HMS Daedalus "Nessie-Like Sea Serpent" Sighting (1826) Giant Flying Insect Nymph


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
The incredible details of the sighting which was at such close range is often reported as a "sea serpent". The details say that it swam without flippers in a perfectly straight line without undulations. It was also reported as having a kind of "mane" behind it's head, which is the same as the Nessie sightings of a "sea-horse". I've even put two and two together to speculate that the "lizard-like" creature may in fact be the sea nymph of a giant flying insect, similar to the water nymph of a dragonfly! Amazing and crazy, I know, but just about plausible imv.

Original HMS Daedalus "Sea Serpent" Sighting (1826) Report

Another eye-witness account of something similar is reproduced here Giant-Eels In Pairs Near Panama Canal?

"Greetings Jon,
"I enjoyed your interview on Coast to Coast AM this morning - (3 AM here in Florida). I was particularly interest in your theory regarding giant eels in northern lakes e.g. Loch Ness. Perhaps you could help me identify the creatures that I and many hundreds saw a few years ago?
"I am British and live in Florida. My family and I came to Florida by sea from Australia in 1969. Our ship left Acuapulco and sailed along the west coast towards the Panama canal. It was the first week of July 1969. The sea was calm and we were cruising quite slowly because of congestion in the canal.
"As we cruised along the west coast of Costa Rica and Panama we were about 7 or 8 miles from shore and just a few yards from the flotsam line. It was clearly defined line of sea weed about 30 feet wide with odd bits of wood and the occasional small tree limb,
"We cruised along this path for several hours in bright sunshine between about 10 AM and 2 PM. There were many fish visible and some very large turtles but the significant sighting were huge eels. These creatures were always in pairs and we saw a pair perhaps every 20 minutes or so.
"They averaged about 15 feet long and had a diameter of about 1.5 feet. They were khaki or olive in colour and were identical to the eels for which I used to fish as a boy in my home town of Canterbury Kent, except they were so large. They were lazily swimming very slowly along through the flotsam or just wallowing at the very surface.
"The ship was carrying about 1200 passengers and most were on deck on this idyllic day so the eels were seen by many people. Most were engaged in counting the enormous numbers of sharks which were clearly visible around the ship.
"I wonder if you have any idea what species of eel these were? They could easily have swallowed a child or a small adult. Regards, John Weatherley."

The Daedalus states "It was 15 or 16 inches diameter behind the head.." which fits with the above, "..color was a dark brown with yellowish-white about the throat." which again is very similar to the above.


A sighting of Nessie walking on land correlates with the yellowish-white throat seen by HMS Daedalus:

"The creature was a dark color with the exception of the under part of the neck, which was white. The creature's legs appeared to be very short.." but it moved with great speed which suggests these could also propel it through the water with great rapidity.

Another clue to the insect hypothesis?

A dragonfly nymph breathes through its anus.
A damselfly nymph breathes with gills at the end of its abdomen. The dragonfly nymph's gills, oddly, are inside its rectum. That's right, it breathes with its butt. The dragonfly nymph will pull water into its anus, where gas exchange occurs. When the dragonfly expels the water from its rear, it propels the nymph forward, providing the added benefit of locomotion.
Another clue to the insect hypothesis?

A dragonfly nymph breathes through its anus.
A damselfly nymph breathes with gills at the end of its abdomen. The dragonfly nymph's gills, oddly, are inside its rectum. That's right, it breathes with its butt. The dragonfly nymph will pull water into its anus, where gas exchange occurs. When the dragonfly expels the water from its rear, it propels the nymph forward, providing the added benefit of locomotion.

The downside is an underwear change.
A dragonfly nymph breathes through its anus.
A damselfly nymph breathes with gills at the end of its abdomen. The dragonfly nymph's gills, oddly, are inside its rectum. That's right, it breathes with its butt. The dragonfly nymph will pull water into its anus, where gas exchange occurs. When the dragonfly expels the water from its rear, it propels the nymph forward, providing the added benefit of locomotion.

The downside is an underwear change.
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I've had another thought. What size are these hypothesized giant insect EGGS going to be? Someone would surely have found a rugby-ball sized egg in an air-pocket cave by now, so I'm going to rule this out. The eggs could still be laid small and numerous, with the nymph larvae simply growing and growing until achieving Nessie size before the metamorphosis into a winged being. Is Loch Ness filled with insect nymphs of all sizes. Are they cannibalistic? It seems a likely scenario which could be tested relatively easily.

