How does evolution actually happen

Hey now look I have been study evolution since I was Five:

"Me: Mommy were did people come from?
Mom: They evolved from monkeys.
Me: evoved that sounds funny!
Mom: Lots of people are going to tell you that for the rest of your life... so you got to kick them in the throat and then while their down you have to rip there tongues out, you hear me?
Me: Yes mommy."

So you see I have 15 years experience in this, that’s one year more then you norad! So I am the authority here, not you!

Norad thinks I'm immature... thats not true: I'm just High :m: :D
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my theory is that intelligent beings from another planet genetically engineered us from primates

Before you get the cart moving, you must hitch up the horse. Seems you need proof that there does exist intelligent aliens. So far that is woeful shy in the evidence department.

I believe the theory of natural selection is really science fiction.

Speculation. I believe aliens are really science fiction.

I'm merely stating things the way I see it instead of the way schools taught you...

People stated their opinons of dragons, gremlins, and things that go bump in the night during the 17th century too. Seen any lately?

For your claimed 14 years of research you have shown nothing but speculation and opinion. One doesn't need 14 years to provide as much evidence as you have given here. Those with active imaginations can do as well on the same day.

I recieved 4 complaints of ill treatment by you. I see that the members here have asked you to supply proof, links, anything beside speculation and opinion. Which you have yet to do. Further, I see that you post such as this in responce to their questioning and asking for backup to the speculations you have made. It seems you don't like someone to disagree with you and consider it ill treatment.

All you have to do JR is open your mind just a little bit instead of trying to make me feel like shit because of your disregard to other people's opinions.

As you disregard others opinions...

you are too stupid to even comprehend what I said in my last string!

No where did I see them calling you the equivalent. When you can not or will not support your assurtions I guess that is all that is left.

Wellcookedfetus. First of all, no one asked for your opinion. Second of all, if you had a brain you would do some research for yourself.

Ah, whether you realise it or not you did just that, by posting in a public forum with your own speculations, indirectly you did ask for their opinions. The requirement of proof is upon you, as you make the claim. Prehaps you would grace us with some of that, (err) research.

Yet another post by yet another person that think they are smart.

Have you looked in the mirror? Once again the only one that seems to be slinging insults is you.

I dare say if they had been as strong in their statements as you, you would be screaming to high heaven. And you call this slander?

Actually wet1, if you had looked someone already crawled down my back on this. Out of the billions of galaxies and billions of stars in each galaxy, I really don't believe we are so 'special.' Furthermore, I really don't believe that we are so 'intelligent.' Would one call a species intelligent for polluting it's own environment? I really don't believe so! Actually, there is written evidence of alien contact. Pyramids in Egypt and the Bible. Of course, both of these could be taken different ways. So, whether or not you believe it wet1, that is my belief, and I'm sticking to it! If Einstein listened to the critizisms of closed minds, then a lot of things wouldn't be where they are today. It's that simple. It's just my opinion, and really, I don't need to hear the opinions of people that only use what is taught in schools and universities. An opinion that is well thought out would be refreshing, but that won't happen on this board.
This is not about beliefs... this is about science, about evidence, hypothesis, proof and theories. If you cannot gather any physical evidence of your ideas then it is nothing more then just a belief and no one can have any assurance that it is true. the rest of your statements is a strawmen fallacy with an Ad Hominem at the end and has no relevance to your main argument what so ever.

Well, put, WFC, but it's more than a belief I have. I do have a theory, but I'm posting it at a different spot on the board since this is about biology, true science, since there is evidence here. Trying to get evidence about my theory is a different matter though, but I will get it, one way or the other. I will find it.
finding evidence for any theory is not so difficult. One only has to exclude the evidence for competing theories.
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I wish it were that easy, but it isn't, trust me, especially since my theory is so out of mainstream science. Well, not really, there is some science and natural selection in my theory, but to prove the other part is a different matter.

Originally posted by norad
Well, put, WFC, but it's more than a belief I have. I do have a theory, but I'm posting it at a different spot on the board since this is about biology, true science, since there is evidence here. Trying to get evidence about my theory is a different matter though, but I will get it, one way or the other. I will find it.

Ok mind a link then?

I don't know if it would be a 'link.' As stated, it's hard to get what I require since there are people who will resist anyone's notions that are different. I'll let you know though.
The Law of Probibilty

The probability of just one specific protein arising by random chance shuffling of an ocean full of amino acids is no better than one in 10 to the power of 520 and thousands are needed along with an encyclopedic amount of DNA. Consider that the total atoms in the universe is estimated to be only 10 to the power of 80 making evolution all impossible.
Chances are you believe the stars that fill the skies are in my eyes

I won't dispute those odds, however, you can't express the probability of something without indicating the number of instances, or in this case, the number of collisions, and the amount of time those collisions take place.

I'm betting. (get it? betting! :D ) the soup didn't spark anything for quite a long time.
The collisions reduce the possibility of evolution further. Ever time collisions occur, any formation the molecules previous had is almost certainly broken. Like when two Toyotas collide, they become less sophisticated cars, not more advanced GM prototypes. Atheists believe in spontaneous generation in spite of those odds. :rolleyes:
You are right. The energy comes from the system; Heat and electricity. It can also come from the release of other bonds breaking.
Then "collisions" add no more likelyhood to evolution and the Law of Probiblity. Restated:
The probability of just one specific protein arising by random chance shuffling of an ocean full of amino acids is no better than one in 10 to the power of 520 and thousands are needed along with an encyclopedic amount of DNA. Consider that the total atoms in the universe is estimated to be only 10 to the power of 80 making evolution all impossible.

Abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution only states how life changes, not how it started… that’s a different subject all together.
How does evolution actually happen?

Most of my fellow creationists would reply to you that it doesn't happen. But what is the 'evolution' of the fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman, if it is not evolution in progress over the course of nine months? The root basic definiention of the word 'evolution' simply means: From a less complex pattern, design of state of being or existence, into a much more complex pattern, design or state of being or existence.
But how, you say, does evolution actually happen? Once again, in the case of the evolving fetus in the womb, starting with the egg and sperm, complex evolution doesn't begin until the proper DNA and RNA 'signal' is encoded into the fertilized egg!
There is in natural in all living things, plant or animal, within their DNA and RNA, a sort of 'time-dilation' code, if you will. In the case of the evolving fetus, this time-dilation code, is quite rapid and the completely evolved fetus takes shape in just nine months.
However, when one is referring to the evolution of one whole order or family into the order or family of a completely different plant or animal,i.e. amphibians into reptiles for instance, the time-dilation code within the DNA and RNA molecules is 'activated' much, much more slowly...over the course of 10's of thousands or even 100's of thousands of years!!! Such changes even then are for the most part very suttle.
The 'time-dilation' genetic code can and is activated by outside environmental stimuli such as in the case of the gypsy moth of England.:p