I protest to a thread lock...

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perhaps i used the wrong timing (trump, wall, terrorism) to shed light on this phenomenon because of the op articles in the other thread highlight the racism that was directed at asians all along. because the person is prominent, it was easily revealed but it's been that way for awhile.

i went to school mostly in the south and it was incredibly racist toward asians. whites, blacks and hispanics ganged up on asians together. there was no racism directed at eachother, just asians. i've heard these similar patterns from other asians and their experience generally even as far north as pennsylania and west as arizona: asians were the least accepted, most ridiculed, patronized, stereotyped and target of overt racism. i only went to one school that was not like that and it was an anomaly because the rest were the same. these are public schools, therefore the majority, therefore representative of future adults of the majority, get it? not professionals, not the top 2 percent which most asians try to strive and wiggle their way up to. most of them lead sheltered lives of study, straight to college and then to professional job away and above from most of that. the only real experience of racism they usually experience was school but not the general public after which is reflective pretty much of the same. there is a whole world and strata of the american population that is not them: the top professional sector. you don't gauge a public or general consensus that way.

as a matter of fact, there was this attitude that they were all more american than asians. of course, there will be discrepancies between some as to who they have beef with but we are talking about general attitudes and the majority. and you think that mindset is isolated? you don't think that transfers when they become adults? it does. white nationalists are not them, they hate everyone. where did they get that type of mindset that it was okay to be racist against asians? and you all still think that asians are not stigmatized for racism or it's as equal as anyone else. i keep letting you know that mainstream sentiments and subsects of the population are not the same. unbelievable.

and this is the crucial key that is overlooked: what groups are considered most westernized vs those who are percieved as less westernized. that's how the mainstream public judges racism and bigotry not white nationalist or kkk criteria.
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Uh well, if you felt the need to express yourself, maybe that thread shouldn't have been locked.
i understand why the past has to keep being emphasized so that a culture does not forget so it's not repeated but the landscape and cultural mindsets change over time. it's not the same as before and different factions become the target of more racism as society moves along. if i've witnessed overt racism against blacks and hispanics in american culture, then i would say so but i didn't. as a matter of fact, they seemed pretty comfortable and accepted by the majority (granted there is some political issues currently regarding hispanics primarily and the wall as well as middle-easterners and those of similar appearance) but that's actually pretty recent, but the racism against asians was pretty rampant. i remember walking by a few asian girls near a locker in high school (they were not in my pod) and stopped to talk to them and every few seconds someone would pass by and hurl insults that were blatantly racist and nasty by blacks, whites, and hispanics. i never once heard such vile and overt insults being hurled at them though and that is reflective of general society as well in comparison to asians. even as a child, i was wondering where that level of hatred came from. it wasn't even jokingly said, there was vicious hatred and ill will behind it. even i didn't have that level of hatred as a child and i had a horrible childhood and wondered where it was coming from since they didn't do anything to them and how could someone so young have that kind of hatred in the first place yet.

also, you can get the jist of a macrocosm by the microcosm fairly accurately and even other asians noticed the trend. regular classes, more racism; advanced or honors, some racism; in Ap classes there was none. this correlates with the mantra that racists are 'uneducated' or ignorant as a general theme. this is not completely true but generally. this is also reflective of general society. the majority were not ap class students, do the math. most of society is ignorant or racist and they are not all trump voters and this has also correlated from my general experience.

but i've noticed gradual changes in the mindset of the public. even a couple decades ago, almost no one ate sushi and people would mock it. now there are kids who cite sushi as one of their favorite foods, if not their favorite. the popularity of anime has incited an interest in asian culture and the advent of the internet and youtube really opened up the world globally.

i've noticed the cultural influence started with japan and then korea while china is the greatest trading partner so even i have noticed the gradual or more tolerance toward asians and asian culture than before. but that's the same with other minorities as well. just as any american will note how beloved african-americans are around the world because of their music, fashion, sports, cuisine (soul food) and culture. young people and people of even my generation think african-americans are cool and have no problem with them. most people have no problem with hispanics either as they seem them more similar to african-americans or whites. it is not the same and to think that african-americans, hispanics or blacks are hated or oppressed like before is not true. somewhat true of asians being accepted but that is a recent phenomenon that is gradually getting better in the west.
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"needs a mental health check. . . . the ones that end up bitter or racist themselves . . . whine and play the victim. . . ."