This idea ties in with the glitter like lights descending onto two trees in the Pennsylvania UFO case. Are firefly size bugs the offspring of mega-giant flying bugs or perhaps some middle-size ones keep close to the mega-giants in a cooperative survival strategy, similar to fish hiding beneath manta rays?

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On reflection, I think Loch Ness's silty bottom is more of a common factor than air-pocket caves. Large eggs could be safely deposited in the silty bottoms of lakes to become giant insect larvae.

N.B. Lake Van is so salty there is virtually no fish able to survive. The original outlet from the basin was blocked by an ancient volcanic eruption. Only one type of fish and several plankton have ever been found in Lake Van. The lake doesn't freeze over in winter which would make it a good survival strategy during an ice age. Alburnus tarichi. Presumably, in May and June the giant nymphs would follow the migrating fish to their breeding grounds.


The only fish known to live in the brackish water of Lake Van is Chalcalburnus tarichi the Pearl Mullet or inci kefalı,[13] a Cyprinid fish related to chub and dace, which is caught during the spring floods. In May and June, these fish migrate from the lake to less alkaline water, spawning either near the mouths of the rivers feeding the lake or in the rivers themselves. After spawning season it returns to the lake.[14]

103 species of phytoplankton have been recorded in the lake including cyanobacteria, flagellates, diatoms, green algae and brown algae. 36 species of zooplankton have also been recorded including Rotatoria, Cladocera and Copepoda in the lake.[15]

In 1991, researchers reported the discovery of 40 m (130 ft) tall microbialites in Lake Van. These are solid towers on the lake bed created by mats of coccoid cyanobacteria (Pleurocapsa group) that create aragonite in combination with calcite precipitating out of the lake water.[16]

The Lake Van region is the home of the rare Van Cat breed of cat, noted for among other things its unusual fascination with water.

Since about 1995 there have been reported sightings of a 'Lake Van monster' about 15 metres (49 ft) in length named Van Gölü Canavarı ("Monster of Lake Van").
Is the Mongolian death worm another kind of Giant Flying Insect Larvae?

There is a clue to the exoskeleton of an insect!!

The worms are purportedly between 2 and 5 feet (0.6 and 1.5 m) long, and thick-bodied.[1]

In his book "On the Trail of Ancient Man" (1926), Roy Chapman Andrews (an American explorer, adventurer and naturalist who became the director of the American Museum of Natural History) cites Mongolian Prime Minister Damdinbazar who in 1922 described the worm allergorhai-horhai:

"It is shaped like a sausage about two feet long, has no head nor leg and it is so poisonous that merely to touch it means instant death. It lives in the most desolate parts of the Gobi Desert…"

In 1932 Andrews published this information again in the book "The New Conquest of Central Asia", adding: "It is reported to live in the most arid, sandy regions of the western Gobi". Andrews didn't believe that the animal was real.

Czech explorer Ivan Mackerle described the animal from second-hand reports as a "sausage-like worm over half a metre (20 inches) long, and thick as a man's arm, resembling the intestine of cattle. Its skin serves as an exoskeleton, molting whenever hurt. Its tail is short, as [if] it were cut off, but not tapered. It is difficult to tell its head from its tail because it has no visible eyes, nostrils or mouth. Its colour is dark red, like blood or salami... "


The lack of eyes and mouth and nostrils fits with another sighting at close range. The Creature of the Dump
The encounter took place on a warm, otherwise ordinary day in the summer of 1999 just outside a small town in Oregon.

One of Paula's hobbies was prowling through old junk yards and dump sites for old vintage bottles and glass. On this particular day, she headed to an old off-road dump site that she had heard about but had never been to before. Paula parked her car on the side of the road and hiked a short distance to the dump.

The dump was typical of several she had been to: Piles of discarded household items and furniture, scattered mounds of rusting old appliances and metal. This recess was quiet and secluded. It was surrounded by trees and had patches of tall skimpy grass and weeds amid the trash. A small stream rested at very bottom of the recess with slow moving water one to two inches deep.


Then Paula noticed something peculiar - something she had never seen at any other dump site.

"As I was staking out the area," she said. "I happened across some tunnel-like holes in the ground. The holes were of a peculiar size, which made me wonder what kind of animal possibly could have dug them."

Paula noticed six or seven of the holes, each about two inches in diameter and partially camouflaged by the sparse growth of the recess. The holes could have been made by any number of burrowing creatures, Paula reasoned. She didn't worry about it.

