Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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WOW!!! You are condemning and judging me, and you do not even know me!!! I will show my wife what you are saying, see what she thinks?

you will demand her to report on the subject you have per-ordained...
how very liberal & moral and just of you.

what type of answers is she allowed ?
Dear SetiAlpha6,

Before you started "pasting instead of posting" Billvon had asked you a question. Would you be okay with the government forcing you to donate a kidney? You could, after all, save someone's life doing so. Perhaps even a child.

Do you have a reply of your own to that?
The way Americans self-identify has changed dramatically over the years. In the mid-1990s, "pro-life" was a distinct minority view.

But in May 2009, for the first time, a significantly greater percentage of Americans self-identified as "pro-life" than "pro-choice."

According to the polls, only a small minority of Americans agree with Roe:

  • 61% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the fetal heartbeat has begun,which occurs in the first month of pregnancy.
  • 72% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • 86% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the first 6 months of pregnancy.
  • Only 6% -17% of Americans (depending on how the question is asked and by whom) believe abortion should be legal at any time, in all circumstances.
Another 2003 nationwide survey of women conducted by the Center for Gender Equality, run by former Planned Parenthood President Faye Wattleton, revealed that a slight majority of women (51%) believe abortion should either never be permitted or permitted only for rape, incest, or life endangerment.

Rape/incest abortions account for only 1% of abortions every year according to the Guttmacher Institute, and life-saving abortions are similarly rare.

back to your copy n pasting while throwing in the rapist fear taunt to seek everyones pre conditioned approval for a different subject.

well thats all very enlightening of you.
such a caring non judgemental non manipulative person.
The modern "pro-choice" movement is desperate to protect the image of abortion as positive and pro-woman. Ironically, their biggest threat is from those they claim to champion: women.

Women are coming forward in greater numbers speaking out about how abortion was not an act of empowerment but the result of abandonment, betrayal, and desperation, and how it has negatively affected their lives.

The website established by a woman who had 5 abortions provides a place for women to help each other cope with the aftermath of their abortions. There are nearly 2.5 million posts.

They tell stories of how they were coerced into aborting their children by boyfriends, husbands, friends, and family. They describe how abortion was far from being a choice.

They speak of overwhelming guilt, nightmares, excessive drinking, drug abuse, promiscuity, an inability to form or maintain relationships, difficulty bonding with later children, and other ways in which they are suffering. You have to visit this site and read their stories to know the real impact of abortion on women.

Being Pro-Life is Being a True Feminist

Feminists for Life says abortion is a clear sign that society has failed to meet the needs of women. Pro-woman/pro-life arguments are destroying the old "baby vs. woman" dichotomy that has dominated the abortion debate for decades.

Women and children are not natural enemies, of course, and it was a perversion of feminism which brought about such a dichotomy in the first place.

"Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women." --Feminists For Life

Roe-era feminists like Kate Michelman, the former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, once proclaimed abortion to be "the guarantor of a woman's right to participate fully in the social and political life of society."

But pro-life feminists believe this turns feminism on its head because it suggests that women may not have an inherent right to participate in society, unless they are willing to sacrifice their own children.

No women should have to abort her child to participate fully in society. If a pregnant woman or mother can't participate in society, the true feminist response is that something is wrong with society.

Millions of American women have aborted a child, and the pain, loss, and emotional need to justify what was done, both on the part of the mother and on the part of her loved ones, is strong and deep.

This means that often even the best logic will fail to persuade simply because of the deep need to avoid guilt.
you will demand her to report on the subject you have per-ordained...
how very liberal & moral and just of you.

what type of answers is she allowed ?

She has a Masters Degree, raised 3 children, and worked full time, she is a Speech Pathologist, loves her patients, is a brilliant person, smarter than me... she can say and do anything she wants to. You would love her if you met her. You should be ashamed of yourself! I think you need a time out!
Currently, 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to Pew. So stop lying.
Perhaps these polls disagree, perhaps mine are all wrong. If they are I apologize.


as long as you managed to get on your soap box for 5 minutes and inflict pain and suffering guilt & shame on to young girls and then run away and play the victim.
your happy with that so you will apologize...

what a lovely person you are
Dear SetiAlpha6,

Before you started "pasting instead of posting" Billvon had asked you a question. Would you be okay with the government forcing you to donate a kidney? You could, after all, save someone's life doing so. Perhaps even a child.

Do you have a reply of your own to that?

I am sorry but I see this as a hypothetical problem that is not equivalent to the abortion problem. It may work for you but it really does not equate for me.

I would and could give my life for another if the circumstances were appropriate, just as I assume, you would.
Perhaps these polls disagree, perhaps mine are all wrong. If they are I apologize.
Not that it even matters. No one has the right to use your body without consent. And the analogy of a kidney is not whether you are nice enough to consent, but whether someone has the right to take it from you without consent.
Not that it even matters. No one has the right to use your body without consent. And the analogy of a kidney is not whether you are nice enough to consent, but whether someone has the right to take it from you without consent.

Is it really too much just to ask people to be responsible for there own actions?

What do you think spider?

Most of the time women consent to have sex, and so shouldn’t they be held responsible for their own choices and actions? If they become pregnant, they were the one taking the risk, not me, not their parents, not their country. There are rare exceptions to this, of course.

But isn’t that the way the rest of the planet operates?

Isn’t that what you yourself expect of others?

Or am I from Mars?
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Countless individuals and families are suffering because of abortion and do not know where to turn for help.

Many people have found hope and healing after abortion through programs like Project Rachel, established by the Catholic Church to serve all people regardless of religious affiliation.

If you need help you can get life saving help at

I am not associated with this website in any way, I just want to offer help in the event that help is needed by anyone who might be reading this thread in tears because of what they have done. Please get help!!!