Aaaand - headed right back to a lock.
Er... maybe request that thread be unlocked and have some of your postings moved there?



Hey, I like being able to express myself, but people thought I was weird cause I protested that Megatron was stalking me and around every corner ready to squish me...
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Er... maybe request that thread be unlocked and have some of your postings moved there?



Hey, I like being able to express myself, but people thought I was weird cause I protested that Megatron was stalking me and around every corner ready to squish me...

you could be an arab, hispanic, black, or white , the way you reacted even strangely to that thread (hair-trigger), defensively focused on the thread and want it open peculiarly instead of creating your own thread. it's obvious it was you who feel like a failure/loser so when you saw an asian in the op, it was your opportunity to take the bait and unload your own self-loathing because you associate asians with weakness or vulnerability and therefore yourself and self-hatred.

this view is very common scapegoating of asians this way and in particular the style/manner/lingo whites use to express this denigration of asians using the exact terms you did such as loser, failiure, self-hatred etc. it's not other races who use those terms as often but express it differently. evidently most here on this forum are not that socially aware because i knew you were denigrating asians as a whole including those in the op by ignoring the racism itself and focusing on the one who started the thread as a 'loser/failure' instead.

let me spell it out: that's a common and almost infamous reaction/retort when it's pointed out that an asian is being targeted by all other races combined. complete defensiveness and push back to denigrate the asian as much as possible to deny it and whites will often be the most angry. that's the same in mainstream culture. actually, that's common/stereotypical white boy bully tactic too. except you're a britney. different gender but pretty much the same. others were subtle about it, you were all in.

cut to the truth: projection of your own identity, issues and low self-esteem as well as white boy/girl rage.

uh, don't project your issues onto me. that's gross. start your own topic.
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I think it's attitudes like yours is the reason, Trump, was elected.

heh. you refuse to or can't evaluate correctly. trump was elected because it's an overall refection of the country at the moment. asians are only a fraction of the american population so that isn't true. even moreso, as a group they try not to make waves toward anyone. you can't make a generalization based on one person and especially an asian that's an outlier. just as you can't make generalizations on racism just focused on factions of the population such as white nationalists.

ironicly, america deserved trump as it exposed the level of racism that exists as well among minorities who are primarily about self-interest while racist against other minorities. white nationalists are, paraodoxically, the equalizer because it's all the racism combined. oh, you think you don't deserve discrimination because you are hispanic while racist toward asians? nope. oh, you thought you were safer against discrimination because you are asian and think/assume whites like you or because you are more passive? nope. oh, you think you don't deserve racism because you are black, ancestors suffered and have been here longer while you dole out racism toward groups who have done nothing historically wrong to you either? nope. i just pointed it out when the majority of americans paint racists as just kkk members.

sometimes what i say upsets people but it's also because i have a darker and grittier point of view about life because i've been in the trenches of everyday society and can surmise/condense these experiences and observations to an overall generalization. some may agree and some may not.

i have better common sense ideals that the majority of the public doesn't even want to implement. for instance, orchestras listen to musicians behind a screen so that their race, gender, looks, age, or idiosyncrasies will not be a factor in decision based on bias or prejudice.

that should be implemented in the labor market across the board. it is known that resumes with the exact same qualifications will be subject to bias even on first blush because of the names and hint of possible ethnicity or race. that's just how prejudiced or biased society is.