Experienced in this hunt for junkyard treasures, Paula sifted around here and there for about 30 minutes until she found a spot that looked inviting on the slant of a hill, about three-fourths of the way down to the stream. Dropping to her knees, she took her hand trowel and began to dig. Paula especially valued the old bottles with embossed lettering, but such finds rarely made their appearance quickly or easily. She dug in the dirt for nearly an hour - so long that in this kneeling position her legs were beginning to go to "fall sleep."


Paula decided to take a break from her excavation and stretch her legs. She stood and walked around a bit. "While I was moving about at the bottom of the recess, I thought I saw, from the corner of my eye, a clump of dirt move. It was about the size of my fist."

She turned to look squarely in the direction of the movement, trying to detect it again. But nothing moved. "Nah," she thought, "it was nothing."

Paula was about to return to her dig when she saw it again. About 10 feet away from her, the clump of dirt moved, like it was pushed out of the ground from beneath, and rolled down the hill. Paula began to get a little nervous. Whatever had made those tunnel-like holes was apparently making another one. And she wasn't particularly keen on watching a rat, a snake, or some other potentially dangerous animal come slithering out.

Then she saw it. Something living began to poke itself out of the ground!

Paula's first reaction to seeing this "thing" was saying, "Oh, my God! What are you?"

Paula was familiar with the outdoors and was reasonably sure of what animals she might encounter in a junkyard. But this thing she could not identify. She stepped cautiously closer to it, thinking that the vibration of her digging maight have driven it from its burrow.

She stopped about four to five feet away from the creature. What she could see of it was poking out of the ground about five inches. "At this point, I wasn't sure what end of the animal I was looking at," Paula said. "It was about two inches in diameter, and the end of it was perfectly smooth and round - like a cue ball. It was light-brown in color, very much like the surrounding earth. It had a worm-like shape, but didn't taper down at the end as worms do, and was firmer around looking. It had no distinguishing or familiar features to indicate to me what it was."

Its size made it obvious that this was not a worm - at least not any kind of worm Paula had ever heard of. And she could not see its entire body, only what was poking out of the ground, so who knows what the rest of this thing really looked like.

Paula looked at the creature closely, trying in vain to find anything familiar about it. She could not detect any eyes, mouth, nose or ears. It had no fur, scales or worm-like ripples on its skin. What it did have was patches of peach-like fuzz - very fine and spaced apart like the hair on a young human's arm - covering what looked like soft, dusty skin about the texture of a person's. It was not wet, slimy or tough looking.

By now, Paula was completely perplexed. This was like nothing she had ever seen in person, at a zoo, or on any nature program on television. And if this creature wasn't strange enough, it then gave Paula a remarkable surprise.

"All of a sudden," she said, "while I was examining it, two big beautiful crystal blue eyes popped open! Now I knew what end of the animal I was looking at."

All thoughts of this being some kind of giant worm were immediately dismissed. Worms don't have eyes - not like that! More curious than frightened of this remarkable animal, Paula began to wonder how big the body was and what its arms, legs, and tail looked like - or if it even had any such parts. "The white of the eye surrounding its blue iris was the whitest I'd ever seen - a pure virgin white. The size of the eyes were quite big in proportion to its body size. I wondered if it were a juvenile."

Paula was totally astounded when the eyes opened because while first looking at it she could not tell that it had eyes at all; there were no visible eyelids, eye lashes, bulges, indentations, holes or slits of any kind. The curiosity seemed to be mutual. "My presence didn't seem to bother it because it studied me for only a short period of time. Then it ignored me. It appeared content and relaxed while it exposed itself to the sun. Its slow motion movement and blinking reminded me of a turtle."

Paula felt that the creature was harmless and stepped even closer to it for a better look. She looked for its mouth, nose, and ears, but couldn't find them. She wondered if they were camouflaged in the same way that its eyes had been. She also tried to determine where its head ended and neck began because it had no chin or indentations of any kind to separate the two. The body, neck, and head appeared as one - like a living, flexible tube with eyes.

Paula was startled when the creature began to move, and she instinctively stepped back. The animal slowly began to sway the top of its body back and forth as it stretched itself upward toward the sky, all the while slowly blinking.

"I tried to get it to look at me again by clapping my hands and yelling, but it continued to ignore me." Since it had no discernable ears, Paula wondered if perhaps it couldn't hear sound. So she tried waving her arms and hands about to draw its attention to her. But all it did was stare at the sky, continuing to sway its head back and forth, stretching upward while blinking slowly. It was as if it were hypnotized by the light of the sun.


