Is ESP real?

She said "lucid", not "sane".

what you don't understand is all of you use esp but don't realize it. it could be a hunch or an intuition, sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong depending on how well honed it is or how well you pay attention to the differences when when your hunches are right or wrong to discern the difference. it's just developed more or less in others.

clue: not everyone has the same iq, therefore what makes you think everyone has the exact same level of ability in other areas? there are others characteristics and abilities that are not so clearly defined. one is eq that is known but that's not all.
what you don't understand is all of you use esp but don't realize it. it could be a hunch or an intuition, sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong depending on how well honed it is or how well you pay attention to the differences when when your hunches are right or wrong to discern the difference. it's just developed more or less in others.

clue: not everyone has the same iq, therefore what makes you think everyone has the exact same level of ability in other areas? there are others characteristics and abilities that are not so clearly defined. one is eq that is known but that's not all.
Your bald assertions are funny, but not Jerry Lewis level funny.
it can be little things as once i was in a blockbuster video store and had left with my friend and realized i was missing the 20 dollar bill that was in my hand and dropped it, probably when i picked up a video to look at. he paid for the videos so i forgot about about it. we were already 20 minutes out and i asked him to turn around as i could see it on the floor in my mind as a fleeting thought and was sure it was there still. how i knew this can't be explained except it's just a knowing is all. he made all kinds of excuses and said that there is no way it's still there as someone would have picked it up by now and there is no way to be sure where you dropped it and i told him i know it's still there. exasperated we finally went back and i retraced my steps and found it on the carpet floor right smack dab in the middle of the aisle just as i had seen it.

no one had looked down and were perusing videos at eye-level. how i knew it would still be there when i got there at that time, i can't explain.
Of course, if you had gone back and the $20 wasn't there, you probably wouldn't have remembered this particular incident.

There is a normal human tendency to remember the "hits" and forget the "misses".

This event can just be put down to pure chance.

when i was a child i had a cat that i named bridget and would take the clothes off my doll and dress him up (bonnet included) and take a stroll with him in a baby carriage.

i remember one day someone tapped me on my shoulder and told me that it was not a she but a he and his name was 'tony'. this 'someone' was definitely not an actual physical person (at least at in my presence but possibly an astral projection as there was no visible person behind me when i turned to look but i knew it wasn't my cat speaking to me either but i also knew it was another male and someone he knew speaking for him, strange as it seems.
I think that maybe some other things about the cat might have hinted to you that he was male rather than female.

When you say the ghostly person "told" you, what do you mean? He spoke to you, so you could hear his voice?

It occurs to me that this might well have been a hallucination. Or else a false memory that you constructed later.

there are ways the universe communicates that some people have absolutely no idea about, can't or won't fathom or realize how diverse it can be.
I'll wait until more evidence comes in before believing that. Right now, I'm far from convinced.
Of course, if you had gone back and the $20 wasn't there, you probably wouldn't have remembered this particular incident.

There is a normal human tendency to remember the "hits" and forget the "misses".

This event can just be put down to pure chance.

no, because i don't get the combination of seeing and knowing at once like that all the time. i knew. it was not chance. i know how my process works. you don't.

When you say the ghostly person "told" you, what do you mean? He spoke to you, so you could hear his voice?

yes, i felt something tap my shoulder but 'lightly' and it was a male's voice, not a child's either and yes, i actually heard him speak. i also sensed he had been trying to catch up with me to tell me this. not before but after it tapped me on my shoulder and told me because it was behind me. i had been treating this cat as a baby doll for awhile and i think he was very upset by this and one of his guardian angel, friend or whatever it was told me this to stop it. not that it was anything malicious on my part but i guess he was very insulted. looking back on it i didn't like this man either as my impression of him was that he was rather sleazy or sneaky in some way. even more strangely, i didn't like this particular cat afterwards because around this time is when all the paranormal stuff was starting to happen which would span a couple of years mostly due to this very violent family. i did not pick this particular cat, my mother did as it was my first pet. i never had any unusual incidents with other pets.

It occurs to me that this might well have been a hallucination. Or else a false memory that you constructed later

of course to you because you weren't there. it was no false memory as it happened literally outside in broad daylight and i started calling him by his 'correct' name because of this incident right after.

I'll wait until more evidence comes in before believing that. Right now, I'm far from convinced.

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though some may see minor details as indicative of nothing, it indicates something to me as i know there is some reason behind it. my mother was absolutely NOT someone who was into pets or cared about pets ever. in fact, even when my sister got a pet, she was rather mean and cold to it to where she had actually had to defend her pet at one time because she was actually making fun of it for being sweet or meekly, can you believe it? but this first cat she picked out herself she respected. she was not lovey-dovey as she is just not like that but you could tell she had some sense of respect for it though and i think that means something. no other pets i had or even my sister had, she had any respect or even paid any attention to them. she never interacted with them, petted them or walked them etc. she would pour kibble in the bowl and that's it. it was merely an animal and not of any importance to her. she was too busy with church and being a 'godly' woman or that was her way of status climbing.
also sensed he had been trying to catch up with me to tell me this. not before but after it tapped me on my shoulder and told me because it was behind me

Northern Territory Newspaper NT News
19 January 2018

"Wait I see you should tell a little girl the sex of her cat"

though this may sound crazy, i think that cat was possessed. why would a cat that had no previous owner have a specific name? i don't even like the name i was told and i sure wouldn't have picked that for my cat. no one else ever tapped me on the shoulder to tell me the name of my pets or other cats. it was like a threat.

the cat was a cat but some spirit was attached to that cat. that cat was not like a regular cat. why did she like that particular cat? she didn't like any of the other ones and there was nothing wrong with them.
no one else ever tapped me on the shoulder to tell me the name of my pets or other cats.

What a surprise. Of the millions and millions of sprits and what nots said to be out there only one had the presence of a disembodied mind to tell you the sex and real name of the cat. I wonder what else was inside his disembodied mind

Kraken rum?
Release the Kraken
Tap him on the shoulder
Tell him to release Tony