people's names, race and gender should be omitted from view in order to be fair just as the majority of 'interviews' are just another avenue or step to make decisions based on bias and prejudice as well. it' also too subjective to really mean much in the greater scheme.
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i even disagree with how traditionalist asian parents push their kids toward only a ivy league education and certain vocations regardless if they are interested in them. some will even disown you if you don't do what they want. they are all about practicality and that has some understandable roots in fear of lack of security and poverty. but not every person wants to be a doctor, dentist, lawyer, accountant etc. if that's not their passion, no one should be pushing them into it. they don't understand that times have changed and an ivy league degree does not guarantee success or even project income besides there are plenty of good schools besides them. there are plenty of successful people without ivey league degrees who went to public or state universities, for instance. harvard's admission policies are racist as hell but they are not the only school. caltech for instance is based completely on meritocracy. if i was white, i'd be embarassed at harvard's admissions policies because even asians have to score higher than them. they are hypocritical because the so-called explanation is that other attributes (unfortunately, this is too subjective and rife for discrimination itself) about a student are taken into account besides scores but then they force asians to score higher. it should depend on the degree they are pursuing, not just this idea of being well-rounded as people need to focus their energy on their passions and not be artificially well-rounded and doing activities/jumping through hoops just to meet another's standards. that's not actually that reflective of real life after graduation anyways. i was reading about this asian guy who had a 5.0 gpa, tons of extracurricular activities/volunteerism, played 3 or 4 instruments at level 10 and scored 1600 on sat's and still didn't get in. there aren't even that many asians in america to be a threat to take over anyways so how is this not blatantly racist? it doesn't mean that his future is doomed but it does indicate racism and trying to make it more difficult. but the thing about some asians though is they actually enjoy having the deck stacked against them because it is more challenging.

the majority of asians today, especially in western society, does not have the same mindset as those of their parents. they are more open-minded and understanding because they were pushed into careers that were not their primary interest or it just suffocated their passion for what they did want to pursue. alternately, it's also the public that also has to evolve as to their perception. if a group is marginalized or not wanted in general media, it's going to be difficult for them to even get into that profession or make it a success anyways.
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Well, I can spin, regardless of your ethnicity or who you actually voted for, but just by your posts why I said this:
I think it's attitudes like yours is the reason, Trump, was elected.
But that's not the point of this thread.

You're expressing yourself, so meh.
Well, I can spin, regardless of your ethnicity or who you actually voted for, but just by your posts why I said this:

But that's not the point of this thread.

You're expressing yourself, so meh.

actually it's attitudes like yours, some of it unconscious and ingrained. but some others similarly have the same unconscious attitude somewhat. that's why in the other thread you kept mentioning african-american neil tyson. that was simply a statement that historically african-americans have suffered more collectively in america than asians, so therefore racism against asians is not that big a deal.

unfortunately, that attitude engenders easier discrimination and hostility toward asians,. for one, the ill will and hostility because they often outcompete whites and other minority groups can use the excuse that racism against others is okay because their ancestors suffered more (hispanics also often strangely have this type of resentment toward asians too) or assume the asian has had it better or just want to make them suffer or degrade them for ills that are not their fault! that's actually common nasty sentiment of average minds! etc.

why this is assinine is because not everyone suffers today as they did before. not every black person comes from a bad or poor background (neither did neil tyson) and neither does every asian grow up with a sliver spoon in their mouth or easy.

and even if they did or didn't, that is a degenerate excuse to inflict racism against someone else or dismiss it as less important. i'm not prejudiced against those who are better off than me, regardless of race. and especially as respectful, humble, patient and hardworking as asians are generally. asians are astute when it comes to their surroundings and in western countries, they generally try to stay out of other's way or be compromising as much as possible. they are also less obnoxious, loud or self-centered. so the prejudice against asians is mostly just fuking illogical and inexcusable hatred and prejudice. so that does make me angry.
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So, it can assumed that you didn't like that thread being locked, because you still wanted to express yourself?


It would be more fitting for to you try to provoke me in that other thread. But it was locked
I don't think there is a lot of racism directed toward Hispanic women. Most of them are pretty cute. No one is concerned if they didn't go to Harvard. The good looking ones generally aren't annoying either.

I tend to not think of ethnicity of people but Hispanic women are so cute it's hard not to think of them as Hispanic. Is it racism when you have positive thoughts of all Hispanic women? Being Hispanic isn't a race anyway is it?

