India - Six Speed Breakers

Though I object to some aspects of Indian society, I think I shall stand as a midpoint between SamCDKey and Baron Max:

I think you've probably read me all wrong. I don't know enough about India to even form an educated opinion. I was just pointing out some of the issues that I found via the Google searches so that others might begin to educate themselves, too. Education is a wonderful thing, don't you think?

India is a good country overall, ...

On what information or evidence do you base that assertion?

Baron Max
On what information or evidence do you base that assertion?

Baron Max

This quote best explains it:

Swami Vivekananda, Indian Philosopher:

"Civilizations have arisen in other parts of the world. In ancient and modern times, wonderful ideas have been carried forward from one race to another...But mark you, my friends, it has been always with the blast of war trumpets and the march of embattled cohorts. Each idea had to be soaked in a deluge of blood..... Each word of power had to be followed by the groans of millions, by the wails of orphans, by the tears of widows. This, many other nations have taught; but India for thousands of years peacefully existed. Here activity prevailed when even Greece did not exist... Even earlier, when history has no record, and tradition dares not peer into the gloom of that intense past, even from until now, ideas after ideas have marched out from her, but every word has been spoken with a blessing behind it and peace before it. We, of all nations of the world, have never been a conquering race, and that blessing is on our head, and therefore we live....!"

Or this:

Hu Shih (Former Chinese Ambassador to USA):

"India conquered and dominated China for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across its border." (Bhavan Journal 15.05.1999)
Things like this happen only in India:

Welfare officer paraded naked
Jaideep Hardikar
Thursday, January 11, 2007 23:13 IST

NAGPUR: A welfare officer of the Koradi Thermal Power Station (KTPS) was on Thursday paraded naked by women daily-wage labourers for sexually exploiting one of them on the pretext of a job.

The officer has been exploiting her for five years, said the 32-year-old complainant in her report to the police.

For almost an hour, an angry mob of women thrashed the 50-year-old Arun Birajdar, defaced and paraded him naked in public.

They later handed him over to the police.The police have booked Birajdar upon under Atrocities Act and arrested him.
Swami Vivekananda, Indian Philosopher:

"...; but India for thousands of years peacefully existed. ....!"

Did Vivekananda ask any of "The Untouchables" about that "....thousands of years..." of peace??
Did he ask any of the poverty-stricken Indians in Calcutta and other areas where poverty and hunger is so rampant?

My guess is that he didn't. My guess is also that he failed or refused to see any of the internal conflicts that's been hounding India forever. A simple seearch on Google will more than prove that India is NOT a nation of peace and goodwill and humanatarianism.

India is actually a nation in turmoil and internal strife ...perhaps so much so that the western doesn't even report on it anymore.

Sorry, Sam, but the evidence just doesn't back up your claims of India being such a grand example for the rest of the world. You should open your own eyes a bit to your nation's turmoil, conflicts, poverty and strife. At best, you should stop lying about India and/or failing to tell the whole truth.

Baron Max
Things like this happen only in India:

Is that to say that you believe in vigilante law? That it's a good thing for individual people to be the judge, jury and executioner? That people should take the law into their own hands?

A quick Google search might find other examples of mob-law in India that you so glowingly approve of? Hmm?

Baron Max
...We, of all nations of the world, have never been a conquering race, ...
Not sure this is historically accurate, but my knowledge of even western history 3000 years ago is very scant. I have the impression that the Brahmins were not native to what is now India, but invaders who came from the NW.

I have the same idea about the "Greeks." I.e. they too were NW invaders of what is now Greece.

Am I correct on either of these beliefs?
I support a Christian evangelism group which goes from village to village in India showing a life of Jesus movie, Indians love movies, and most of the town folk welcome the film teams, but rowdies sometimes mug the crews, have killed some, and the police usually do nothing.

It seems that religious discourse in India is often reduced to brawls, with the police doing little about it, tough neighborhood.

And the Dalits (the dark-colored people, Dravidians) are woefully discriminated against, so they hate the caste system, and are coming to Christianity in droves for its liberating message.

The government of India must decide if they want to continue to allow mob rule, or enforce fair laws which encourage religious and intellectual freedom.
I support a Christian evangelism group which goes from village to village in India showing a life of Jesus movie, Indians love movies, and most of the town folk welcome the film teams, but rowdies sometimes mug the crews, have killed some, and the police usually do nothing....
Only in India, of all the countries near it, would this be true. - In the moslem others, the religious police would be the ones doing the killing of your foolish crews.
Ah, but hundreds of thousands of Dalits and other people of India are coming to Christ, so they are very happy that the film teams have come, not foolish at all to them, but you wouldn't understand.
Type "social injustice - india" ...hit 'enter'.

