Here is what actually happens but don't tell your science teacher. He will fail you...
"A certain species exists. Something in their habitat changes, eg, new preadatorial (is that a word?) species (or old species becomes more efficient), competition for food increases, climate change, etc..." resulting in extinction of the entire species or few surviving lessening and weakening the gene pool.
"A community of a certain species has a gene pool. Those organisms which have genes better suited for the change in habitat will be more likely to survive and are often the ones that will produce the new generations as they are the ones that will survive the change. (my understanding of natural selection)" Yet the stuation will change again. Much needed genetic traits to deal with the new environment had been lost by the weakening of the gene pool by earlier hostile conditions."
"there is no gene for new structures and the like." You are right
Please excuse my spelling too... Thanks
"How/why did monkeys loose their tails as they evolved into humans? Did the 'tail' gene just disappear over the years? maybe i can answer this for myself:" If the tail genes (if it works that way) dissappears, the monkey has less genetic codes and has evoled downward.
"I saw a documentary once on the congo i think it was, and a point was raised about the possibility that the first stage of human evolution happened there. They showed footage of monkeys which were at the barrier of a forrest, just beside a open land, clear, without any obstacles. These monkeys would sometimes venture out of the forests and onto these open lands. And then they showed some remarkable footage of the monkeys stading up onto their hind legs, much like a human, straight backs. they were getting up to see further down the land. Perhaps it was from this community, millenia ago that the first step towards homo sapiens were made." That is the theory Dudlyhed but nothing but conjectue supports it.
"Perhaps in that community, as more monkies moved onto the plain, height became a more important trait than having a tail... and so those with more height and less tail were chosen as mates." The key word here is Perhaps...
I could be completely wrong..
"please don't comment on the story, It might be totally incorrect and innaccurate, that was something i saw years ago and I'm not saying thats just how it was." You got the TV STORY correct. That is what is believed.
"I've seen mutation mentioned more than a few times. What exactly is mean by mutation? Do you mean the deformation of DNA?" YES and that leads to death and desesease. "if that is so, can all evolution be soley the result of this? How common is deformed DNA?" Mutaion's have to do deformations thus work against positive change.
I hope someones got the aswer for me, let alone understands my question... there have been more than a few tangents so far...
This thread should have nothing to do with creation, just the theory of evolution. [/B][/QUOTE] OK Dudly but both sides should be discussed.
"A certain species exists. Something in their habitat changes, eg, new preadatorial (is that a word?) species (or old species becomes more efficient), competition for food increases, climate change, etc..." resulting in extinction of the entire species or few surviving lessening and weakening the gene pool.
"A community of a certain species has a gene pool. Those organisms which have genes better suited for the change in habitat will be more likely to survive and are often the ones that will produce the new generations as they are the ones that will survive the change. (my understanding of natural selection)" Yet the stuation will change again. Much needed genetic traits to deal with the new environment had been lost by the weakening of the gene pool by earlier hostile conditions."
"there is no gene for new structures and the like." You are right
Please excuse my spelling too... Thanks
"How/why did monkeys loose their tails as they evolved into humans? Did the 'tail' gene just disappear over the years? maybe i can answer this for myself:" If the tail genes (if it works that way) dissappears, the monkey has less genetic codes and has evoled downward.
"I saw a documentary once on the congo i think it was, and a point was raised about the possibility that the first stage of human evolution happened there. They showed footage of monkeys which were at the barrier of a forrest, just beside a open land, clear, without any obstacles. These monkeys would sometimes venture out of the forests and onto these open lands. And then they showed some remarkable footage of the monkeys stading up onto their hind legs, much like a human, straight backs. they were getting up to see further down the land. Perhaps it was from this community, millenia ago that the first step towards homo sapiens were made." That is the theory Dudlyhed but nothing but conjectue supports it.
"Perhaps in that community, as more monkies moved onto the plain, height became a more important trait than having a tail... and so those with more height and less tail were chosen as mates." The key word here is Perhaps...
I could be completely wrong..
"please don't comment on the story, It might be totally incorrect and innaccurate, that was something i saw years ago and I'm not saying thats just how it was." You got the TV STORY correct. That is what is believed.
"I've seen mutation mentioned more than a few times. What exactly is mean by mutation? Do you mean the deformation of DNA?" YES and that leads to death and desesease. "if that is so, can all evolution be soley the result of this? How common is deformed DNA?" Mutaion's have to do deformations thus work against positive change.
I hope someones got the aswer for me, let alone understands my question... there have been more than a few tangents so far...
This thread should have nothing to do with creation, just the theory of evolution. [/B][/QUOTE] OK Dudly but both sides should be discussed.