Are there really any races in the first place? I think the only real discrimination is between good looking people and ugly people. Maybe I'm just too enlightened to see racism?
I think the only real discrimination is between good looking people and ugly people.

so jay park is ugly, a dog eater, needs a steak and a gym membership etc because the people who discriminated against him think so?

since when do people's opinions mean they are right?

that's what i am trying to explain/enlighten. those people assume they are more attractive by default simply because they are not asian and that is the greatest blindspot that is beyond surreal or ridiculous because it's just not true. i honestly can't fathom that level of brainwashing that others cant see their own ugly traits or attributes. this idea that anyone is just automatically more attractive than an asian because at least they are not asian is distorted perception. there are ugly people everywhere that are not asian. even most of them who were denigrating him were gross-looking according to their profile pic.
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so jay park is ugly, a dog eater, needs a steak and a gym membership etc because the people who discriminated against him think so?

since when do people's opinions mean they are right?

that's what i am trying to explain/enlighten. those people assume they are more attractive by default simply because they are not asian and that is the greatest blindspot that is beyond surreal or ridiculous because it's just not true. i honestly can't fathom that level of brainwashing that others cant see their own ugly traits or attributes. this idea that anyone is just automatically more attractive than an asian because at least they are not asian is distorted perception. there are ugly people everywhere that are not asian. even most of them who were denigrating him were gross-looking according to their profile pic.
I was just kidding. I don't see people describing Asian people as "ugly".
I worked with a fellow once who opined: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and most of them stink".

first of all, i just checked neil tyson's bio and he is half hispanic and black so i think it was intentional for bws to pick him as an example of the jist: here is one of the people among the groups you accuse of racism who has made it and he is successful as well as these groups are oppressed more bs so how dare you as an asian complain about racism.

it's always those who are tanner who must be the more oppressed group, right? so you are being a sissy boohoo to complain of racism as an asian type argument is what bws sentiment was all about (typical view as well) when in reality it's the other way around. asians hardly say anything about the racism that's directed at them yet blacks and hispanics collectively speak or complain about racism every two seconds. if an asian does it, the assumption is they don't experience it or less (when they do even moreso because other minorities target them also, more than the other way around).

this is the stupid assumption. no, just because one is brown or tan, doesn't mean they have suffered more, receive more racism or even significantly at all than asians. that one is utter bullshit and especially in american culture. your color has little to nothing to do with whether you are targeted for racism in america, it has to do with your ethnicity as to level of americana mainstream acceptance.

for intance, i remember standing in queue with a group at an amusement park ride including my son. there was an asian couple in front of us and another group in front of them with white, black, but some hispanic of some sort from their speech/accent. a couple of them just randomly started being hostile and making fun of the asian couple and all were joining in the denigration. the couple were just minding their own business and conversing (in english even) quietly and respectfully with eachother (you could also tell they were more professional, educated types). they were clearly northeast asian probably chinese. even though they were being targeted, they didn't say anything back even though they had a right to because they had a right to be there as anyone else did and just ignored it and kept on talking to eachother. first, i realized the only reason they were not targeting me is i was with a larger group and second, what struck me was the type of hostility. there was that all too familiar flavor of again, 'we are more american' and therefore entitled, better etc and how dare you be here in america because you are not wanted as you are 'less' american than us etc. they were louder, ruder and more interruptive. actually, this type of behavior is common in america and is even considered acceptable or 'cool' as disgusting as that is. but i suspect that's not just america as that is just most westernized countries including south america. they are more similar in personality.

um, i'll be flat out honest, you'll be hard-pressed to find asians who act that way toward others or it's rare, especially in a country full of other ethnicities and a melting pot but one can witness people like that very often from other ethnicities and is regular like it's american pizza and hamburgers.
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So, is this just gonna be the racism thread ... Mark II?

I mean, I suppose if all parties have spent some time in the corner thinking about what they've done, and all going to play nice, but:

Shouldn't thread be renamed or split? At the moment, its subject is about protesting a thread locking.
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