After about five minutes, the creature decided to retreat into its lair. "I watched it until it finally pulled itself slowly back into its burrow. I looked into the hole after it, but it was so dark that I couldn't see anything."

Paula isn't quite sure what to make of this peculiar encounter, but it haunts her. "I haven't been able to erase it from my mind, and it's driving me crazy! I've asked many people about it and have spent countless hours searching the Internet for answers to any known or unknown animal fitting the description of the animal."

Paula returned to the dump site the following Spring in hopes of getting another glimpse of the mysterious creature. No such luck. Some of the hole openings were there, however. "I am convinced that this animal still exists and lives there. It's possible that it hibernates, so I will go back again in early to mid-summer and try and get another glimpse of it - and possibly capture it on film."

Hopefully, Paula will succeed in capturing the animal on film or video. It could be something well known to science, if unusual. For now, however, the creature of the dump remains unknown.


They are also seen on very hot days!
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The connection with UFO mind-enhancement giving the illusion of telepathic communication!

Giant ghost worm

I was around 8 years old, so this happened in the late 1960s. We had just watched a local fireworks display on the 4th of July, and my 3 brothers and I were running around our backyard with some of the neighborhood kids. It was around 10:30 at night, and a treat for us to be up that late. I had run to the back of our yard and was standing behind a tree. My parents and the neighbors were sitting on our back porch, and they had the porch light on, so it lit a bit of the yard up. Everyone was getting ready to go home, and the neighbor parents were calling their kids to come to the porch so they could go. My father called my brothers and me to come in, too. I started walking across the backyard, when I suddenly stopped. On the ground, coming toward me, was this thing... a black object that was around 4 feet long. It looked like a large worm, and it was traveling over the ground in an undulating motion. It passed right in front of me, and I thought about stamping my foot on it to see if it was solid... it LOOKED solid, but at the same time I could swear I could see through it. After I thought about stamping it, I raised my foot. This thing then seemed to turn its front around; I saw no face or anything else on it, and in my head in a really mean-sounding, nasty voice I heard the words, "If you step on me you'll die." I pulled my foot back and stood with my hair standing on end as I watched this thing move through our yard. I lost it in the neighbor's back yard where it was dark. I was so scared I didn't want to move, but my father called me and started yelling... he wanted to know why I was standing in the yard and not listening. I felt rooted to the spot, but I finally was able to walk through the yard to the porch. My father started yelling at me and asked me why I didn't come to the porch when he called. I didn't tell him what I'd just seen, because my father didn't believe in the supernatural and I would have gotten a good slap. (It wasn't child abuse back in those days.) So I didn't say anything to him, I just went in. I did not sleep well for several nights after that. I never saw anything like this again... to this day I still don't know what it was, but I can still see this thing if I close my eyes and think hard about that night. It was incredibly weird, and scary.

Lessons Learned

I don't know what this was, and I never saw it again. I've looked on line and found several things that sounded a bit like what I saw, but nothing that fit this description, and nothing that spoke in anyone's head. So I am still up in the air as to what it was. I didn't go outside after dark for a long time after this occurred, I was too afraid that this might come back again, and this time kill me! It made me very cautious and afraid of the dark, something I was not able to conquer until I was in my 20's.
The connection with UFO mind-enhancement giving the illusion of telepathic communication!

Giant ghost worm

I was around 8 years old, so this happened in the late 1960s. We had just watched a local fireworks display on the 4th of July, and my 3 brothers and I were running around our backyard with some of the neighborhood kids. It was around 10:30 at night, and a treat for us to be up that late. I had run to the back of our yard and was standing behind a tree. My parents and the neighbors were sitting on our back porch, and they had the porch light on, so it lit a bit of the yard up. Everyone was getting ready to go home, and the neighbor parents were calling their kids to come to the porch so they could go. My father called my brothers and me to come in, too. I started walking across the backyard, when I suddenly stopped. On the ground, coming toward me, was this thing... a black object that was around 4 feet long. It looked like a large worm, and it was traveling over the ground in an undulating motion. It passed right in front of me, and I thought about stamping my foot on it to see if it was solid... it LOOKED solid, but at the same time I could swear I could see through it. After I thought about stamping it, I raised my foot. This thing then seemed to turn its front around; I saw no face or anything else on it, and in my head in a really mean-sounding, nasty voice I heard the words, "If you step on me you'll die." I pulled my foot back and stood with my hair standing on end as I watched this thing move through our yard. I lost it in the neighbor's back yard where it was dark. I was so scared I didn't want to move, but my father called me and started yelling... he wanted to know why I was standing in the yard and not listening. I felt rooted to the spot, but I finally was able to walk through the yard to the porch. My father started yelling at me and asked me why I didn't come to the porch when he called. I didn't tell him what I'd just seen, because my father didn't believe in the supernatural and I would have gotten a good slap. (It wasn't child abuse back in those days.) So I didn't say anything to him, I just went in. I did not sleep well for several nights after that. I never saw anything like this again... to this day I still don't know what it was, but I can still see this thing if I close my eyes and think hard about that night. It was incredibly weird, and scary.

