Is Time Real? What Is Time?

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sorry corrections - you CAN'T put energy in a meant to say...

The most precise definition I can give you of energy. Energy is the "concept" of cup. It's the thought itself, it's the essence of the cup, therefore energy is the cup. It's also the memory of that cup. Because the cup is energy, the cup cannot exist without energy to imagine/organize/observe/interpret the form into existence. Then when you look at it, you can analyze it and think "I know what this arrangment of particles is, it's a cup!" and that triggers a re-arrangement of your neurons, which rearranges your electrons and atoms and so on, so that the existence of the cup changes you. At the same time, the existence of you changes the cup, so because you observe it, the nature of it's existence changes as well.

It's something like the universes imagination.
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like movement sort of,it is how we measure movement or motion. Or something like that. It is like breaking things down into small pieces. It seems to me that time is only something we use
"What is time?" That is a good question.

All things in this universe have a rhythm or a change that is like a rhythm. What is a rhythm? It is a repeating cycle that contains a start, change in state and a stop were it then repeats with a new start.

Anything in this universe can be broken down into this rhythm and rhythms containing parts that are in rhythms. But remember that time is a change. It is the number of rhythms that determines the rate of change. It is the amount of change that determines time. If something has little change, than it has little time.

So that you can understand this, an example is a person that is slow verses a person that is fast. One got more done at the end of the day. Thus one had more time. But both got to the end of the day.

Some people have referred to time as an illusion for this reason. Both people in the above example will have made it to the end of the day. It was the same day. But still, one got more done thus he had more time. So time is relative. The amount of change that occurred is the amount of time that past for that thing or rhythm.

At one end of a scale is no time, where there is no change. At the other end is the illusion of a high rate of change and thus lots of time.

You can see this in Physics, make something cold and it slows and often last longer, heat it up and it speeds up and is gone faster simply by changing.

If you use a clock, it has a steady rate of change, thus it has the same amount of time from moment to moment and time does not speed up nor slow down. And in fact a clock is judged mainly by how constant it's change will be. The relativity of time requires us to use constants so that we can agree on how much time has past and not get lost in all this relativity. If the Earth ran by your relativity, we would have long days and short days based on your speed of rhythm cycles.

That we use the cycles of the Earth to refer to time and think all things have had the same amount of time is the illusion. The passage of time was relative. Just because one person moved faster and got more done does not mean he will age faster than the other guy, as that is measured by his body, not how fast he ran. As rhythms are all over the place and we need a point of reference to stay in sync. And the body has found something to judge it's rhythms so you can tear it up by being in a hurry and not get older. But speed it up, or slow it down beyond the rhythms it has to work with, like the heart or time for chemical changes, and it will die. Go too slow at work and it will not make enough money or change fast enough to survive.

Thus time is a state of change that all things have. And thus time is judged by relative difference in two or more rhythm cycles. Such as: In one day, I got twice as much done, is the same as, I had twice the amount of time.

The idea that moving at the speed of light will change this is false if it does not affect the speed of a rhythm's cycles. You can go a thousand times the speed of light and still pace out the same amount of time with the same number of rhythm cycles. And the idea that time is out of your control is the product of people that forget that time is relative to the speed you finish rhythms and the illusion that all things have the sames passage of time. The passage of time is not the same for you and me in a day, year, decade, millennium, etc,... The true concept of time runs head long into the illusion that all things have the same amount of time, a factor that has been ingrained into people and so may be hard for some to grasp.

If you understand what I have written then you will understand time, there is no other factor to time that dictates it's passing. Apart from rhythms, speed and time are disrelated. The overall passage of time is the illusion created by all the change that has occurred. If you look at the change that has occurred for any object, you will see the amount of time that has past for that object. That we us the Earth is just a standard, so that we can all get along in all this mind boggling amount of relativity. If anything ever had absolutely no change, by the rules of this universe, it would have no time, it would no linger persist and would vanish, never to be seen or have any influence ever again.

At this point I as you to look at your own life to see how time passes. The feeling that time has rushed by while you were busy doing something is the perception that occurs when you speed up the rhythms of your life. The feeling that time is moving slow is the perception that you get when you sit still doing just about nothing. "Some people are always in a hurry" is the same as "Some people make more time with a rapid standard of relativity (or a higher speed of rhythm completion)".
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Only the present moment exists for real, but it has no duration, so nothing has time to exist. The universe has no time to exist, so it's constantly born and constantly dying... in other words it's constantly changing...

Future is an expectation and the past is a memory. Both are thoughts... time exists only in thoughts. The universe exists only in time, thoughts...
You could also say that "now" is a collection of all the changes that have occurred in the past. And that the future is open territory for all the changes you would like to see in the "now".
I suppose I will never get a fancy award for my essay on time. The fact is that it is simply too simple. We all see time in action. Yet we see it so often that we are not impressed by it. I see Physicists getting praise for fancy, complex works of math and wording that could drown anyone that is not highly adept in it. Yet I do not like that approach. I think it is a good way of hiding all the errors. After all, who can challenge you?

Yet all along it was so simple. I would guess my essay will vanish into the archives of this forum. As fancy over done theories that are so complex they deserve an award and are full of errors will continue to impress people. Time will continue it's function whether my essay is understood or not.

This work was written not because anyone needed it. We can all see time in action. It was written because when I say that light is not barrier of speed, I get this error latent quote form Einstein that says it can't be done. I don't think Einstein is an idiot, I think he was amazing and contributed some incredible things to science. But his theory of relativity is in error. I also believe that it must be too early for this statement on time. I do not imagine I would have this problem if people could look at it by making a ship or something that puts this to the test.

But, I had to know time well enough to know what was going to happen. So I had to be able to say what it was clearly enough that I could then know the formula to say what was involved. And I simply don't like complex formulas that only a few can understand for simple things. So I refuse to make mine so.

That anyone could read it and see that it is really not that complex, that it does look like it could be true, maybe even over simplified, is the best compliment I could ever get. For if it is that simple, then I can talk to peers that also understand and not be the only one that knows.
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Time is dimension. Therefore the time is as real, as any other space-time dimensions. By AWT the time is the direction of Aether density gradient forming the space-time for energy spreading (by the same way, like the water surface is forming the surface for water waves), which is normal to this gradient (i.e. perpendicular to gradient "surface").
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Time is dimension. Therefore the time is as real, as any other space-time dimensions. By AWT the time is the direction of Aether density gradient forming the space-time for energy spreading (by the same way, like the water surface is forming the surface for water waves), which is normal to this gradient (i.e. perpendicular to gradient "surface").
He he! That's funny! Good one zephir! :D
I am just a troll.

We can try some other prediction. Regarding the time concept, the AWT is explaining, why the vacuum forming our spacetime has a structure of nested foam. If the time is surface density gradient by the same theory, how many time dimensions our space-time should have? Try to choose the single most relevant answer by your opinion.

  1. Zero
  2. One
  3. Two, but very close ones.
  4. Just two
  5. Infinite
If the time is surface density gradient by the same theory, how many time dimensions our space-time should have? Try to choose the single most relevant answer by your opinion.

  1. Zero
  2. One
  3. Two, but very close ones.
  4. Just two
  5. Infinite

18? :thumbsup:
17? :shrug:

Hint: The time is direction normal to density gradient of Aether. The Aether forming the vacuum appears like the foam. The foam is composed of bubbles.

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