I've never understood why the death of Jesus is important.

LAWS are made to reduce FREEDOM.!!!!!!
That's how criminals think.
Laws are made to prevent someone else's whims from impacting my freedom.

Without a licensed driver law, any unlicensed buffoon could get in a car and crash into me.
Without a property law he could simply steal my car.
Yes, but I didn't understand it.

Well, see, that's the thing: You're so uncommunicative, there's not much anyone else can do to help.

We can't read your mind. I'm pretty sure you don't want us doing your thinking for you. For instance, there are ten lines, blocked as four stanzas, in your topic post. The first line restates the topic title—which, you know, just to guard against accidentally triggering your overactive proactive defesniveness↗, is perfectly acceptable, as that's how we catalog Dickinson, at the very least, and plenty of others, too—but the next nine don't really tell us anything. Simply asking you what you mean in each instance requires more effort than you've been willing to put into your posts.

Like these six lines, that seem thematically related:

Everybody dies, sooner or later. Death is commonplace.
How could the death of one man two thousand years ago be good news ?

Some people say that Jesus died for our sins.
Some say that we should die, but he died in our place.
Some say that he sacrificed himself to satisfy God's demand for justice.

None of these answers make any sense to me.
I can't see how God would be happy that his son died in our place.

And you say you've looked into it? The soteriological lines are interesting in no small part because you do not seem capable of identifying why questions of dying in our place, or sacrificing for some manner of justice are important. Observing that you are pretty much reciting the answer to your own proposition, the rest of us are left to, what, do your thinking for you, or is there something you can tell us about what is not connecting?

Or, you know, perhaps can is the wrong word in this case. Are you unable, or simply unwilling?
If the innumerable readily available explanations for such are seemingly incomprehensible to the author, why on earth would he think that some random person on the internets might be able to clarify the matter?

This sort of question is not in the same league as someone asking for an explanation of, say, the skin effect (in alternating electrical current). Again, there are plenty of explanations out there, BUT, in this example, it is quite conceivable that someone could explain the skin effect in an analogical fashion which may be more digestible to the reader.

With the former (the import of Jesus's death), one may as well be asking just what exactly Prince Myshkin saw in Nastassya Filippovna. You can pretty much go with Dostoevsky's words, or those of subsequent critics, but otherwise you're pretty much on your own. If an overwhelming sympathy for her fragile state and whatnots are not sufficient for you, no one else is going to be able to offer up much else.

In other words, it just seems like trolling.
Of course seat belts save lives and only an idiot would deny that. And yes there are probably isolated incidents where a seat belt may contribute to a death, but just so obviously they save many many more lives. The same of course with air bags. And again in some isolated incident, an air bag may contribute to a death, but again, like seat belts they save countless many more lives.
The general populace needs laws to protect themselves and others due to the stupid idiots, sadly mostly young, that drive while intoxicated with Alcohol and/or drugs, and the irresponsible that speed well in excess of a safe speed, that puts there own life and others in danger.

Laws are necessary...we have traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, they are necessary to protect us from ourselves.
Traffic lights are to protect us from each other.
Pedestrian crossings are a joke when so many drivers act like pedestrians do not exist. Maybe that is different where you are but where humans are involved, I doubt it.
No 1 said laws are not necessary but not all laws are necessary.

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Traffic lights are to protect us from each other.
Pedestrian crossings are a joke when so many drivers act like pedestrians do not exist. Maybe that is different where you are but where humans are involved, I doubt it.
No 1 said laws are not necessary but not all laws are necessary.

Most laws are made to protect us from ourselves and each other.....that doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. Pedestrian crossings are necessary despite people disregarding them at times. I have done it many times myself...but they are still necessary. Yes humans are humans everywhere: That's why we need laws.
The "same" genes in descendants are not the ancestor's genes. They are duplicates.
And they are mixed with duplicate genes from the other parents line.


