I'm getting a Macintosh ASAP...

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Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
... and none of you can talk me out of it!

The reasons I'm getting a Mac are:

   1. They are not as vulnerable to viruses and shit as Windows, so I don't have to worry so much about virus programs that slow everything down.
   2. They function better, from what I can determine. For example, a friend of mine says he's had his Mac laptop for five years, and it has not once had a problem that simply restarting didn't fix. This is not true of my Windows.
   3. They have more stuff out of the box that I would want that Windows doesn't.
   4. Miscellaneous little things about how they function which are much nicer and more convenient than on Windows.
   5. The GUI is so much more esthetically pleasing than Windows's ugly, bulky one.
   6. I'm getting a laptop for myself anyway, and it might as well be one that has Mac on it.
   7. Getting a Mac doesn't mean I have to give up Windows and the stuff Windows is actually good for. Apple now makes computers with processors that are compatable with Windows. And they have Boot Camp, which helps install Windows XP SP2 on an Apple computer and make a dual-boot system; it's expected to come standard with the next update to Mac. And I plan on taking advantage of this.

Soon I will be getting a job, and as soon as I have the money and Leopard comes out, I'm getting a Mac. :D

In the meantime, I'll decide whether I want to install XP or Vista on it.
... and none of you can talk me out of it!

The reasons I'm getting a Mac are:

   1. They are not as vulnerable to viruses and shit as Windows, so I don't have to worry so much about virus programs that slow everything down.
   2. They function better, from what I can determine. For example, a friend of mine says he's had his Mac laptop for five years, and it has not once had a problem that simply restarting didn't fix. This is not true of my Windows.
   3. They have more stuff out of the box that I would want that Windows doesn't.
   4. Miscellaneous little things about how they function which are much nicer and more convenient than on Windows.
   5. The GUI is so much more esthetically pleasing than Windows's ugly, bulky one.
   6. I'm getting a laptop for myself anyway, and it might as well be one that has Mac on it.
   7. Getting a Mac doesn't mean I have to give up Windows and the stuff Windows is actually good for. Apple now makes computers with processors that are compatable with Windows. And they have Boot Camp, which helps install Windows XP SP2 on an Apple computer and make a dual-boot system; it's expected to come standard with the next update to Mac. And I plan on taking advantage of this.

Soon I will be getting a job, and as soon as I have the money and Leopard comes out, I'm getting a Mac. :D

In the meantime, I'll decide whether I want to install XP or Vista on it.

dont do it, think of the money.
The major problem with Apples are compatibility issues. Apples get the most flak from the gamer community because they can't play Counter-Strike on it.

I know that you're not a gamer, so the aspect of game compatibility doesn't matter to you. But there are lots of other things out there that require a Windows OS, esp. videos and sound files.

There are also freeware statistical packages, calculus programs, etc, that only work on Windows. The cost of, say, Mathematica for an Apple is greater than that of one for a PC.

Mac does have two really great things going for it: iTunes and iMovie.
Most other programs that you'd want you can find for Apples, the only problem being cost and the difficulty to find them.

I've been running OS X.something for a couple years now, and the OS is incredibly stable. Program crashes don't affect the OS. Very few hard reboots. None of that blue screen of death shit. No pulling the power cord.
I'd say go for it. If you want to play games, get an X-box (or if you can survive it a PS3). ;)
I'd say go for it. If you want to play games, get an X-box (or if you can survive it a PS3). ;)

Pfft. You can't play all games on the Xbox. However, you can play just about any game on the PC (even xbox games).
IMACS are not worth it. yes they dont crush and are pretty, but they are almost useless unless ur into graphics production/viewing.
IMACS are not worth it. yes they dont crush and are pretty, but they are almost useless unless ur into graphics production/viewing.

