Do you endorse all the reasons God gave in the Old Testament for killing people, then, or just selected ones? By the way, there's nothing in bible that specifically discusses abortion, is there?
I endorse and trust God.
Even with difficult and unknown things.
Knowing I could not do them myself because I am not Him, and I do not have His understanding, wisdom, knowledge, perspective, and on and on...
You think? Doesn't it just add to the evil, by taking one more life unnecessarily? Suppose a serial killer murders 10 people. Then the state kills him, so 11 people die. If he was locked up for life instead, then only 10 people would die of non-natural causes. Locking him up for life would put a halt to the evil you seek to prevent, wouldn't it? Why do you need to go the extra step of taking a life?
Stopping evil and creating deterrents is not evil in itself!
I see. And some of those people lose their right to life through their own actions, according to you. Is that correct?
Evil will be eventually destroyed one way or another.
I call that good!
Don’t you hope for that?
Or do you love evil?
Do you want evil to go on forever?
But not so valuable or of such great worth that you won't risk killing some innocent ones in order to punish the truly wicked. Right? Because some people who are not guilty end up being put to death under your system. It's a price worth paying, in your opinion?
I trust God to do the right thing in the bigger picture.
As you know innocents are being killed now by the millions through abortion.
Are you OK with that?
Are you really saying that women have the right to kill their own children in the womb but the God who made them has no rights? That would be nonsense to me.
They created a baby. God created them.
Equal rights for women and God!!!
Transfer women’s rights to God. I am wondering how you will twist and invert it...
I trust God to do the right thing in the bigger picture with that as well.
So many great and thoughtful questions! I have already answered some of them, and I only have so much time.
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