James R: The S.A.M Issue

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As one of SAMs staunch supporters, I've come to think that your motives in starting this thread were less than pure.

no worries, i question yours too
i like to think misguided but malicious is also on the table
for instance, the muslim titty pic in this thread
you allow it to stand in order to create an hostile and sexist environment for sam

The problem is that SAM doesn't "show both sides". She shows one side, consistently. She selects sources that only show one side. But I have already said all of this.
Its not her job to try and refute her own arguments. This is just excuses that your giving to refrain from cracking down on the rampent bigotry and propaganda of the pro-Israeli people.
I have followed up on things SAM has posted on Israel/Palestine and have come across pretty good sources on the topic that try and show both sides during the normal course of research. I have never had that happen when following up on something of her detractors.

That would a be a lie, from someone else who doesn't think lying is a problem.
Its not her job to try and refute her own arguments. This is just excuses that your giving to refrain from cracking down on the rampent bigotry and propaganda of the pro-Israeli people.

Sam is the Islamic propagandist and the bigot here, but you make good bedfellows.
Its not her job to try and refute her own arguments. This is just excuses that your giving to refrain from cracking down on the rampent bigotry and propaganda of the pro-Israeli people.

At best, pj, you could argue "some of". And you'd need examples.

Enough of the sweeping generalizations, please.
Is it really S.A.M.'s job to show both sides of the argument?

perhaps you can expand on that a bit more. my conceptualization is probably gonna be stunted

how about the "competing hypotheses" angle?
if i favor one, can i not present that exclusively and leave others to come up with their own versions if they dispute my conclusion? is that not the entire purpose of this board? to have a discussion b/w various schools of thought?

i mean, sure i can touch on other hypotheses but if it really has no relevance to mine, why am i being forced to present it?

Hate will never solve this conflict. The only possible solution is compromise. Each side must give up part of its ambit claim in order to secure peace and stability. The barriers to such a compromise are almost insurmountable. There is so much history, so much hatred, that rising above it all is all but impossible. In a sense, the people most intimately affected by any "solution" may be the worst people to expect to negotiate such a solution. Many of them do not really want any solution in which they have to give ground.

i see where james is coming from. he probably prefers a productive dialogue or none at all. however squashing the rhetoric put forth by the respective ideological divide simply means he allows the status quo to exists

the implications of that?

The only way that the Israel/Palestine situation will ever be resolved is by compromise (leaving out the possibility of genocide of the Palestinian people)

a possibility of genocide
james's m.o

*he initially issued a statement
*subsequently attempted to defend his position
*failed so abandoned the defense entirely
*ignores most if not all requests and questions
*refers these back to the statement

I have been accused of being dictatorial and of moderating sciforums according to my personal whims and/or political views, but here is a prime example where I am constantly listening to other people, the general membership and other moderators.

in thru one ear, out, the other

*mocks administrator James R. thinking will get away with it
*starts this thread knowing of the war between SAM supporters and non-supporters as a result of it
*failed to read through administrator's hints on own's "questionable purity"
*uses perky flashy cheesy weezy *is that a word?* punk as* colored text to get self noticed

in thru one scapegoat, out, the other
I have never lied but than again anything that vindicates SAM must be lie

Yes, that's what you and Sam keep stating, yet your posts demonstrate quite clearly that you are both lying.

But, then again, as a compulsive liar, you most likely will never admit to it.
Is it really S.A.M.'s job to show both sides of the argument?

Just showing some intellectual honesty might be a good start. We can work our way up to arguments once Sam has an inkling to understanding that.
if i favor one, can i not present that exclusively and leave others to come up with their own versions if they dispute my conclusion? is that not the entire purpose of this board? to have a discussion b/w various schools of thought?

i mean, sure i can touch on other hypotheses but if it really has no relevance to mine, why am i being forced to present it?

I doubt that James meant that people should present both sides of every argument when posting here---one need only look to the ``Formal Debates'' forum, where James has sparred with a number of different members. There is no need for a dialog if you present all sides of an argument.

I believe that the objection is not so much about the fact that S.A.M. presents only one side of the argument, but rather the way in which she goes about presenting her arguments. And to be sure, S.A.M. is not the only guilty party in this respect, although she is probably the most intelligent.
And to be sure, S.A.M. is not the only guilty party in this respect, although she is probably the most intelligent.

True. She has a troupe of Islamic propagandists here and could easily be considered the "most intelligent" amongst them, but that doesn't say much at all, considering what we've seen so far.
Is it really S.A.M.'s job to show both sides of the argument?

you start off questioning and end up an apologetic

I doubt that James meant that people should present both sides of every argument when posting here---one need only look to the ``Formal Debates'' forum, where James has sparred with a number of different members. There is no need for a dialog if you present all sides of an argument.

I believe that the objection is not so much about the fact that S.A.M. presents only one side of the argument, but rather the way in which she goes about presenting her arguments. And to be sure, S.A.M. is not the only guilty party in this respect, although she is probably the most intelligent.

so there is a discordance b/w the actual rhetoric and practice?
shit like that is usually characterized as hypocrisy, yes?
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