Cute. its a typo. People interested in actual debate ignore them. issue.
How do you know what "they" put money into and how do you create money via "accounting mechanics" without creating real money?
Because i pay attention to ecconomics. Also i never said it didn't create real money. I said It created money without being productive. its one of the primary complaints against hedgefund managers. What i am of course refering to is income that is derived from stock price manipulation and the like. there is a whole movement against the financial sector because it adds nothing productive to the economy. its not adding any good or service that benefits the economy. hell the very fact most people in the industry buy index funds and not managed funds you could argue it actually hurts the economy.
I think iceaura did imply that tax rates of 90% were a good thing (maybe I'm wrong?). The U.S. economy was prosperous for a brief period right after WWII.
in the right context. also the top marginal rate was in the 90's til 64. i would hardly call a decade and a half later a brief period. it should be noted that i believe and i'm sure ice believes as well that in addition to raising the top brackets marginal rate to create more brackets.
There was a lot of pent up demand and prosperity due to all the money injected into the economy.
for 16 years?
Once manufacturing jobs went, things changed. Global changes are the reason for the manufacturing changes.
which still doesn't account for the decrease in wages despite the rising productivity for the past 30+ years the correlates almost directly with reagan's slashing of the top marginal rate
Unreasonable union demands in some cases hastened that as well.
unreasonable is subjective. i'd hardly think wanting your real wages to at least be stable is not unreasonable. somehow i think you would.
Except for the very rich (1%) no one has seen a lot of wage increases for a long while. It's been about 1% a year for most people and only about 1.5 for the top 20%. For the 1%, yes. They've done well.
your begining to get the point
It's not fair to associate the top 20% with the "rich".
its not fair to assciociate with the rich something only they can do to any sort of large degree.
That starts with a household income of over $100,000/year. That's not "poor" but for two college educated adults that middle-class.
that is upper middle class at worst.
That is what should be encouraged.
encouraging people who make twice their states minimum wage to think of them selves as middle class is part of the of problem.
52% of adults own stocks, including mutual funds.
If you want to encourage people to work, save, and get ahead in any sense of the word you have to put any excess money you have somewhere. That pretty much leaves stocks/mutual funds and real estate. Anyone with a 401k has mutual funds.
I'm not demonizing stocks and mutual funds. their is a huge difference between mom and pops retirement fund and say a big time day trader playing around in the market. income and wealth concentration is a problem do to something called marginal utility. if you've taken a econ 101 course you'd know about it. the economy is like a water pump it needs a certain amount flowing through it to work properly. wealth concentration hurts the flow. 1 person with a million dollars spends less and less economically efficiently than 10 people with 100 grand a piece.
again 92% of stocks are owned by the top 20%
the top 10% own 81% the top 1% owns 38%
trying to play the taxing stocks as if it hurts everyone equally is just plain dishonest
They should be regressive but they are not (just going by my taxes here in Seattle).I live in a old, small (1,000 sq ft) two bedroom/1 bathroom house. My property taxes are about $5,000/year. My property valuation goes up most years and so do my taxes.
First off if your property valuation goes up your taxes should go, larger pie larger piece. also I'm not sure you understand what regressive tax means. it means it takes up a larger percentage of your income as your income decreases. not that the tax rate its self never goes up.
Of course property taxes as a percentage are lower than income or sales taxes. Who could buy a house if you had to pay those rates on something that you've already purchased, each year?
after some of the stupid shit i've seen people post i'm afraid to give people the benefit of the doubt.
You want affordable housing for everyone other than those who might be able to actually afford a house.
Now thats just assine. I want more than the top quintile to be able to afford a house. thats not the same as wanting what you claimed.
. that explains a lot.
You deal in ignorance and emotion. It's not uncommon for liberal parties, who are well meaning, after a long run in power to get kicked out due to raising taxes without regard for those consequences.
I deal in fact and knowledge. it has been my experience that it is conservative parties who are the ones peddling in ignorance and emotion. they the ones who hate science and promote bigotry. they tend to get kick out because conservatives are good at playing peoples emotions against them not some sort of tax backlash.
Unions are well meaning but they are often destructive as well.
Unions aren't perfect but a shitty union is still better than no union.
Striking and bringing a company to it's knees isn't good for anyone. It's not about "us vs them". You can see what happened.
un true. when worker make gains and can actually you know afford to live a decent life everyone wins in the long run.
I don't disagree with the 1%.
I know that's the problem.