If you think India is "doing alright", then Palestinians and Israelis are the best of buddies! :D

Baron Max

Palestinians & Israelis are best buddies already, after hearing the word 'social injustice' from you.
Only in India, of all the countries near it, would this be true. - In the moslem others, the religious police would be the ones doing the killing of your foolish crews.

In islamic countries the evangelicals call jesus as "Allah" and run away.:p
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I don't know about the Roman Catholic church's methods, nor about ladies' big hats, but I do know that the groups I support present the Gospel so that people can be liberated from their fear and uncertainty, to become children of God, "the Gospel shall be preached in all the world....."
Not sure this is historically accurate, but my knowledge of even western history 3000 years ago is very scant. I have the impression that the Brahmins were not native to what is now India, but invaders who came from the NW.

I have the same idea about the "Greeks." I.e. they too were NW invaders of what is now Greece.

Am I correct on either of these beliefs?

See the Aryan thread for that controversy. Genetic studies do not support any differences between the people of India (North and South), i.e. the Aryan invasion myth.

That is a bit wrong of you.

The studies I presented show the type in Russia common in India. And I also provided you the linguistic evidence.

That is a bit wrong of you.

The studies I presented show the type in Russia common in India. And I also provided you the linguistic evidence.

Yup but I do believe genetic evidence is just a little more reliable than linguistic evidence.:)
See the Aryan thread for that controversy. Genetic studies do not support any differences between the people of India (North and South), i.e. the Aryan invasion myth.
These genetic studies are not be very persuasive to me as I imagine that:

(1) The invading Brahmins, if they existed, were not very different genetically from the natives they were conquering and no doubt (being mainly male warrior types), raping.
(2) The invading Brahmins were greatly out numbered by the natives. In less than 30 generations, the “Indian gene pool” would have their genes uniformly distributed in it.

I know much too little about all this to be confident in the above, and do know there is some weak genetic evidence that Genghis Kahn’s army* was in the Balkans or at least somewhere on the East side of Caspian Sea but those areas were not as fully populated and that was more recent.

I had never heard of the "Aryan theory" but suspect this is just an effort for misguided Brahmins to "elevate" their origins. Perhaps they were just driven down form Kashmir by a sequence of harsh winters. (We can call this the "Abominable snowman" theory of Brahmin origins. :D ) Certainly Hitler would have no trouble of sending the Brahmins to gas chambers as "non-Arians" and in this, I status judgment, I support Hitler, but not his probable acts towards Brahmins.
*It came from much farther way and thus was very different genetically from population being invaded and raped, than the invading Brahmins. I understand these Brahmins were non-Aryans, from only a 1000 or less miles away.
These genetic studies are not be very persuasive to me as I imagine that:

(1) The invading Brahmins, if they existed, were not very different genetically from the natives they were conquering and no doubt (being mainly male warrior types), raping.
(2) The invading Brahmins were greatly out numbered by the natives. In less than 30 generations, the “Indian gene pool” would have their genes uniformly distributed in it.

I know much to little about all this to be confident in the above, and do know there is some weak genetic evidence for Genghis Kahn’s army* was in the Balkans or at least somewhere on the East side of Caspian Sea but those areas were not a fully populated and that was more recent.

I had never heard of the "Aryan theory" but suspect this is just an effort for misguided Brahmins to "elevate" their origins. Perhaps they were just driven down form Kashmir by a sequence of harsh winters. (We can call this the "Abominable snowman" theory of Brahmin origins. :D ) Certainly Hitler would have no trouble of sending the Brahmins to gas chambers as "non-Arians" and in this, I status judgment, I support Hitler, but not his probable acts towards Brahmins.
*It came from much farther way and thus was very different genetically form populatin being invaded and raped, than the invading Brahmins. I understand these Brahmins were non-Aryans, from only a 1000 or less miles away.

No idea what you're on about. There is an Aryan theory which Western Indologists proposed saying that Aryans from Europe moved into India and contributed to the Vedas etc (trying to take credit for the superior culture of the East as usual). They tried to show differences between the north and south populations based on this theory. Genetic studies however show an outward exodus from India, so this theory has no support..