How to distribute wealth equally?

Top ten richest men almost have 50% of the total wealth of middle class people.
This is not balanced.
How to distribute wealth equally?

You do not need billions to survive, do you?
So, why accumulate billions of wealth? Greedy?

Can we make all people to have enough money to survive?


For one thing.......
it is economic suicide to attempt to take the idea of ninety five percent economic equality as being possible. It isn't because about ten to fifteen percent of the population perform about ninety percent of the most valuable work done in every modern economy.

can you provide a link to something showing some content and data ?
like a media web site article maybe ?
your making a claim which appears completely crack-pot bunny-boiler insane
so im wondering where you get this role model from ?

the fake media
propaganda that your selling is that profit margins & paper lies using the word "productivity" in creative internal management documents
steal all the labor of the lower workers and assign all their productivity to a single person who is sitting in an office doing nothing.
that model is sold as cool-aid
your selling cool-aid

if you wish to play the "whos job produces jobs"
or the
"whos job produces profit"
then you need to first completely destroy the economic model of supply & demand consumerism & prove that consumerist economics of sale of products and services is a fake market.
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can you provide a link to something showing some content and data ?
like a media web site article maybe ?
your making a claim which appears completely crack-pot bunny-boiler insane
so im wondering where you get this role model from ?

I'm sure he is referring to the "Pareto Principle". It's not a hard mathematical concept but it tends to apply to a lot of things.

Pareto initially noticed that 20% of his beans produced 80% of his yield. If a business notices that 20% of it's customers produce 80% of it's sales, then it's likely to pay more attention to those 20%.

It wouldn't be unusual for 80% of wealth to be concentrated in 20% of the population just as it wouldn't be surprising to learn that 20% of new businesses started account for 80% of new business wealth. Many people start small restaurants, coffee shops, etc but only a few end up like Starbucks.