example of why Sci sticks out and survives.
5. Having said that, I am sure, given enough feedback, posters on this forum can adjust their behaviors in line with said feedback, which would be in the wider interest of all.
My suggestion would be...you all need a break from sciforums..for at least a month. When you're stuck in just one place..you lose perspective. Get some fresh air...;)

Other than that, as StrawDog hinted...I think..or at least I like to hope that people on here are mature enough to just ignore the topics/users they don't like. At least..I hope that some will some day find this particular "light".

No..don't take offence at that. :m:
Normally such posters are easily ignored but this one is so prolific that she's practically a spammer. We like the topics, not the spam. The spam is not rational, either. They are usually just questions in response to points. We have a word for that: "redirect."
I don't really see the problem. The Palestine/Israel topic doesn't seem to be just a favourite in S.A.M.'s agenda, but also in the agendas of a lot of other users who seem to be just waiting for an other thread of the like to pop up somewhere. Make a thread about this subject and you can be sure that it's going to have more than 5 pages in an hour. Make a thread about EU and lightbulbs and you can be sure..it's going to stay dead, and get lost in the abyss of this forum. Lol...I'm really a bad topic creator. :bawl:

People just seem to love to discuss Palestine/Israel, Jews, Muslims, Oil, Middle East, West, etc. to death. It's like..the whole world is revolving just around those f*cking terms.
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