And I am not a Catholic.
Many people have found hope and healing after abortion through programs like Project Rachel, established by the Catholic Church to serve all people regardless of religious affiliation.

I find this weird

I don't know if any stats are available but I would be fairly certain many abortions would not be needed if contraception had been used

And who says contraception is a no no???


So, is the human zygote merely a new kind of cell or is it a human organism; that is, a human being?
There are many kinds of human beings. A human zygote is one. A child is a different kind. An adult is different again.

Children don't have the same rights as adults. Why should zygotes automatically have the same rights as children?

Some may concede the scientific proofs but will argue that the entity in the womb is still not, or not yet, a "person."

"Not a person" is a decidedly unscientific argument: it has nothing to do with science and everything to do with someone's own moral or political philosophy, though someone may not readily admit it.
Recognise that your arguments against abortion have nothing to do with science and everything to do with your own moral and political philosophy, so the issue of personhood is as relevant as any other moral philosophical point you want to bring to the table.

Your argument seems to be: a zygote/foetus/whatever is human and so should share the same rights as a newborn baby (or something like that). However, there's no reasoning that leads us from A to B. You need to explain why you think the foetus should have the same rights as the newborn child.

If your reason is just that a newborn child and an adult and a zygote all have a working set of human DNA, then you need to explain why children don't have all the same rights as adult human beings, for example. There's something screwy about the "human DNA = has exactly the same set of rights" argument, on the face of it. But maybe you can justify your position somehow (?)
James, this particular argument has never made any sense to me.

Dependent on, implies separate from. Right?
No. It means the foetus/zygote/whatever would die if it wasn't connected with the mother's body. Connected means not separate.

Are you really saying that this sets up a justifiable reason for killing another human life?
No. What gave you that idea? I was merely correcting your assertion that a zygote or foetus is separate from its mother.

All we have to be is dependent on someone else and that gives them the right to kill us?

This would be insane to me!
Then we agree on that point!

It would just blow my mind, that you could suggest such a thing.

So you must not be.
You got it!
And there are also many feminists that are against abortion who have brought children to term as well.

I am just saying, thinking that you already know that.

They feel like feminism has been turned on it’s head, and that abortion is devestating to women, sometimes for the rest of their lives!
Those women made a choice to bring their unborn children to term. And you know what? They had a choice.

What would really turn feminism on its head would be to deny women the right to choose what happens with their own bodies.
The way Americans self-identify has changed dramatically over the years. In the mid-1990s, "pro-life" was a distinct minority view.

But in May 2009, for the first time, a significantly greater percentage of Americans self-identified as "pro-life" than "pro-choice."

According to the polls, only a small minority of Americans agree with Roe
That's an interesting way of spinning the statistics. Here's a more balanced view on what Americans think about abortion:

  • As of 2018, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
  • Though abortion is a divisive issue, more than half of U.S. adults take a non-absolutist position, saying that in most – but not all – cases, abortion should be legal (34%) or illegal (22%). Fewer take the position that in all cases abortion should be either legal (25%) or illegal (15%).
  • About six-in-ten white evangelical Protestants (61%) think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. By contrast, 74% of religiously unaffiliated Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do two-thirds of white mainline Protestants (67%). Catholics are somewhat more divided; 51% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and 42% say it should be illegal.
  • About six-in-ten Republicans (59%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. By contrast, three-quarters (76%) of Democrats say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Among independents, 60% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
  • Men and women express similar views on abortion; 60% of women say it should be legal in all or most cases, as do 57% of men.
  • Among adults under age 30, 63% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do a majority of adults in their 30s and 40s (59%). More than half of those in their 50s and early 60s (56%) and those ages 65 and older (57%) say the same.
  • About six-in-ten black (60%) and white (61%) U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Among Hispanics, opinion is more evenly split: 49% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 44% say it should be illegal.
  • About seven-in-ten college graduates (71%) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do 60% of those with some college education. Opinion is more evenly divided among those with a high school degree or less: 48% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 47% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
Source: Survey conducted Sept. 18-24, 2018.


Where do you fall in these statistics, SetiAlpha6? Are you among the 15% who thing that abortion should always be illegal, in every case, or are there exceptions for you?

Based on this, if I had to guess I'd venture you might be Catholic or Hispanic (or both), probably without a college education.

Is it really too much just to ask people to be responsible for there own actions?
Why do you think having an abortion is being irresponsible?

Most of the time women consent to have sex, and so shouldn’t they be held responsible for their own choices and actions?
Do you think that women who do not consent (for example, if they are raped) should be allowed to abort, then? Just to be clear on your position.

If they become pregnant, they were the one taking the risk, not me, not their parents, not their country.
So why do you, your parents and your country think you have a right to butt in to deal with consequences of this risk? Does the responsibility not go along with the risk? By removing a woman's choice to abort, you are saying she's not capable of taking responsibility for her own body or for her own family. Is that what you're saying?

There are rare exceptions to this, of course.
What would be the rare exceptions, for you? I am interested to know.

Countless individuals and families are suffering because of abortion and do not know where to turn for help.
And countless individuals and families are no doubt happier and better off because of abortion, and thank their lucky stars that they could choose.

Many people have found hope and healing after abortion through programs like Project Rachel, established by the Catholic Church to serve all people regardless of religious affiliation.
And many others didn't feel like they needed any "hope and healing" after abortion.

I am not associated with this website in any way, I just want to offer help in the event that help is needed by anyone who might be reading this thread in tears because of what they have done. Please get help!!!
Your post reads like an advertisement.

And I am not a Catholic.
Strike one for my guessing game!

Next most likely option on the religion front is that you're Protestant. You're far less likely to be a non-believer.
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