You are blowing hot air to muddy the water in order to not have to admit you are wrong. You are trying to slowly change your statement that "mass is just a number" into something different, by blowing a bunch of HOT AIR!
I have been consistent throughout this thread.
At this point, we're 80 posts past the post where I wrote this response to you saying "mass is a word for matter":
People often talk about "a mass" when what they really mean is "an object with mass". Objects are made out of matter, so "a mass" is a euphemism for an object made from matter.
But that's not the problem that arfa brane is having here. arfa seems to think that "mass" is something inherent in an object, rather than just being a number with units that we associate with an object.
If the water was muddy for you back at post #100, it should be well and truly clear by now, since I've walked you through the difference between mass (a concept) and matter (substance, physical "stuff") at some length both before and since that post. It
should be, but for some reason you're still struggling with a simple concept, just like arfa brane is. Or maybe you're not struggling and you're just trolling. It's hard to tell.
I certainly am not arfa brane, so stop mentioning his views when it's me you're responding to.
You both share the same apparent confusion. Initially, I thought you immediately grasped the point that he was struggling so much to grok. But then, for some reason, you lost your train of thought, or you decided you'd better have a silly argument with me for old times' sake, or something.
Now, though, you really have no excuse for feigning continued confusion. Either you're trolling, just trying to string out a silly argument, or you're actually stupid. You're in exactly the same boat as arfa brane. So don't complain when I compare the two of you. You've also both attempted the same schoolyard
ad hominem attacks in response to my careful and courteous attempts to help you both.
You said, "Mass is a measure of a quantity of substance. It is not the substance itself."
NO! Mass is the quantity of substance itself, and you MEASURE that quantity of substance.
The word "quantity" implies number. It's right there, built into the definition of the word.
All quantitative measures are numbers. Masses, lengths, time intervals, energies, momenta, dollar values, how many sheep you have, etc. etc. And numbers are, essentially, conceptual. Numbers are not substances.
You still do not understand the difference between an object and a measure of that object!
Strange that I just explained it to you (again), then, wouldn't you say? Am I wrong?
How am I wrong?
Objects have a quantity of substance, which is measurable using numbers and units!
There is no dispute that objects are made of substances.
There is no dispute that a "quantity of substance" can be measured.
I say mass is the measurement you get when you measure a "quantity of substance" in a particular way. A quantitative measurement - mass - is a
number, with some associated units. Both the number and the units are
When you write down the mass of a rock, you do not write down the rock itself. When you throw a rock, you do not throw its mass; the mass is still on the paper where you wrote it down.
How hard is this? Seriously. How many different ways do you guys need this explained? Are you trolling, attention seeking, or actually stupid?
The object has a quantity of substance whether you measure it or not.
If a tree falls in the forest...
I'll leave you to your philosophy. We were talking about physics, I think.
What you are claiming is that mass is just a measurement.
What else would it be?
You can't write down a rock. You can't bottle numbers.
Measurements don't have inertia!
That was never in dispute. Didn't you read my last post? You seem to keep bringing up issues on which we have never disagreed. Why do you do that?
Sounds like trolling. Or supreme irony. Hard to tell.
By the way, you couldn't possibly have gone back and reviewed all the posts I pointed you to, in the time taken between my last post and your reply. You're not doing your homework. You need to put in some effort!