Lessons Learned

I don't know what this was, and I never saw it again. I've looked on line and found several things that sounded a bit like what I saw, but nothing that fit this description, and nothing that spoke in anyone's head. So I am still up in the air as to what it was. I didn't go outside after dark for a long time after this occurred, I was too afraid that this might come back again, and this time kill me! It made me very cautious and afraid of the dark, something I was not able to conquer until I was in my 20's.
Another connection with luminous UFOs!

Another strange, giant worm

I just came across a similar account in a book called Three Men Seeking Monsters by Nick Redfern (Paraview Pocket Books, 2004). The witness was walking around the ancient stone circle at Avebury, in England at about 10:30 p.m. when she saw a glowing sphere of light, which "exploded" in a blinding flash. "When her eyes cleared, however, she was faced with a horrific sight," Redfern writes. "The ball of light had gone, but on the ground in front of her was what she could only describe as a monstrous, writhing worm. The creature, she said, was about five feet long, perhaps eight or nine inches thick and its skin was milk-white. As she slowly rose to her feet, the creature's head turned suddenly in her direction and two bulging eyes opened. When it began to move unsteadily toward her in a caterpillar-like fashion, she emitted a hysterical scream and fled the scene." And who can blame her?
Another smaller species of giant insect larvae? Alien Worms - Your True Tales - July 2009

This happened to me one day at my grandma's home around 2001 or 2002. My little brother and I were messing around in her backyard. When we were looking under rocks, we found many weird worm-like creatures that would inhale loudly, then breathed out without a sound, then looked dead after the long exhale.

Then when we saw another that looked the same, but this time we could see in the mouth was filled with little teeth, and it smelled funny.

Our grandma was out shopping, so we couldn't tell her. We kept it to ourselves. But there were at least four of the "worms". I don't remember every detail, but they were pickish gray and had no eyes that we could see. The one that moved kind of just stayed still and squirmed; it was weird, but they all went away the next morning. There was medium-sized hole near a rock close to her fence. Did they leave?
Eight years old.
Case Closed.
You're too cynical Captain. Taken together, the evidence is overwhelming for a convincing new hypothesis. There's a firm link between lake monsters, giant worms, giant flying insects and luminous UFOs. What a find! The whole life cycle of these entities can now be established.
The connection with UFO mind-enhancement giving the illusion of telepathic communication!

Giant ghost worm
Alpha Waves are possible in other animals as well as humans:

Alpha wave

Alpha waves are electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 8-12 Hz arising from synchronous and coherent (in phase / constructive) electrical activity of large groups of neurons in the human brain.

Helicopter Takes to the Skies With the Power of Human Thought. This is still new territory for research. A detector is therefore possible to ward against giant insect larvae and adults. Good news.
If ground penetrating radar could be adapted to operate underwater, giant insect eggs could be located deep in the silty bottoms of lochs and lakes.


Good penetration is also achieved in dry sandy soils

At least the Mongolian deserts could be tested for underground eggs, assuming that a small enough location could be identified for investigation.


The "Mineseeker Project" seeks to design a system to determine whether landmines are present in areas using ultra wideband synthetic aperture radar units mounted on blimps.

The Mineseeker Airship



The ground breaking new technology that makes aerial radar survey possible is called the Ultra Wide Ban Synthetic Aperture Radar (UWB SAR). The UWB SAR was first developed by the U.K. Ministry of Defense for use in finding AT mines; it was originally intended to find large objects. In the last five years the Defense Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) has taken over serious development. The radar is designed to penetrate foliage and ground to create a high-resolution image of metal and plastic mines. The radar was developed to find smaller targets, making it suitable for survey of mines and cluster bomb units (CBUs). The UWB SAR is currently the world's highest resolution radar of its type.

Advances in underwater ground penetrating radar are also being made:
Under-water scene investigation using ground penetrating radar (GPR) in the search for a sunken jet ski, Northern Ireland
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