Hindu concept of creation -new

maybe it's only me.
lets see what happens .

You are not wrong...the point you are making is understandable due to Greed and ulterior motives...that is how India, Pakistan and Ceylon happened....

Needs some serious strategy....I have a friend in Greece. He wanted to work like Odysseus...the best strategist....Not only I said I can do it, but also found out Odysseus is there too this time. So, we can double up and do the same....

It is funny...but I have talked to Jesus several times...the problem is Western Society thinks, we come in once and go away for good....how sort sighted people are...it is like buy a car and when it is messed up it is gone. They do not think about what Nature can do in 14 Billion years...
You are not wrong...the point you are making is understandable due to Greed and ulterior motives...that is how India, Pakistan and Ceylon happened....

Needs some serious strategy....I have a friend in Greece. He wanted to work like Odysseus...the best strategist....Not only I said I can do it, but also found out Odysseus is there too this time. So, we can double up and do the same....

It is funny...but I have talked to Jesus several times...the problem is Western Society thinks, we come in once and go away for good....how sort sighted people are...it is like buy a car and when it is messed up it is gone. They do not think about what Nature can do in 14 Billion years...
read this : http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/2011/07/time-reversal-of-body-cells-by-scalar.html
how do you meditate ?

I use a Candle, a TM type mantra and a low frequency sound in a music that western technology produces. That is why, I can achieve the same that rishis use for ten times the time.

The idea is to keep the brain calm at very low frequency like Delta Frequency and then Time. As a daily person, I do mostly once in a day...that is a problem. Then I use Oregon Oil to boost Pineal Gland because I am so freaking Old....I should have done it long ago but you know how engineers are...someday....took a long time...

"Delta waves, like all brain waves, are detected by electroencephalography (EEG). Delta waves were originally defined as having a frequency between 1-4 hertz, although more recent classifications put the boundaries at between 0.5 and 2 hertz. They are the slowest, but highest amplitude brainwaves."
Oh, I said the same item...using music to meditate...now we need to find out what Old Indians did and build a better one....

"Scalar waves can also be generated by balancing the RH and LH lobes of your brain, if your pineal gland is still not calcified."

That is what my special Music does....

I think my Pineal Gland did calcify and hence using Oregano Oil to change it....
i am not good in english. what i wrote about help is not about the isolation of one country from another. not against any westerm or eastern these things have only geographic meaning to me.
ways are many to mediate. you should try to do it without any external help.
Something else I learned.....

The last major civilization was ended in about 100,000 years ago due to interstellar war. It had every color of the people (and other humanoids too). The reason they got along so well is not because of culture but the simple understanding is that the Chi, Soul, Spirit, Atman can move from one color to the other and humanoid too.....that is why people got along so well.

Then came the culture that were much higher up as they got direct knowledge from the so called fourth dimension (the Chi side)

and so life goes on...we will get there in about 400-500 years again....as our science gets us there....Thank you.
"The Toba catastrophe theory suggests that a bottleneck of the human population occurred c. 70,000 years ago, proposing that the human population was reduced to perhaps 10,000 individuals when the Toba supervolcano in Indonesia erupted and triggered a major environmental change. The theory is based on geological evidence of sudden climate change and on coalescence evidence of some genes (including mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome and some nuclear genes) and the relatively low level of genetic variation in humans.

On the other hand, in 2000, a Molecular Biology and Evolution paper suggested a transplanting model or a 'long bottleneck' to account for the limited genetic variation, rather than a catastrophic environmental change. This would be consistent with suggestions that in sub-Saharan Africa numbers could have dropped at times as low as 2,000, for perhaps as long as 100,000 years, before numbers began to expand again in the Late Stone Age."

So, perhaps 70,ooo years, rather than 100,000 years.
like day changes into night and night into day
same is the chase of earth, destruction and creation
it is normal process
While it may take two years to find out...what really happened...I have a question to the Indian readers...for speculation as I was reading From Mesopotamia to Iraq book...

Assume, we had space fairing civilization around 100,000 years ago and that is when Ramayana happened. They moved out of Planet Earth. A few remained and life went on till the 70,000 years volcano etc.

Later on as our society portrays, we wrote Ramayana and Mahabharata...variously from Akashic Records....or otherwise connected upstairs through our spirit work.....and hence the books and the organization of religion (Sanatana Dharma)...

So, exactly what happened in time? Any knowledge available that puts dates back in to 100,000 years and 12,300 years (Mahabharata)? That is recorded? Because the identity of astrological sign can point us that way....just thinking....

If not so be it...
Proofs survive billions of years.

