How Do You Report Encyclopedia Trolls

as the unofficial seriousness evaluator slash porn link editor i rule that lixluke AKA coolskill is out of order for bringing up such a mundane item as someone editing his wiki.
Dear Mr. cool skill,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Science Encyclopedia Unofficial Administration Team at, in response to a complaint received from yourself on Tuesday 13 March 2007.

In the aforementioned complaint you raise the possibility that our biography of you may contain some factual inaccuracies. I am writing to you now and asking you to provide specific details regarding which aspects of our biography of you may be less than 100% accurate. My team and I take great pride in the diligence with which we research our subjects, and are discomforted by the thought that, on this occasion, we may have allowed some factual errors to 'slip through the net'.

A previous communication asking that you contact us has thus far received no response. I hope this letter finds you well and look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours Faithfully,


on behalf of the Sciforums Science Encyclopedia Unofficial Administration Team.
You assholes keep putting flames in my article.
If you would like to create a thorough legitimate article, try interviewing the subject before you start throwing flames and lies. Furthermore, it is up to the subject what is considered legitimate for his article.
You assholes keep putting flames in my article.
If you would like to create a thorough legitimate article, try interviewing the subject before you start throwing flames and lies. Furthermore, it is up to the subject what is considered legitimate for his article.

youve been under my radar so far.
this thread was a baaaaaad idea.
Furthermore, it is up to the subject what is considered legitimate for his article.

No it is not. That is what the userpage is for.

It is unethical for the subject to delete the work of others on the proper page dealing with the subject.

If there is a case of injustice it will be dealt with by other users eventually.

I'm curious why you changed your name.
I'm also curous about who Luke is, and why you lick him.