Iraqi Shias protest against US troops

What if the Chinese instituted a death sentence for female infanticide. Would that be wrong? You keep missing the main point. Mohammed did not travel to the USA, he went back to Mecca.
My point is other people lived there. It is not any one persons right to simply kill people who think differently, whether they happen to live in the same vicinity or live on the other side of the planet. That is the point I am trying to make.

If the Chinese have such a Law it is a Law because the majority of Chinese agree that such a practice is wrong. We could then assume that most Chinese do not practice female infanticide. Make sense?
I think it is wrong for anyone to conquer other people, kill them and take their stuff. Seems like a pretty simple idea. You seem to agree in all aspects except when it rubs against your romanticized notions of how Mohammad's armies conquered Arabia. Then something clicks and likewise rational goes right out the window.

You can be very stubborn..... ???

I understand WHY Mohammad conquered Arabia. I'm sure he thought he was either doing a Gods will or simply by conquering and uniting Arabia the place would be better. It is still wrong. That;'s what ALL conquerers like think. Alexander thought that (oh he's in the Qur'an as well), Julius thought that, the Japanese thought that, the Mongolians thought that, the Greeks thought that, GW Bush thinks that.

It is still wrong to kill people because they don't think as you wish they would.
My point is other people lived there. It is not any one persons right to simply kill people who think differently, whether they happen to live in the same vicinity or live on the other side of the planet. That is the point I am trying to make.

If the Chinese have such a Law it is a Law because the majority of Chinese agree that such a practice is wrong. We could then assume that most Chinese do not practice female infanticide. Make sense?

Sure, which is why Islam ushered in the Golden Age for Arabia. Obviously most people wanted a better life.
Actually, if God is ALL POWERFULL he can make a "Perfect Book" (we'll call it the "Dianetics") whose words are sooooo powerful that anyone reading said book will instantly become non-violent and work for the betterment of mankind and be "believers".

Thats unrealistic. Thats like saying anyone who goes to school should be intelligent, compassionate and rational. That does not happen but no one thinks its wrong to go to school, do they?
When's this "Golden Age" gonna' begin, Sam? When's Islam gonna' give the Aaaaaa-rabs a better life?

Baron Max

Can it get any more golden than controlling the dollar rate and having the US President kiss ass?
Can it get any more golden than controlling the dollar rate and having the US President kiss ass?

Yes, Sam, it can.

I'm still waiting for your suggestions about when "The Golden Era" of the Aaaa-rabs under Islam is gonna' begin.

Baron Max
If this the Islam golden Era, with more Muslims killing each other than anyone else killing them, then I'd hate to see an era which isn't Golden.
Of course, it wasn't all that "Golden" for non-muslims. Never really has been, frankly. I suppose "Golden" is a matter of perspective.
Err...the Renaissance occurred from the 1300s to 1700s centuries. The period you're talking about is about 900-1200. Sooo...not a strong correlation there. Moreover, Europe and Islam were actually at war during that period. And every other, come to think of it. As for the "Golden Age for Jewish Culture", perhaps you've heard of Maimonides? And dhimmitude?
Err...the Renaissance occurred from the 1300s to 1700s centuries. The period you're talking about is about 900-1200. Sooo...not a strong correlation there. Moreover, Europe and Islam were actually at war during that period. And every other, come to think of it. As for the "Golden Age for Jewish Culture", perhaps you've heard of Maimonides? And dhimmitude?

Yes, I heard the Jews were leaving in droves for the enlightened West.

And the Renaissance was a result of the Islamic Age, the Europeans destroyed all the works which the Arabs preserved, remember?
You may have missed the point in your links about what also befell Jewish citizens of islamic countries:

However, throughout history, there have been some instances of violent conflict between Jews and Muslims. Examples include the razing of the entire Jewish quarter in the Andalucian city of Granada in 1066. In North Africa, there were cases of violence against Jews in the Middle Ages[2], and in other Arab lands including Egypt[3], Syria[4] and Yemen[5].

I like how the author calls it "violent conflict between Jews and Muslims", as if it were both ways or something. :rolleyes:

The link: a supremacist da'wa site? :D Please, don't bother. I note other articles therein as thinly veiled islamicism, such as this:

One in three Americans has serious doubts about the conspiracy theory offered by the U.S. government that 19 Arabs armed with box-cutters were responsible for the hijacking of four airplanes, and the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001

So: the actual story is characterised immediately as a "conspiracy theory".

Good job. You picked a supremacist site for your much-vaunted link. Kudos.
You may have missed the point in your links about what also befell Jewish citizens of islamic countries:

I like how the author calls it "violent conflict between Jews and Muslims", as if it were both ways or something. :rolleyes:

The link: a supremacist da'wa site? :D Please, don't bother. I note other articles therein as thinly veiled islamicism, such as this:

So: the actual story is characterised immediately as a "conspiracy theory".

Good job. You picked a supremacist site for your much-vaunted link. Kudos.

Then you have incontrovertible evidence, do you?

I like how media hype gets converted to established truth.:rolleyes:

And like I said, the Jews were leaving in droves for the enlightened West. Now they have Palestine, they are certainly proving how they deal with their problems, aren't they? Considering their educated democratic example in the backward ME?
Then you have incontrovertible evidence, do you?

And the author does? My position is at least based on facts, and required no anti-semitism to float it.

I like how media hype gets converted to established truth.:rolleyes:

LOL - ditto, Sam, ditto. :D Except that my interpretation has facts behind it.