Some of those ancient fossils, known as stromatolites, are more than 50 times older than Sue -- 3.45 billion years old, to be exact (http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geology/oldest-fossil-ever-found.htm - source: University of Munster).

The world's oldest and best preserved sperm has been discovered in 17 million-year-old fossils unearthed in far north Queensland. The sperm of an ancient species of freshwater shrimp, which were found inside a rock taken from the Riversleigh World Heritage area, were not only hardy, but huge compared to the animal's body size. (http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sc...ound-in-australian-fossil-20140514-zrbcc.html).

So provide proof of the space-faring civilization which, as you assume, was just 100,000 year old.
While it may take two years to find out...what really happened...I have a question to the Indian readers...for speculation as I was reading From Mesopotamia to Iraq book...

Assume, we had space fairing civilization around 100,000 years ago and that is when Ramayana happened. They moved out of Planet Earth. A few remained and life went on till the 70,000 years volcano etc.

Later on as our society portrays, we wrote Ramayana and Mahabharata...variously from Akashic Records....or otherwise connected upstairs through our spirit work.....and hence the books and the organization of religion (Sanatana Dharma)...

So, exactly what happened in time? Any knowledge available that puts dates back in to 100,000 years and 12,300 years (Mahabharata)? That is recorded? Because the identity of astrological sign can point us that way....just thinking....

If not so be it...
Iraq was part of Indian kingdom as in Mecca we see black stone worship, presence of sculptures of Shiva in Nordic regions is also a proof.
Only India had a developed concept of Trinity and Lord Shiva.
Moreover don't trust what was written about India some hundred years ago by foreign agents.
Iraq was part of Indian kingdom as in Mecca we see black stone worship, presence of sculptures of Shiva in Nordic regions is also a proof.
Only India had a developed concept of Trinity and Lord Shiva.
Moreover don't trust what was written about India some hundred years ago by foreign agents.

Thank you.

I was hoping some new readers to provide valuable items that I could not get from USA. Every time I ask that, old readers jump in...It is one of those issues, I never figured out very well...History is by the victors... and even today the Indians follow the Victors very well....So, when the changes will occur or never happen...that could be an issue. You know Humans...thank you
Thank you.

I was hoping some new readers to provide valuable items that I could not get from USA. Every time I ask that, old readers jump in...It is one of those issues, I never figured out very well...History is by the victors... and even today the Indians follow the Victors very well....So, when the changes will occur or never happen...that could be an issue. You know Humans...thank you
At first I too followed every history , though I always had doubts.
Then I checked the facts and things turned out to be something else. It was not easy for me to accept them.
The real scripts may be found in southern regions of India as they were only never defeated by Mughal invaders.
At first I too followed every history , though I always had doubts.
Then I checked the facts and things turned out to be something else. It was not easy for me to accept them.
The real scripts may be found in southern regions of India as they were only never defeated by Mughal invaders.

I perfectly understand that. While I know the facts through somewhat direct links, what I am looking for is the Astrological signs in those puranas or otherwise books. That can tell us if they picked it up or not. Here is why...

Anyone up to 11th year can connect to the ancestors in India (in fact everywhere). Also we Indians use Dewalli and other times for ancestral offering...so people can connect to the ancestors and get data of the past. With millions of people every year, I am sure some one connected separately and got some interesting data. But because that does not fit in to the present science, they put it but do not promote it.

This is to find out if such situation happened. If it is not...not a big deal. The world is not coming to an end. Most of the time, Indian ideas has been taken and now they are the property of the West. Otherwise Imagine, Columbus was looking for India...I am sure India has science and technology but most ideas went to the west. Same for China - but Chinese picked a lot up saying they had those items before. I was in China and know the technology management.

So, just to find out ...because Rama Civilization was Indians....if people are stealing them (including the Germans) or not...

Again, not a big deal...just to see if India is claiming or not....if not, then when the Rama People come in for a visit say in 400 years, what then? Some thoughts....where Indians will say, we are still imbeciles...and now we know...
I perfectly understand that. While I know the facts through somewhat direct links, what I am looking for is the Astrological signs in those puranas or otherwise books. That can tell us if they picked it up or not. Here is why...
Anyone up to 11th year can connect to the ancestors in India (in fact everywhere). Also we Indians use Dewalli and other times for ancestral offering...so people can connect to the ancestors and get data of the past. With millions of people every year, I am sure some one connected separately and got some interesting data. But because that does not fit in to the present science, they put it but do not promote it.
This is to find out if such situation happened. If it is not...not a big deal. The world is not coming to an end. Most of the time, Indian ideas has been taken and now they are the property of the West. Otherwise Imagine, Columbus was looking for India...I am sure India has science and technology but most ideas went to the west. Same for China - but Chinese picked a lot up saying they had those items before. I was in China and know the technology management.
So, just to find out ...because Rama Civilization was Indians....if people are stealing them (including the Germans) or not...
Again, not a big deal...just to see if India is claiming or not....if not, then when the Rama People come in for a visit say in 400 years, what then? Some thoughts....where Indians will say, we are still imbeciles...and now we know...