HALF of each partner are mixed to produce totally new genes

No duplicate of either partner survives

Well, see, that's the thing: You're so uncommunicative, there's not much anyone else can do to help.

We can't read your mind. I'm pretty sure you don't want us doing your thinking for you. For instance, there are ten lines, blocked as four stanzas, in your topic post. The first line restates the topic title—which, you know, just to guard against accidentally triggering your overactive proactive defesniveness↗, is perfectly acceptable, as that's how we catalog Dickinson, at the very least, and plenty of others, too—but the next nine don't really tell us anything. Simply asking you what you mean in each instance requires more effort than you've been willing to put into your posts.

And you say you've looked into it? The soteriological lines are interesting in no small part because you do not seem capable of identifying why questions of dying in our place, or sacrificing for some manner of justice are important. Observing that you are pretty much reciting the answer to your own proposition, the rest of us are left to, what, do your thinking for you, or is there something you can tell us about what is not connecting?

Or, you know, perhaps can is the wrong word in this case. Are you unable, or simply unwilling?

I appreciate that you have put a lot of thought into your response, so I am grateful for that, but none of it helps me understand why the death of Jesus is important.
The reason is that all the answers given to me so far do not actually fly.

A common answer is that Jesus, who is the son of God, died so that we don't have to die.
But he was only dead for a weekend, then came back to life and flew up in the sky to be with his father in Heaven.
And we will die anyway, then very likely be on a one way trip to eternal punishment, which was just the same before he died.

Nothing changed.

If you think something changed, I'd like to know What and How, not just unjustified illogical dogmatic statements.

Did the death of Jesus, God's only son, make God happy or satisfy his demand for blood ?
How can human sacrifice possibly please God ?
Would you be pleased if your son was killed in the place of some other guilty person ?

I can equally address any other reason and dispense with it just as easily.

Anyone can do it.

Therefore I do not understand why the death of Jesus was important.

My father died recently.
That was important.
If the innumerable readily available explanations for such are seemingly incomprehensible to the author, why on earth would he think that some random person on the internets might be able to clarify the matter?

So are you saying that I shouldn't expect to understand nor get anyone to explain in a way that helps me understand ?
It seems to me that if I am to be saved, then I need to understand how and part of that is being convinced of the "truth", but if the truth is not comprehensible, then there is no chance of being saved.
It does not make sense. It is ridiculous nonsense.

Supposedly omnipotent, wise, benevolent loving god gets perpetually pissed off the very 1st time humans use their "free will" & under some influence of a tempter which god allowed to tempt them, they do something god said to not do. Then this wise loving god cursed all humanity for all time for what those 2 did. The only way this omnipotent loving god could forgive humans for being human & for being cursed by god is to have a sacrifice. The sacrifice worthy of god would not come along for a very long time so, in the meantime, people were told to sacrifice animals.

Finally, Jesus, who is the son of god but also is god as 1 of the 3 gods in 1, comes along. Jesus, in what we normally think of as physical body, is the result of god impregnating young Mary without her consent yet is magicly a descendent of King David thru the ancestry of his nonbiological adoptive father. Yet Jesus, at the same time, is a spiritual being who cannot actually die.
Skipping over much absurd fantasy, Jesus is killed then resurrected then goes on to live happily ever after in paradise as he knew all along would happen. Not much sacrifice, IF any.

After all that, it works only for people who come to believe this fairy tale & pretend to communicate by telepathy with god and/or Jesus, state the belief, confess to being a sinner (being a human who unavoidably inherited god's curse) & ask for forgiveness some time in their life right up until the minute of death. Regardless of what or how much actual good or bad they did. Everyone else is yet cursed & hated by this omnipotent loving wise god & cannot be forgiven so must be punished for eternity for being born cursed by god.

An omnipotent wise god blames humans for being the humans god created & cannot well handle puny humans screwing up its plans which god knew all along would not work out well.

This makes less sense than us blaming ants for the condition of the world & our lives.


All good points and well thought out.