I can see them too. Everyone can see them. They are not anything physical. It is just a visual trick of your eye. Read more than the OP to see what it is it seems like you are seeing.I can visualize the same thing that the OP has described. My vision is perfect according to my last eye test. I can visualize it here even looking at the blank white spaces on the computer screen. Viewing the screen at about 3 feet away. If I am sitting too close to the screen is becomes difficult to visualize. Sitting here, relaxing and with zero eye movement what's so ever. It appears to be energy of some sort zipping through the air. It is definitely most noticeable when looking at clear blue sky. Not into the sun. I can only see it when I am concentrating and my eyes are not moving at all. This is different from the jelly you can see moving on your eye if you move your eyes from left to right to left. Two different visualizations.
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