The idea of the Mac as a digital art machine is sort of old and dates back to the fact that they were the first with a digital paint program. . . yeah like an equivalent of MS paint. Big whoop. Apparently there's some good digital editing packages on there as well these days, but if you know anything about film production everyone working in that industry is such an asshat that they'd insist on having a mac simply because it's marketed as an elite luxury product which really seems to mesh well with the personalities of these guys.
The idea of the Mac as a digital art machine is sort of old and dates back to the fact that they were the first with a digital paint program. . . yeah like an equivalent of MS paint. Big whoop. Apparently there's some good digital editing packages on there as well these days, but if you know anything about film production everyone working in that industry is such an asshat that they'd insist on having a mac simply because it's marketed as an elite luxury product which really seems to mesh well with the personalities of these guys.

so u saying the elite buy it bc it's cute? sweet.
dont do it, think of the money.

Thought of it. Still want one.

I know that you're not a gamer, so the aspect of game compatibility doesn't matter to you. But there are lots of other things out there that require a Windows OS, esp. videos and sound files.

Well good thing I'm taking advantage of a Mac-Windows dual-boot system, eh?

Roman said:
There are also freeware statistical packages, calculus programs, etc, that only work on Windows. The cost of, say, Mathematica for an Apple is greater than that of one for a PC.

I don't do much math.

Roman said:
Mac does have two really great things going for it: iTunes and iMovie.
Most other programs that you'd want you can find for Apples, the only problem being cost and the difficulty to find them.

Most of the stuff I can think of that I want are already on a Mac.

Roman said:
I've been running OS X.something for a couple years now, and the OS is incredibly stable. Program crashes don't affect the OS. Very few hard reboots. None of that blue screen of death shit. No pulling the power cord.

See? That's something that I want for my computer.

draqon said:
IMACS are not worth it.

I dunno about iMacs, but I think Mac OS X is definitely worth it.

Mystech said:
[...] which really seems to mesh well with the personalities of these guys.

And this isn't also true of Windoze users? ;)
i switched from winME to winXP and i can tell you that XP is one stable mother.
it's not at all unusual for me to leave my machine on 24/7 for a week or longer and not have to restart.
i experience program crashes but it doesn't affect the OS at all.
winXP comes highly recommended as far as stability goes.
it's not at all unusual for me to leave my machine on 24/7 for a week or longer and not have to restart.
i experience program crashes but it doesn't affect the OS at all.
winXP comes highly recommended as far as stability goes.


Currently, my uptime is 84 days plus.
No crashes.
I get crashes all the time on my Windows XP machine. However, it's because I have heating issues. I play demanding games on my laptop.
I get crashes all the time on my Windows XP machine. However, it's because I have heating issues. I play demanding games on my laptop.

laptops are diff. from computers...they are laptops...so we must compare mac os laptop with xp laptop.
...lolz the troll got snatched...

Who knows maybe software engineers will someday switch to making more prog's for macs...but for now...pc's got more to offer.
dont do it, dont by mac. use the money to buy something else. dont do it.

I'm using the money to buy a Mac, because I want a Mac more than I want a Windoze. Again, you cannot talk me out of it.


Currently, my uptime is 84 days plus.
No crashes.

Why the fuck is everyone running their computers forever? I turn mine off every night like normal people. :bugeye:

...lolz the troll got snatched...


draqon said:
Who knows maybe software engineers will someday switch to making more prog's for macs...but for now...pc's got more to offer.

I don't need all that Windoze has to offer.
The idea of the Mac as a digital art machine is sort of old and dates back to the fact that they were the first with a digital paint program. . . yeah like an equivalent of MS paint. Big whoop. Apparently there's some good digital editing packages on there as well these days, but if you know anything about film production everyone working in that industry is such an asshat that they'd insist on having a mac simply because it's marketed as an elite luxury product which really seems to mesh well with the personalities of these guys.

Whoa. Talk about gay bashing!
The reasons I'm getting a Mac are:
I think it good that you are so in touch with who you are. Alot of people will say derogatory things, but you just remember no one should be ashamed of how they choose to live their life. Your 5% of the population have the same rights as everyone else.
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