I wasn't aware that it was the moderator's job to be role models. They are like you and I, they have their faults. They are not perfect. They have rules and they moderate by those rules. If you want a role model, then you are in the wayyyyyyyy wrong place (no offence peoples ). This is a forum where people who can read and write come to debate and discuss issues and facts. Sort of anyway .
I think you missed the point. I am not saying she should be a role model, I am saying she should set an example, so that others can follow. If the moderators are going to be racist, ignorant, offensive, then you will find the members are going to be the same. Why do you think Bill Clinton was impeached? On the same grounds; for being an irresponsible human being, when he really should have set an example for his people.
I wish to comment on this poll. I feel this poll is biased towards the non-impeachment of Xev, on the grounds that there are two options for her non impeachment, and only one for her impeachment. Therefore as WCF has done above, hes combined the totals for non impeachment(16) and proclaimed, "she is doing well" when in fact the majority opinion on the poll is FOR her impeachment.
By introducing the extra option, "She's a wako, but she's OK as a moderator" the designer of the poll is attempting to manipulate the voters. To me, it reads like this, "Come on folks she's a fine moderator, so click here"
It is not about wether she's a fine moderator, heck, a KKK clan member maybe a fine president and take the country places. It's about wether she as a human being, who is proud of being a racist, an evil society has fought for centuries, should be given such an authority and be placed higher than other people.
Another point I would to make. I feel this democratic system is flawed. Sometimes democracy is not the most optimal system of government, and it's verdict, not necessarily the correct choice. A public forum is one such place where it doesn't always work. Nonetheless, that is the case here, and me saying so, will not change this system, but I think there is something we could agree on: shouldn't the popular motion win by a majority? I think it's quite silly to pass a motion, when the variance is only 1 or 4 votes from the other motions.
Especially considering that some voters may not be unique. I am sure there are many members on this forum who have multiple accounts.
We have 18 members(that's quite a lot) of this forum who do not respect her, and only 11 who do. As the matter is very trivial, and considering that there are far better choices for the position of moderator, than Xev, I think(you do not have to agree) Xev's moderator role should be transferred to another member elected by the forum members.
This is just my 2 pennies. I have nothing more to say on the matter.