Humanity is an embarrassment.

Look, "embarassment" is an evaluation made by people. Anyone can be embarassed by anything. It all depends on what you're evaluating said thing against.
Take another shot and turn in. Please.

Enmost, I know that you don't want me to explain to you the details of how it is that this world actually works, well that is what you are tempting me to do .. and other people as well.. believe that..:( It is usually a person, that is the source of thoughts and abilities and embarassments but not the world is an embarassment. There is a huge, difference between these things.
Look, "embarassment" is an evaluation made by people. Anyone can be embarassed by anything. It all depends on what you're evaluating said thing against.

What's your point ?
I can be an embarrassment to myself.
You can be an embarrassment to me.
My country can be an embarrassment to me.
Humanity can be an embarrassment to me.

I don't see the problem. Also.. this thread is not about its title.
Enmost, I know that you don't want me to explain to you the details of how it is that this world actually works, well that is what you are tempting me to do .. and other people as well.. believe that..:( It is usually a person, that is the source of thoughts and abilities and embarassments but not the world is an embarassment. There is a huge, difference between these things.

I said humanity.
And since when are you the guardian of truth ?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you suggest that humanity can't be an embarrassment ?
Yes, you are. I did not suggest that at all. Obviously you inferred some kind of point from what I said, when in fact I was musing that the attitude that "Humanity is an embarrassment" is a positive sentiment, because it induces us to become more than what we are, in whatever way that phrase can be meaningful to us.

Dude, you assume a lot from very few words.