It depends on how you look at heaps. Really, when you look at it, there is no 'heaps' of proof for natural selection. You asked me about what about the animals, blah, blah, blah. Yes, they did, and they do, mutate, adapt-but they do not evolutionize! The small step to man, really didn't happen JR. The proof lies within the fact that chimps don't climb out of trees and turn into humans. So, the question is, why would animals mutate, and adapt, but this is more prevelant in insects, while primates don't? That is the real question. The other question is why did fish come out of the water and turn into lizards? There were no real threats-not like today with the loads of crap in the oceans! Why did lizards go up into trees and turn into birds? I believe the theory of natural selection is really science fiction. And I'm not really sure if you know this JR, but Darwin bawled his eyes out on his death bed. He was a Christian believe it or not-I'm far from it-and he realized what he had done with his theory. Science assumes this occured from fish coming out of the water etc., but why? Is it not possible that birds developed from one set of one-celled organizms, while fish, lizards, etc. from different types? Maybe even mutated types of one-celled organizms? Who knows? This is why I think the way I do. It's why I do draw the line at a certain point. All you have to do JR is open your mind just a little bit instead of trying to make me feel like shit because of your disregard to other people's opinions.