I don't think by calling ourselves only real Indians we too would want to become ' God's Chosen people '. When i use the word Indians i mean it geographically but i don't use it politically.
moreover Rama didn't have any chosen people as Rama is everywhere in everything.

Astrology has become real misleading, each website pours it's own stuff some authors have even implied that sidereal astrology never existed in India while it is fact that sidereal( Sayanna) as well tropical(Nirynna) both existed. Indian astrology consist of many charts therefore i difficult o grasp initially.
The science of Newton is responsible that people still have not immersed themselves fully into quantum science.
Their are lots of good people as well bad ones every where, it is just because fear of the unknown people behave afraid, so tend to 'become' 'bad'.
Indians had technology especially scientific understanding of space and time, fibbonaci series was already developed in the form of SRI YANTRA, the claculus was also practiced before Newton and many other things.
One thing should be instilled in mind that India had many different races at different times so skin color made no difference.
I don't think by calling ourselves only real Indians we too would want to become ' God's Chosen people '. When i use the word Indians i mean it geographically but i don't use it politically.
moreover Rama didn't have any chosen people as Rama is everywhere in everything.

I said it differently elsewhere. As to Rama civilization, I was there too as the chief engineer in a Star Trek type space ship...So, whatever you say, it is what it is...

Astrology has become real misleading, each website pours it's own stuff some authors have even implied that sidereal astrology never existed in India while it is fact that sidereal( Sayanna) as well tropical(Nirynna) both existed. Indian astrology consist of many charts therefore i difficult o grasp initially.

If that is the case...my idea went down the tubes...thanks...

The science of Newton is responsible that people still have not immersed themselves fully into quantum science.
Their are lots of good people as well bad ones every where, it is just because fear of the unknown people behave afraid, so tend to 'become' 'bad'.

So, we are stuck in the Matters now...

Indians had technology especially scientific understanding of space and time, fibbonaci series was already developed in the form of SRI YANTRA, the claculus was also practiced before Newton and many other things.

May be it is time for Indians to use those. The catch is, I do not think in later case such as after 70,000 years, Indians has any direct knowledge of the Technology, even then, what ever was there, was not pushed around...so, it is neither here nor there...but Chinese are using the same process too...

One thing should be instilled in mind that India had many different races at different times so skin color made no difference.

I know - I have friends then (Rama Civilization) where Black was a doctor, Chinese as a systems engineer, Blonde white as my spouse, Indian as me.....that is because the spirits can move from one color to the other as needed in the Karma System. Later on I became a Viking and also German origin....So, it was never an issue...but later on Hinduism created a mess...I Think...

Thank you for the reply....The reason I post this is because, if we ALL can connect to our individual spirit/soul....a lot of issues will go away and there will be much knowledge to progress and reduce the Inequality in the society....To start with use TM as the basis and improve your Pineal gland (I think) when you are older....Good Luck....
I said it differently elsewhere. As to Rama civilization, I was there too as the chief engineer in a Star Trek type space ship...So, whatever you say, it is what it is...

If that is the case...my idea went down the tubes...thanks...

So, we are stuck in the Matters now...

May be it is time for Indians to use those. The catch is, I do not think in later case such as after 70,000 years, Indians has any direct knowledge of the Technology, even then, what ever was there, was not pushed around...so, it is neither here nor there...but Chinese are using the same process too...

I know - I have friends then (Rama Civilization) where Black was a doctor, Chinese as a systems engineer, Blonde white as my spouse, Indian as me.....that is because the spirits can move from one color to the other as needed in the Karma System. Later on I became a Viking and also German origin....So, it was never an issue...but later on Hinduism created a mess...I Think...

Thank you for the reply....The reason I post this is because, if we ALL can connect to our individual spirit/soul....a lot of issues will go away and there will be much knowledge to progress and reduce the Inequality in the society....To start with use TM as the basis and improve your Pineal gland (I think) when you are older....Good Luck....
Remember I didn't say it rudely but my english is terrible, so hope you understand.