India - Six Speed Breakers

No idea what you're on about. There is an Aryan theory which Western Indologists proposed saying that Aryans from Europe moved into India and contributed to the Vedas etc (trying to take credit for the superior culture of the East as usual). They tried to show differences between the north and south populations based on this theory. Genetic studies however show an outward exodus from India, so this theory has no support..

Genetic evidence usually states the major migrations of mankind, from Africa to India, eastward to China, across the Bering Straight into America (the Native Americans), and from India westward, you get Western/Eastern Europeans.

You have to remember, though, that these are major migrations, not minor ones. For all we know, the Aryan migrations could have occurred, but I don't think there would have been enough difference between "Persians" and "Indians" at the time, would there?

Either way, staying on topic...
India, in my mind, has to cope with many more people who are primarily agrarian. South Korea for example, was initially agrarian, but switched to industrial in 50 years (with the USA's help of course).

The key? Women's education. Educate them, help them find birth control, lower the population, increase the resources per person and you might find change. South Korea, during its agrarian days had approximately 7 children per family and now they have 2.

Another solution would be for Western involvement. Have the West put pressure on such countries to reduce their population? It's a stretch, but it's always possible.
I support a Christian evangelism group which goes from village to village in India showing a life of Jesus movie, Indians love movies, and most of the town folk welcome the film teams, but rowdies sometimes mug the crews, have killed some, and the police usually do nothing.

It seems that religious discourse in India is often reduced to brawls, with the police doing little about it, tough neighborhood.

And the Dalits (the dark-colored people, Dravidians) are woefully discriminated against, so they hate the caste system, and are coming to Christianity in droves for its liberating message.

The government of India must decide if they want to continue to allow mob rule, or enforce fair laws which encourage religious and intellectual freedom.

This is ignorance in its purest form.

And are you one of those sickos who throw money for conversions!? :mad:
People, all this bickering is not getting me elected "dictator-for-life" any faster.

Come on, let's pull together and concentrate on what we have in common rather than what divides us: a basic desire to see Geoff in a position of outrageous power.

Our slogan for 2008: "Geoff Til Death!"

It doesn't quite's a work in progress.
Come on, let's pull together and concentrate on what we have in common rather than what divides us......

Hmm, we have, like, one or two things in common, but 423,978,493,261 things that divide us! And you want us to concentrate on only those one or two things? ....while ignoring all those other things?? :D

Baron Max