As someone who got feed up with scrapping someone's smashed face and brain matter off windshields (the ones who survived that is) I resent the damage they do to the heath system which the taxes I pay to maintain
It might be you stay in hospital a short time and either die or recover and leave or remain in hospital a long time in what is colloquially called a vegatative state
Not a nice condition to be known as but guessing even worse to be in
Frequently I would get a double dose. First as a volunteer ambulance medic driver. Next as a Registered Nurse in the surgical ward
I would give you your liberty not to wear your seat belt if you give me the liberty to put a sticker on your windshield saying "Do not remove my face and brain matter from this screen". Make sure you don't make it unreadable as you pass through it
Good point , Michael 345 .
But liberty has been so distorted by lawyers to the point that , liberaty has been whittled down to not much of anything . The constitution means little nowadays .